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Adyan Foundation

Adyan is a foundation for Diversity, Solidarity and Human Dignity. It was founded on 6 August, 2006 by members from different professional and religious backgrounds. Adyan is registered in Lebanon as an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO), under registration number 1103 by a ministerial decree dated 18 September 2008. Adyan works on valuing cultural and religious diversity in its conceptual and practical dimensions, and on promoting coexistence and diversity management among individuals and communities, on the social, political, educational and spiritual levels. Adyan implements its projects in cultural, educational, media, policymaking, social, and spiritual fields. Besides the support of its members, the foundation also benefits from the commitment of its networks of youth, volunteers, ambassadors, families, social activists, and honorary members, in addition to its qualified professional team. Adyan operates in Lebanon, as well as, regionally and internationally (via partnerships), through its five departments: The Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management, The Community Engagement Department, The Media Department, The Rashad Center for Cultural Governance and The Administration Department. Adyan envisions a world where diversity between individuals and communities is lived as enrichment, generating mutual understanding, inclusive citizenship, creative development, sustainable peace, and spiritual solidarity.

Love Yourself

By empowering oneself, enriching relationships, and embracing innovations, we provide a safe space for communities and champion the iniingatan, inaalagaan, at inaasikaso experience. A thought leader that inspires people to empower and affirm their self-worth to create ripples of positive change. LoveYourself Inc. (LY), is a community of volunteers which has been successful in reaching out to the key affected population of HIV and AIDS. It was established in 2011 with a mission of embracing and nurturing one's self-worth to inspire others to do the same and create ripples of positive change in the community and a vision of becoming a model community, empowering and affirming the self-worth of youth and MSM in the Philippines. LY has been the home of many innovative and new approaches to reach key populations such as Project Preppy (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis), LoveYourself Caravan/PBSR, Smart-Safe-Sexy Continuum of Care Approach Project (3S) and Introduction of the First Community Run Testing and Treatment Facility (4S) Project, #SafeSpaces Condom Promotion and Distribution Program Victoria by LoveYourself, the first Transgender Health and Wellness Community Center in the Philippines and most recently - introduction of HIV Self Screening (#SelfCare) in the Philippines to name a few. LY has several innovations in the pipeline, such as expansion of #SelfCare, #ChampionCommunityCenters and other innovations especially with the challenges in the time of COVID19 pandemic like XPress Refill and iCon (telemedicine). LY partnered with DOH-RITM in many innovative programs such as 3S (Smart Safe and Sexy) where the power of volunteerism is harnessed by creating "change agents" from the community reaching other members of the community through awareness and encouraging high risk clients to take ownership of their sexual health by regular testing every 3-6 months if negative and early treatment if positive. LY has a long and fruitful partnership with Pilipinas Shell Foundation since 2012, it has has grown and developed with PSFI supporting LY through technical assistance, logistics, finances, and overall management of LoveYourself Community Centers. LoveYourself Inc. is proud of its 10 LoveYourself Branded Community Centers, 2 Private Clinic and manages 30 Champion Community Centers safe space for young and working population who are engaging in risky behavior. For the LY community centers, having a cumulative rate of 150-200 clients daily with 12-14% reactive rate, the centers contributes to 42% of all the newly diagnosed PLHIVs reported in Metro Manila and 20% in the whole country for since 2016 to present proving that LY has a strong understanding of the Philippine context with regard to HIV and AIDS and key populations (MSM, TG, YKP and PWID). These efforts demonstrate a tremendous impact in bridging the gaps in the HIV continuum of care, with the objective of scaling up HIV testing and linking the newly diagnosed PLHIVs to treatment and care, eventually leading to reduced incidence of loss to follow up. Since its launching, LY Anglo as the main treatment centers and the rest of the 6 as satellite centers has already diagnosed over 40,000 clients yearly. Of the total number of newly diagnosed PLHIVs, 7,300 were enrolled to LoveYourself Anglo treatment while the remaining were referred to RITM or other treatment hubs for enrolment making LY the second highest PLHIV clients enrolled facility. LoveYourself Anglo is currently being positioned as the first ever community run one stop shop - having prevention-to-treatment services. It aims to create a social enterprise-self-sustaining model. LY has gained momentum in its implementation of the Philippines Business Sector Response to HIV (PBSR) and School Caravan Programs with PSFI. To date, 650, companies have been engaged through advocacy, 250 companies have been assisted in the drafting of their HIV in the workplace policy, over 100,000 people reached through HIV 101, 84,945 people tested and got their results, 4,190 (6.34 %) reactive and those confirmed were linked to treatment hubs and social hygiene clinics for further work up in preparation for treatment. 90 employee-trainers trained for HIV 101- Peer Education Training, and 68 received Basic Voluntary Counseling and Testing training. PBSR is a member of 7 Local AIDS Councils in the Cities of Manila, Quezon, Caloocan, San Juan, Batangas and Puerto Princesa. On another note, with its goal to reach the Youth to promote awareness and reduce stigma and discrimination, Caravan program has reached over 110 schools and universities testing more than 10,000 young people in the last 4 years. In the last quarter of 2014, the LY started work on community system strengthening through human rights and advocacy programs under the guidance of the ISEAN HIVOS, the regional partner of LY by engaging new blood through numerous fora and peer meetings and activities then providing capacity building, monitoring and tracking outreach workers and grooming them to develop their own program in their respective locality, bringing about the birth of the several community based organizations such as Project H4 in Puerto Princesa, who eventually opened a community center called Amos Tara and forged a long-term partnership with DOH IV-B MIMAROPA. In the area of Advocacy, LY has created several efforts in making sure that their efforts to raise the bar in the HIV continuum of care such participation in the PNAC consultations on the revision of RA 8504 and approval of the new law RA11166, technical assistance with the development of SOGIE tool kit and Trans Health module. LY continues to develop advocacy materials and communication strategies to address and respond to issues and needs of the times. Protect the Goal Campaign and #StayNegatHIVe Campaign with Rappler and Dentsu focusing on stigma and discrimination reduction that were launched recently received seven national and international awards for campaign effectiveness and impact such as the Boomerang and Anvil Awards. In 2016, the partnership also implemented several regional campaigns such as TestMNL with APCOM and very recently a project with UNAIDS and 2015 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach - the #Live2LUV campaign. In 2018 LY is chosen as the sub recipient of the Philippine Global Fund ACER program where in LY is asked to develop and establish 15 community centers which is based on the LoveYourself community centers model. The community-based organization partners are provided support for their operational costs outreach and refurbishment of the community centers. Each community centers offer a sexual health prevention package including HIV testing and STI testing for free. Some of the community organizations have doctors and offer treatment at the same time while others are referring clients to Social Hygiene Clinics in their locality. In 2018 also, LY in partnership with Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) implemented the Sustainability of Key Population Programs in Asia (SKPA). It has a goal of providing not just community system strengthening but also introducing advocacy, campaigns, innovations, and support towards sustainability of the services of CBO partners. LY creates national programs and campaigns on awareness and promotion of combination prevention, treatment as prevention and other innovations. A recent example is the National HIV Prevention month last July-August 2020 gathering almost 5 million impressions and reach online through the SKPA Philippines Grant. AIDS HealthCare Foundation Philippines (AHF) also partnered with LY this year to the present to augment in outreach, events and treatment of indigent PLHIVs. In 2019, due to the very high incidence of anxiety disorders and depression among the young LGBT community. LY decided to create its own mental health program called Flourish by LoveYourself. Flourish aims to provide counseling and life coaching to people with mild depression and anxiety. Flourish offers life coaching and group counseling to our clients. In partnership with Mental Health Ph, a local CBO, LY also has created campaigns on mental health. Aside from the group counseling program, LY initiated self-help programs such as music therapy, art therapy, poetry reading and other forms of coping support for people in distress. In 2020 LY was chosen as the sub recipient of the Philippine Global Fund PROTECTS with PIlipinas Shell Foundation as its PR. LY is asked to scale up its CHAMPION COMMUNITY CENTERS initiative by creating a total of 34 Champion Centers and CBO. The community-based organization partners are provided support for their operational costs outreach and refurbishment of the community centers. Each community center offers a sexual health prevention package including HIV testing and STI testing for free. Some of the community organizations have doctors and offer treatment at the same time while others are referring clients to Social Hygiene Clinics in their locality. LY has also led KP specific initiatives including the TG activations with Medical Professionals, School Administrations, etc.; for YKP, LY spearheaded a myriad of activities involving Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Federation), Schools, and other youth lead CSOs; for PWIDs, several learning group sessions and consultations has also been done specifically in Cebu City. LY was also assigned to provide the Administrative and Human Resource including payroll of 380 field staff and community center officers hired for the project. In 2021 LY was selected as a grantee of Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) is a global project funded by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control. LY community centers operations are supported by this grant.

Rotary Club Of Teton Valley Local Foundation

Rotary International is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 31,000 Rotary clubs located in 166 countries. Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community's business and professional men and women. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. The main objective of Rotary is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is a not-for-profit corporation that promotes world understanding through international humanitarian service programs and educational and cultural exchanges. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and others who share its vision of a better world. Since 1947, the Foundation has awarded more than US$1.1 billion in humanitarian and educational grants, which are initiated and administered by local Rotary clubs and districts.

Jovenes de Puerto Rico en Riesgo, Inc.

Jovenes de Puerto Rico en Riesgo, Inc. (PRYR) is a private non-profit organization working in the youth behavioral health field in Puerto Rico since 1996. Its main purpose is to prevent youth violence and retain at risk youth in school. It designed and developed a program based on state of the art scientific data, tailored to Puerto Rican culture and socioeconomic characteristics, and founded in the model of Risk and Protective Factors. PRYR projects, were created in response to school dropout rates of students at their educational transition phases, unacceptably high in low income communities. Its unique and innovative mentorship program, with evidence-based design and implementation practices, serves high-risk youth 11 to 17 years of age. One-to-one mentoring is an essential element of the model, being the first in Puerto Rico to utilize this strategy for high risk students. It has a 95%+ sustained effectiveness rate in preventing school dropout and violent/delinquent behavior since 2000. The organization's mission is: to develop and implement preventive programs for youth at risk promoting their full potential for success and leadership, through the use of adult and peer mentors, personal and social development workshops for them, their families and teachers, academic support, and safe haven centers, established in their school premises, and meaningful work and service experiences.

Inter-American Restoration Corporation

Vision Statement- To provide social restoration for third-world countries and the US in all phases of social interaction, including: health and medical, spiritual, social, educational, and vocational spheres of human existence. Mission Statement-The Inter-American Restoration Corporation is committed to addressing the needs of impoverished, underprivileged, or traumatized people, both at home and abroad. Established as a 501C3 corporation in 2002, IRC has strategically incorporated first-world resources, business practices, and efficiency with compassion and focus. The result has been to provide necessary and needed relief directly to the people who lack life's essential conveniences. Driven to satisfy the complete spectrum of the individual, IRC is dedicated to facilitating the spiritual, educational, physical, and the community needs of the person. As such, IRC directs projects geared toward the revitalization of the whole person and whole community. VALUES: 1) We Value the strength of community to empower operations, to leverage opportunities, and enhance communication. 2) We Value individual passions. 3) We Value organization that leads to efficient process, purposeful actions, and dynamic results.4) We Value Spiritual leadership as expressed in outward, inward and unseen actions. 5) We Value the necessity of empowering indigenous peoples to take control of their own social destiny. 6)We Value cultures of all kinds 7) We value opportunity.


The Arc/k Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to digitally archive that which is too valuable, too important, and too unique to be lost or forgotten. We envision the creation of a sustainable archival quality process to counter the threats and destruction of treasured objects and locations due to war, iconoclastic movements, poverty, neglect, climate change and even vandalism as some conspire to rob humanity of its collective culture as well as memory. To preserve our global heritage, we seek to capture and archive culturally and historically significant objects and locations via emerging modern digital formats including 3D imaging as well as the immersive technologies of augmented and virtual realities. With a goal to achieve the highest archival quality accuracy and authenticity, we are promoting the science of photogrammetry to populate the data for our digital formats. We are now looking to collaborate with like-minded individuals, museums, organizations and academic institutions to create case studies using the photogrammetry process to digitally archive and preserve objects and locations via grants or volunteer work. Also here is Arc/k's mission statement as it's laid out in our Articles of Incorporation -- "The specific purpose of this corporation shall be to preserve cultural assets across geopolitical regions, religions, races, and political borders, and to carry on other charitable activities associated with this purpose as allowed by law."

Child Action Ltd

Child Action is a UK registered charity specialising in education and personal development initiatives in India and the UK. The charity was founded by entrepreneur Dr Seema Sharma in response to the terrible poverty she witnessed in Mumbai whilst filming a documentary with Channel 4 as part of the Secret Millionaire series, during which she volunteered with several grassroots NGOs in India. Child Action's work reflects our passionate commitment to preventative strategies which ensure that marginalised groups of people living in India are given the help they need to achieve self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Together with our three local NGO partners, Doorstep School, Toybank and Apnalaya, we support the development of young people living in extreme poverty by creating learning opportunities for children living within Mumbai's most disadvantaged street and slum communities. Our personal relationships with these partner organisations enable us to communicate on a regular basis, ensuring an in-depth understanding of their needs. We undertake regular project monitoring and work with our partners to produce progress reports. This alleviates the administrative burden for the grass roots NGOs, maximising the impact of donor funds for our work in India. The work carried out by our partners is having a transformational and long-lasting effect on the lives of children who face the desperately unfair challenge of being born into families facing extreme poverty.

Federacja Polskich Bankow Zywnosci

The Federation of Polish Food Banks is a public benefit organization whose mission since its establishment 20 years ago has been to prevent food waste and malnutrition in Poland. 31 Food Banks, which operate throughout the country form the Federation of Polish Food Banks. They are all NGOs with the status of an Association. Together, they form an Association with status of public benefit organization. The Federation is a community voluntarily created by various, autonomous Food Banks. Their common values and activities are supported and represented by a democratically elected Board. Food Banks associated in the Federation specialize in obtaining, transporting and distributing food products. Thanks to their large-scale daily operations, they obtain 50,000 tons of food annually, which is then distributed among over 1,600,000 most needy people through 3,500 aid organizations and social institutions. The food is obtained, among others, from producers, farmers, retail chains and as part of food collection campaigns. The organization also actively works to prevent food waste and promote healthy eating through educational activities addressed to various social groups, including social campaigns and workshops. Food wastage has many aspects. It can be considered as a social, ecological and economic problem. From a social perspective, a basic question is that many people do not have access to good quality food that would satisfy their health-related needs. Paradoxically, many people cannot afford to buy food while at the same time tons of whole food are discarded. However, food wastage has above all an adverse effect on the environment. Food production, processing and delivery to shops and homes of consumers entails water, energy and fuel consumption. Discarded food means wasted hectoliters of water and wasted energy used for its production, transport, storage and preparation. Food is wasted at every single stage of its production and distribution with consumers being responsible for over 50% of food wastage. Minimizing the scale of food waste requires actions to be taken to alert people about reasons and consequences of throwing food away. Apart of main activity concentrated on collection and distribution of food, educational projects, research project and initiatives aimed at creation of national law supporting reducing of wasted food belong to our strategic goals. The above additional but also crucial goals are described in document presenting information about three main categories of our activity. Federation of Polish Food Banks realizes its mission through: - Searching for sources of surplus of food, - Acquiring food, including products with a short shelf life, - so-called non - commercial products, incorrectly packaged, whose nutritional value is beyond doubt - Storage of received products and their rational distribution to organizations, not individuals - Promoting attitudes that counteract the utilization of food or food waste - Large-scale initiatives having impact on modifications of national law aimed at reduction of food waste (National Act against waste of food, which came into force on 1th March 2020)

Girl Determined

Girl Determined is a leadership project designed to assist girls ages 12-17 to avoid the pitfalls of trafficking, dangerous labor and other forms of violence, by facilitating girls' recognition of their personal and group potential. Because of our belief in girls as potential change-agents in their households, communities and nations, our program aims to increase girls' ability to make strategic life-decisions, generate choices and exercise bargaining power. This real empowerment creates opportunities for girls to better cope with their difficulties, envision alternatives and take leadership into their own hands. The underlying premise of Girl Determined work is that educating, connecting, supporting and fostering the development of personal and group voice amongst marginalized adolescent girls will derail cycles of abuse, poverty and neglect. Not only is adolescence a period when girls are gaining abstract thinking skills and sexual awareness, it is a time when they are all too quickly being pressured to take on adult responsibility and this is particularly for girls, resulting in lost growth and development opportunities. The rights of girls in Burma is often regarded as being equal to that of boys and girls rights, in general, is not thought of as a serious issue in the country, despite the fact that the sexual exploitation and the trafficking of young girls to China for forced marriage, for example, continues to increase, or that the so-called "un-wrapping" of girls (selling young, virgin girls into prostitution) continues to take place on the outskirts of Burma's most prosperous cities-Rangoon and Mandalay. This apathy, social acceptance and tolerance of rights violations against girls smacks of an underlying gender discrimination: a discrimination which forces more girls to drop out of school so their male siblings can continue; compels girls to engage in child labour, to support their families income or, more accurately, the short, often paltry economic interests of their parents/household at the expense of the best interest of the child. Girl Determined's work empowers girls to achieve that which is in their own best interest while working structurally to establish mechanisms for greater awareness of the specific needs of adolescent girls, their protection and increasing their life-opportunities. Girl Determined employs a three-pronged strategic approach: 1. Individual transformation - Adolescent girls will go through some form of personal transformation lending to a change in a girl's understanding of personal power and rights. Shifts will include reduction of shame and fear regarding violence, ability to identify and express situations of discrimination, value of self and education, motivation and skill to actively make decisions about ones future. 2. Network mobilization - Girls will develop a sense of connectedness with girls from across the country through their shared experiences and complex differences. By bringing girls together across space, through 'by-girls, for-girls' media projects, Girls' Forum and our Girls Advisory Board, girls will mobilize as defenders and actors. This wide network also creates a structure through which other programs could potentially be realized. 3. Research and Advocacy - Evidence-based research will assist Girl Determined in bringing increased attention to the plight and power of the girl child in Burma. We will focus research and related advocacy domestically, pushing governmental and non-governmental agencies to recognize the specific needs of girls in their programming.

Challenger Center for Space Science Education

In the aftermath of the Challenger accident, the crew’s families came together, firmly committed to the belief that they must carry on the spirit of their loved ones by continuing the Challenger crew’s educational mission. Their efforts resulted in the creation of Challenger Center for Space Science Education. Challenger Center and its global network of Challenger learning centers use space-themed simulated learning and role-playing strategies to help students bring their classroom studies to life and cultivate skills needed for future success, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication and teamwork. A not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education organization, Challenger Center reaches hundreds of thousands of students, and tens of thousands of teachers every year. Challenger Center relies on donations from private individuals and corporations to create mission content, deliver quality education experiences, build unique simulation centers, incorporate new technology, train educators and engage students in robust learning projects. Your donation today helps us to continue to ignite inspiration and imagination in students around the globe! If we’re doing all of this now, imagine what we can do with your help! mission: engage students and teachers in dynamic, hands-on exploration and discovery opportunities that strengthen knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), inspire students to pursue careers in these fields, and provide an outlet to learn and apply important life skills. vision: build a scientifically literate public and shape our future leaders to help improve quality of life across the globe – not just through pragmatic teaching, but also by the power of vision, inspiration, and innovation.

Concern Organization for Women & Children

Concern Organization for women and children (CWC) is an independent non- profit organization working to support women and children through empowering them economically and giving them a better chance to health , nutrition and education services Concern aims to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and child can exercise their human rights and live up to their full potential. It aims to raise the women level and development expertise to enable them to fully and effectively participate in the cultural, economic and social life in order to achieve progress. Concern is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children and insists that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress. Concern works on development and organization of the women energies and coordinate their efforts within the organized collective action in order to remove social and legal barriers that prevent their development and prevent them from full and effective participation in the community building through supporting institutional capacity for women and train them on modern skills and work to encourage women to use the technology and get along with continuous variables to achieve women economic empowerment through the following: 1- Economic empowerment and facilitating access to soft loans 2- Encourage productive family's projects in coordination with donors 3- Contribute to the reduction of illiteracy 4- Achieving gender equality 5- protect women and children from violence through psychosocial support programs for marginalized groups in Yemen.

Empieza por Educar

We are a non-profit organisation working to contribute to equal opportunities in education. Our mission is based on 2 points: 1. To create a network of professionals working for educational equity from inside and outside the classroom. Each year we carry out the ExE Programme, a professional development programme aimed at those who aspire to generate educational and social change for the benefit of equal opportunities for all children. Our value proposition can be summarised as follows: Attracting and selecting, Graduates with the talent to become great teachers and with the commitment to seek educational transformation in pursuit of equity. For two years they teach in schools in disadvantaged environments, pursuing the growth of their students and learning from direct experience the causes and consequences of educational inequality. Training and support, Through an extensive programme for the development of teaching and systemic leadership competencies that maximise the impact on their students, the community where they teach and the education system in the long term. Empowering and connecting, After the programme, we accelerate participants' professional careers towards those areas that have the greatest impact on educational equity. This generates a network of professionals who drive educational change from inside and outside the classroom. 2. Collaborating with the social and educational ecosystem to leave no student behind. We are convinced that the journey towards equal opportunities is only possible by adding and joining other people and organisations. For this reason, we work with others through projects that accelerate our impact and we collaborate with entities with which we share the challenge of educational equity.