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Displaying 517–528 of 779

IGWR In Giving We Receive Inc.

To promote, support and maintain educational opportunities and initiatives for children and adults that do not have access to such opportunities and initiatives - predominantly in (but not limited to) Nepal, Indonesia, Africa and Australia To create sponsor partnerships to underwrite individual educational expenses. To support low income schools in developing countries and/or disadvantaged community in order to enhance the educational opportunities that the school can provide and maintain. To provide and/or support the social welfare of families in order to facilitate educational opportunities for family groups. To promote the association's initiative as based on the concept: It is in Giving that We Receive

Associacao UmRio OneRio

UmRio works to end intergenerational poverty in Morro do Castro, and support other vulnerable communities around the world do the same UmRio is an evidence-based development programme that supports children and youth at every stage of their learning, from the cradle to graduation. Through a 5-pillar development model centred around rugby, education, job-readiness, healthcare and social support, UmRio provides children, young people and their families with the conditions they need to take charge of their futures, rather than have them defined by the circumstance they were born into.


soutenir, accompagner, participer, et developper des projets de developpement a l'etranger portes par des acteurs locaux, ces projets d'aide seront prioritairement orientes vers les enfants et adolescents en grande precarite et difficulte sociale ; privilegier des actions s'inscrivant dans une logique de perennite des projets soutenus et d'autonomisation des acteurs locaux afin de permettre aux structures locales de prendre en charge durablement leur propre developpement.

Sott' e' ncoppa

Sott'e'ncoppa is a voluntary association which manages, together with other four non-profit organizations, a real estate asset confiscated from criminal organizations, that is the Masseria Antonio Esposito Ferraioli. So, the Masseria is committed to bring back to citizens a real estate asset confiscated from criminal organizations, with the aim of creating a community network of families who raise sustainable, healthy, organic vegetables and fruits in social gardens, and of raising awareness of issues such as organized crime, sustainable economy and discrimination (epecially gender-based discriminations).

Hacker School gGmbH

We believe the schools of today need extra support when it comes to Information Technology. As a non-profit organisation our goal is to introduce young people to this exciting world of IT and programming. Our commitment is to ensure that young people - regardless of origin, gender or social environment - have had the experience of programming at least once themselves. Our aim is for these young participants to introduce other young people to IT and get them excited about programming. The youth of today should be able to actively shape their digital future.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

Paris Basket 18 Eme

Paris Basket 18 aims to promote the integration of young girls from underprivileged neighborhoods through sport. Two types of projects are carried out by the club: - actions around the leisure practice of basketball and sports in general. - actions around a competitive basketball practice The aim is to create an original way of social integration of children and adolescent girls from underprivileged backgrounds, to promote the practice of femininity in order to fight against the cultural sexism that girls face in their daily lives, the appropriation by adolescent girls of a cultural object very marked by the practice of males goes in the direction of a redefinition of the social roles attributed to boys and girls. Le sport est donc l'outil grace auquel nous mobilisons les jeunes filles. En complement de cela, nous leur proposons un accompagnement plus global afin de developper leurs competences qu'elles soient scolaires ou sociales. Nous mettons en place de nombreuses activites afin de permettre a chaque jeune d'etre epanouie et a meme de faire face aux difficultes qu'elles vont affronter en etant le plus confiantes possibles. Un ensemble d'actions autour de l'accompagnement a la scolarite est mis en place: - de l'aide aux devoirs - une mediation entre les familles et les etablissements scolaires - un suivi psychologique des jeunes et/ou de leurs familles - des ateliers de paroles encadres par notre psychologue Les intervenants sont formes et suivis tout au long de l'annee par notre psychologue afin d'intervenir de facon la plus juste possible aupres des jeunes.

Develop Armenia Socio- Educational NGO

Organization's Programs and Mission Organization's Programs: The program is called "Caps for help". As Develop Armenia our formula is very simple bottle caps for wheelchairs or supporting devices. This program support three intertwined programs. First Educational: Bottle caps are collected from different educational institutions and companies. At this stage, we stress the danger of plastic in our environment, and the importance of sustainable development. This is through different sessions where we talk about the danger of those plastics, the time it takes for their disintegration, and most importantly that plastic is not waste. Second Environmental: Those plastics are recycled in a recycling company. We also organize field trips for the students to show them the recycling process. Thirds Social. With revenue, we help disabled people from different gender, age groups, religions, and regions. We provide them will wheelchairs and supporting devices to help them improve their lifestyle and become independent. Mission: The promotion of sustainable development, the integration of social and environmental consciousness into education, and the enhancement of the Armenian culture are just a few of the actions we believe will improve our society. Within the framework of the above objectives, we are developing actions such as events, campaigns, and partnerships with international and local partners for the implementation of strategic programs. Adhering to the principles of sustainable development, Develop Armenia encourages the sustainability and conservation of the natural environment and enhances awareness campaigns to preserve nature. We are working on implementing socio-economic projects in the different rural areas in Armenia within the framework of job creation, self-sustainability, and development. This will help to reduce urban migration. - To provide public opportunities through socio-sustainable projects. - To educate our youth through projects and educational sessions by professionals. - To value and mobilize the youth to participate in environmentally increased sustainable livelihoods. - To conduct research and studies concerning issues socially and economically.

Federacja Polskich Bankow Zywnosci

The Federation of Polish Food Banks is a public benefit organization whose mission since its establishment 20 years ago has been to prevent food waste and malnutrition in Poland. 31 Food Banks, which operate throughout the country form the Federation of Polish Food Banks. They are all NGOs with the status of an Association. Together, they form an Association with status of public benefit organization. The Federation is a community voluntarily created by various, autonomous Food Banks. Their common values and activities are supported and represented by a democratically elected Board. Food Banks associated in the Federation specialize in obtaining, transporting and distributing food products. Thanks to their large-scale daily operations, they obtain 50,000 tons of food annually, which is then distributed among over 1,600,000 most needy people through 3,500 aid organizations and social institutions. The food is obtained, among others, from producers, farmers, retail chains and as part of food collection campaigns. The organization also actively works to prevent food waste and promote healthy eating through educational activities addressed to various social groups, including social campaigns and workshops. Food wastage has many aspects. It can be considered as a social, ecological and economic problem. From a social perspective, a basic question is that many people do not have access to good quality food that would satisfy their health-related needs. Paradoxically, many people cannot afford to buy food while at the same time tons of whole food are discarded. However, food wastage has above all an adverse effect on the environment. Food production, processing and delivery to shops and homes of consumers entails water, energy and fuel consumption. Discarded food means wasted hectoliters of water and wasted energy used for its production, transport, storage and preparation. Food is wasted at every single stage of its production and distribution with consumers being responsible for over 50% of food wastage. Minimizing the scale of food waste requires actions to be taken to alert people about reasons and consequences of throwing food away. Apart of main activity concentrated on collection and distribution of food, educational projects, research project and initiatives aimed at creation of national law supporting reducing of wasted food belong to our strategic goals. The above additional but also crucial goals are described in document presenting information about three main categories of our activity. Federation of Polish Food Banks realizes its mission through: - Searching for sources of surplus of food, - Acquiring food, including products with a short shelf life, - so-called non - commercial products, incorrectly packaged, whose nutritional value is beyond doubt - Storage of received products and their rational distribution to organizations, not individuals - Promoting attitudes that counteract the utilization of food or food waste - Large-scale initiatives having impact on modifications of national law aimed at reduction of food waste (National Act against waste of food, which came into force on 1th March 2020)

Girl Determined

Girl Determined is a leadership project designed to assist girls ages 12-17 to avoid the pitfalls of trafficking, dangerous labor and other forms of violence, by facilitating girls' recognition of their personal and group potential. Because of our belief in girls as potential change-agents in their households, communities and nations, our program aims to increase girls' ability to make strategic life-decisions, generate choices and exercise bargaining power. This real empowerment creates opportunities for girls to better cope with their difficulties, envision alternatives and take leadership into their own hands. The underlying premise of Girl Determined work is that educating, connecting, supporting and fostering the development of personal and group voice amongst marginalized adolescent girls will derail cycles of abuse, poverty and neglect. Not only is adolescence a period when girls are gaining abstract thinking skills and sexual awareness, it is a time when they are all too quickly being pressured to take on adult responsibility and this is particularly for girls, resulting in lost growth and development opportunities. The rights of girls in Burma is often regarded as being equal to that of boys and girls rights, in general, is not thought of as a serious issue in the country, despite the fact that the sexual exploitation and the trafficking of young girls to China for forced marriage, for example, continues to increase, or that the so-called "un-wrapping" of girls (selling young, virgin girls into prostitution) continues to take place on the outskirts of Burma's most prosperous cities-Rangoon and Mandalay. This apathy, social acceptance and tolerance of rights violations against girls smacks of an underlying gender discrimination: a discrimination which forces more girls to drop out of school so their male siblings can continue; compels girls to engage in child labour, to support their families income or, more accurately, the short, often paltry economic interests of their parents/household at the expense of the best interest of the child. Girl Determined's work empowers girls to achieve that which is in their own best interest while working structurally to establish mechanisms for greater awareness of the specific needs of adolescent girls, their protection and increasing their life-opportunities. Girl Determined employs a three-pronged strategic approach: 1. Individual transformation - Adolescent girls will go through some form of personal transformation lending to a change in a girl's understanding of personal power and rights. Shifts will include reduction of shame and fear regarding violence, ability to identify and express situations of discrimination, value of self and education, motivation and skill to actively make decisions about ones future. 2. Network mobilization - Girls will develop a sense of connectedness with girls from across the country through their shared experiences and complex differences. By bringing girls together across space, through 'by-girls, for-girls' media projects, Girls' Forum and our Girls Advisory Board, girls will mobilize as defenders and actors. This wide network also creates a structure through which other programs could potentially be realized. 3. Research and Advocacy - Evidence-based research will assist Girl Determined in bringing increased attention to the plight and power of the girl child in Burma. We will focus research and related advocacy domestically, pushing governmental and non-governmental agencies to recognize the specific needs of girls in their programming.

World Villages for Children UK

Our mission is to save children from poverty. We support the programmes of the Sisters of Mary who have established schools - the majority of which are boarding schools - for the poorest children from all faiths worldwide. They provide them with access to food, healthcare and shelter as well as quality accredited education and vocational training tailored to the skill needs of the local economy. With the chance of an education these children can realise their full potential, secure employment and transform their lives - permanently. When we educate one child we help whole families and our impact reaches far beyond each of our 20,000 students currently enrolled. Our work lifts entire communities out of their lives of suffering and despair. We give these children and their families hope for a long lasting and brighter future. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, more than 150,000 children have already graduated from these programmes and thousands more lives have been changed for the better.

One To Many

One To Many is publicly operating as Teach For Pakistan I. History and Future: Teach For Pakistan was founded in 2010, based on the global model of Teach For All and with support from our incubating partner, The Aman Foundation. The organization was incorporated in 2011 with the name "Teach For Pakistan" and operated as part of the Aman group of companies until 2016. All historical financial and operational materials shared in this application are from this last phase in Teach For Pakistan's journey. Teach For Pakistan has started its next chapter as a new organization with an independent board and diverse funding base. This new entity is legally registered as "One To Many", a non-profit company incorporated in May 2017. We operate publicly under the name "Teach For Pakistan" by virtue of our agreement with Teach For All, the global organization that owns the trademark. Teach For Pakistan is now headed by Khadija Shahper Bakhtiar, who originally co-founded the program in partnership with Aman in 2010, and led the work as CEO and Advisory Board member until 2015. We carry with us six years of learning in program and organizational development, and the commitment of over a hundred Alumni and former staff. II. Mission and Vision: Teach For Pakistan leverages our country's most promising young talent to create a multiplier effect on the education system. We recruit and train top graduates and young professionals from all fields for a two-year Fellowship, and place them to teach in struggling schools in low-income communities. During their two year commitment, Fellows work with their students, school staff and parents to transform learning and life-outcomes for children. After the Fellowship, our Alumni use their experiences to tackle Pakistan's most pressing problems in education, fostering action to change policy and curriculum, mobilizing resources, turning around schools, and spurring social innovation. Collectively, this movement aims to reform the system so that every child in Pakistan has the opportunity to participate in an education that nurtures them to become loving, thinking and engaged citizens.