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Women and Children Welfare and Development Organization

Vision: Ethiopia, where every child, youth, and woman SRHR, MNHC, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice fully realized Mission Statement To take the lead in advancing sexual reproductive health, maternal and newborn health care, human rights, gender equality, and justice by leaving no one behind, we are dedicated to ensuring this through: a. Elevating the voice and expertise of young people. b. Building a strong values-driven community. c. Trans-national synergy in our advocacy. d. Trans-National movement building. e. Fully youth-led program setting and Implementation. Purpose: To achieve SRHR, Maternal and Newborn Health Care, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice for Youth by Youth in Ethiopia Core Values: Accountability, Transparency, Stewardship, Equity, Equality, Integrity, Leadership, and Humanity Principle: 1. We courageously challenge social norms. 2. We are committed to the power of youth-led advocacy, accountability, and full agency for all young people. 3. We care about centring the perspective of marginalized and oppressed individuals and Groups and dismantling stigma, discrimination, and hatred. 4. We strive to continuously evaluate, learn, and evolve. 5. We believe in decolonized models of work, equitable collaboration, and participatory decision-making whilst ensuring transparency and accountability. 6. We are compassionate and progressive human rights defenders who are unashamedly prochoice, feminist, and pro LGBTIQ. Strategic Approach: Build and Foster Partnership, Network, Membership, and Volunteerism

The Nasio Trust

The Nasio Trust's mission is to break the cycle of poverty and empower communities in western Kenya to become self-sufficient through education, improved health, and food production. The charity sponsors the education, nutrition, and healthcare of 320 orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in an HIV-prone zone of Kakamega County. It also meets the economic needs of the community by running a sustainable agriculture programme training 600 farmers and improving healthcare outcomes by running a Peer Education Programme on Sexual and Reproductive Health. The Nasio Trust aims to keep OVCs within the community and empowers guardians to earn an income. It also runs a medical centre, treating over 19,000 patients in 2022. The charity's ethos ensures that stakeholders are integral to its decision-making. It works closely with schools, local government, health workers, and religious leaders. The mission started in October 2000, when the late Irene Mudenyo found an abandoned baby in a sugarcane plantation on her farm in a small village in western Kenya. Irene's attempts to find the child's parents or relatives proved futile and during the course of her search the extent to which AIDS and HIV related illness had devastated family life in the local community became apparent. Despite being elderly and a grandmother herself, Irene decided to care for the child naming him Moses. These experiences lead to the formation in 2003 of The Nasio Trust by Irene's daughters. From humble beginnings in a roadside kiosk providing one meal a day to fifteen local children, The Nasio Trust has come a long way.

Lotus Flower Community School

To transform and heal the lives of people through education, health, clean water, empowerment, religious, disability, refugee's relief, children and food security and disaster relief. Thereby continue having a healthier society free of illiteracy, Inhuman rights, drugs, poverty, hunger and HIV and AIDS by providing free, relevant, inclusive education and empowerment to a girl child, orphans, streetkids, women, disabled and other needful services to inopportune people.

Sufaraa Mirembe Charity Organisation Limited

Support the marginalised communities in Africa to over come the draw backs in health, education and socioeconomic status they are suffering from, through a community-based and human-centred approach. Depending mainly on income-generating projects from local resources, community members will be capable in the future to solve their own problems. That ensures the sustainability of development. We also raise Awareness about volunteering and create a sense of social responsibility throughout volunteering programs

Dels Foundation

To invest in girls education through mentoring ,counselling ans skill development To bridge the inequality gap between a deprived child and an opportune child promote gender balance, build good self-concept among slum children/youths of the community, and to hasten the rate at which the needs of the youths is advocated enable them impact their communities Advocate for comprehensive sexuality education/ reproductive health and rights Charity for the aged and deprived children.

Foundation for Development and Relief Africa

Foundation for Development and Relief Africa (FIDRA) is a registered local NGO with Charity Number 5914/9101. FIDRA is a partnership of people, churches and local organizations committed to ending poverty and strengthening health service delivery in Africa. FIDRA's mission is to ignite the ability of girls, youth and young women to create and access opportunities that improve their lives. We ignite the ability of young people to create a society where girls, youth and young women are informed and empowered

International Education & Welfare Society

Every orphan child having access to education, health care and protection. To grow into a role model and catalyst for charities involved in children welfare on national and international levels. To play a vital role in the global development by nurturing orphan children into creative, peaceful, peace loving and conscientious members of the society. Intellectual, moral and physical development of orphan children with respect to all religions, ethnic groups, color and race to eradicate gender discrimination and bring harmony in the society.


Our mission is to provide safe drinking water and hygienic sanitation to rural communities in Africa. By working in partnership with local organisations and communities, we empower people out of poverty; independently and sustainably. By having a strong working relationship with the communities in which we work, we listen to their requirements, provide them with tools, and engage them in the ongoing process. We ensure sustainability by running programmes alongside our projects, such as a Water Management Committee and a health education programme.

Donation & Transplantation Institute

DTI's mission is to save millions of lives by advancing organ donations and transplantation training. ------ OUR COMMITMENT 1. Raise organ donations around the world 2. Improve society's quality of life 3. Support regenerative medicine ----- AT DTI, we advise and support public and private international entities of the health sector in the creation, development and strengthening of networks, programs, services and / or research in donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and human cells, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the people.

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC)

Mission Our Mission is to collaborate and work to improve the quality of life of patients with advanced life-threatening conditions and their families, by advancing hospice and palliative care programs, education, research, and favorable policies around the world. We achieve this by: facilitating and providing palliative care education and training opportunities for care providers acting as an information resource for professionals, health care providers and policy makers developing collaborative strategies for hospice and palliative care providers, organizations, institutions and individuals

Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia)

The mission of the Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia) is to open up educational opportunities for marginalized and vulnerable Bolivian youth of scarce economic resources so that they may complete a programme of studies to become technicians or university graduates. Education is the focus of the Fundacion Helping Hands -La Paz (Bolivia), and we hope to broaden the horizons of our young people by providing new experiences and activities. Helping Hands works with several orphanages, social projects and international organizations to give these young people the opportunity to educate themselves and become more productive and responsible citizens. In particular we work with girls who, traditionally, have been marginalized as far as upper education is concerned. Our project began in an informal way in 2004 to give support to the 48 boys who had to leave the state boys' home at the age of 18 and they had not yet finished high school. We provided rent support, school materials, moral support and help with documentation so that the boys could finish high school. The project grew to include studies in technical schools and universities when the boys had finished high school and in 2006 we expanded to include girls from the many social projects in La Paz and El Alto. In 2014 our project was formalized with the creation of the Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia) and we now support 100 students from the ages of 15 to 25 of which 65% were girls in 2017. The Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia) also provides medical and dental care for the students to insure their permanency in their programmes of study. There is no universal health care in Bolivia, and the costs of health care can be devastating for those lacking economic resources. Students are required to attend monthly meetings where we provide talks on many themes of interest to young people in order to provide a more integral personal development. We invite speakers in the areas of education in reproductive health, the environment, values, general health, living without violence, and written expression. We organize outings to museums and other cultural activities. We feel that in order for an underdeveloped country to progress it must provide education for all of its citizens. Education is one of the keys to eradicating poverty.

The Fregenet Foundation

To provide early educational opportunities to needy children and to create conditions that will help them succeed in life. To promote early education as a means to overcome poverty, reduce AIDS, gender inequality and political oppression. To setup schools to be used not only as centers of education, but as community resources and health centers for the benefit of students, their families and the community in which they are located. To establish bonds between our students in Ethiopia and children all over the world by sponsoring music, travel, language and cultural education programs.