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Luton All Women Centre

Our mission is to empower vulnerable women/girls from Luton and Bedfordshire to lead lives that are safer, healthier and fairer, while also taking action to challenge wider societal concerns around gendered violence, mental health and inequality. We want to see Luton and Bedfordshire become a place where: - Violence/ abuse against women and girls is prevented wherever possible (e.g. through early intervention and community-based educational work) - All women/ girls affected by trauma are effectively supported to recover from the impacts of such experiences (particularly around their mental health and socio-economic circumstances), avoid repeat victimisation and successfully move forward with their lives. - Our community feels protected now and in the future (e.g. through easily accessible services for women plus the 'butterfly effect' impacts on others like their dependents) - People and organisations work together to create a wider understanding and better response to violence against women/ girls and mental health across our region. We now work intensively with over 1000 women/ girls per year, the vast majority of which have experiences of domestic violence/abuse and/or similar trauma (e.g. harmful practices, historic child sexual abuse or sexual exploitation). All are dealing with severe impacts of trauma, particularly around their mental health, safety, confidence, family and personal relationships, and future prospects. At Luton All Women's Centre, they can find the solace, strength and opportunity they need to make positive change in their lives. Our main objective, therefore, is to deliver a wide range of specialist services which tackle these issues and their consequences at the earliest opportunity (including prevention work). This includes providing: a domestic abuse/ trauma response service (1-1 and group support); professional counselling (supported by volunteers); a range of health and wellbeing services; a harmful practices service; 'The Women's Academy' (our employability project); access to practical advice, resources, advocacy and legal surgeries; plus several peer groups which support recovery and reduce isolation. This work usually takes place within our women-only centre. However, after making necessary adaptations during the pandemic, we now provide a blend of remote and in-person services, in line with our clients' preferences. Typically, our clients access several areas of support over around 18 months, at which point they are usually able to make lasting positive changes such a building a stable family life and progressing with other goals around their future such as pursuing education or employment aspirations. Over the last five years, LAWC has significantly advanced its scope beyond direct beneficiary support to increase our societal impact. Locally, we are taking a leading role in tackling gender inequality; introducing innovative solutions around trauma, DVA, mental health, poverty and other key issues affecting women/girls; and are working hard to improve early intervention/ prevention approaches in and around Luton. Examples of how we do this include providing educational/training activities for our clients, young people, key professionals and local employers; working with partners on local policy/campaigns; and spearheading a trauma-informed approach within the local mental health framework.

Global NEEED Burkina

To help local vulnerable populations by raising funds with the support of partners for the realization of sustainable projects in the domain of Education, Health, Professional training, Access to clean water and Environment.

WIZO USA (Women's International Zionist Organization)

WIZO, founded in 1920, is an international organization of volunteers working to improve the lives of women, children, and the elderly living in Israel. WIZO's members work to support over 800 WIZO programs in Israel, including child care centers, schools, shelters for battered women and girls in distress, and services for the elderly. WIZO USA, established in 1982, is a membership organization whose primary focus is supporting its WIZO projects in Israel. WIZO USA aims to strengthen the bond between Israel and American Jewry by promoting Jewish identity and education. Since 1959, WIZO is recognized by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization with consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Fundacion Hernan Echavarria Olozaga

Mission: Support and encourage social development projects in collaboration with other national and international entities, intended to improve the quality of life and well-being of Colombian people. Vision: To lead the promotion and fostering of social development programs and projects with a high impact on low income Colombian population.

Bee Informed Partnership

The Bee Informed Partnership is a collaboration of efforts across the country from some of the leading research labs and universities in agriculture and science to better understand honey bee declines in the United States. Supported initially by the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture but now a not-for-profit, we’re working with beekeepers to better understand how we can keep healthier bees.

Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian's mission is "the increase and diffusion of knowledge." It was established in 1846 with funds bequeathed to the United States by James Smithson. The Institution is as an independent trust instrumentality of the United States and holds more than 137 million artifacts and specimens in its collections. It is a center for scientific research and scholarship in the arts, history, and culture.

Associacao Redes de Desenvolvimento da Mare

To ensure the effectiveness of rights for the population of the 16 favelas of Mare.

Vaga Lume Association

Vaga Lume Association is a Brazilian non-profit organization founded in 2001 grounded in the belief that investing in people is the best way to transform a reality. Its mission is to create opportunities for cultural exchange by reading, writing and orality, valuing the empowerment of people and rural communities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon region. Vaga Lume works in 160 rural communities (indigenous, riverside, roadside, rural settlement people or quilombolas - Brazilian with African descent) of 23 municipalities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region, which encompasses nine federal states (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins), occupies 59% of the Brazilian territory and has 20 million people (12% of the Brazilian population). Despite the fact that education and culture are basic social rights, protected by the Brazilian Constitution and under human rights international treaties ratified by Brazil, its access and implementation in the Amazon region are very limited. It is one of the poverty zones in Brazil - with a GDP per capita 30% lower than the national value - where 42% of the population survives with less than US$ 5.00 a day. Due to the outstanding impact of Vaga Lume's work in the region, the organization is recognized by many international and national awards such as the Juscelino Kubitschek Award of Merit for Regional Development in Latin America and the Caribbean given by the Inter-American Development Bank (2009); the Millennium Development Goals Award, conferred by the United Nations and the Brazilian government (2005); the Vivaleitura Award, from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education (2008); and the Chico Mendes Environment Award, given by the Ministry of Environment (2006 and 2008). In 2011, Vaga Lume received its most important recognition: the 4th place at the Intercultural Innovation Award, conferred by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group. As an awardee, in 2012, Vaga Lume was welcomed to the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI), a network formed by the UNAOC, the BMW Group and the ten 2011 winners. Through this network, the UNAOC and the BMW Group challenged all winners to replicate and scale up their actions to promote intercultural dialogue and offered training, consultancy and institutional support to assist organizations to accomplish such results.