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Bioteka - udruga za promicanje biologije i srodnih znanosti

Bioteka' s mission is to effectively connect science and society. As of 2010, when our civil society organization has been formed, we are dedicated to educating and raising public awareness on the importance of scientific discoveries and results, STEM, nature/environmental protection, sustainable development, public health, and related areas. We specialize in bringing scientific language, methods, and facts to the wider public. Our work includes educational (workshops, educational camps etc.), popular science (content creation, article writing, public outreach), volunteering and research activities, as well as initiatives for raising the public's awareness of topics in the field of natural sciences, nature and environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development. Bioteka continually promotes critical thought, science, modern teaching methods, active citizenship, sustainable development, and implementation of nature-based solutions. We cooperate with scientists, educational institutions, the private sector, and the public and have so far successfully carried out more than 75 projects of local, national, and international character and importance.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Community Education Partnerships

In 2010, Community Education Partnerships (CEP) incorporated with the mission of increasing learning opportunities and enhancing the academic achievement of students experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. Specifically, CEP works to ensure that all CEP students perform at or above grade level, are on track to graduate high school or receive an equivalent certificate, are socially and emotionally prepared for academic transitions, and find the joy and purpose of education. To achieve these goals, CEP recruits, screens, and trains volunteers to provide high-quality, individualized one-on-one academic tutoring and mentoring for pre-K – 12th-grade unhoused and unstably housed students.

Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda

Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda (TYoFU) uplifts the community's greatest resources - youth, innovative thinking, and rich farmland - to address widespread unemployment among young people, poverty, and food insecurity. TYoFU operates as an NGO and a social enterprise to enhance food security, youth empowerment and employment, and the local economy of Masulita, Uganda and beyond. On fertile ground, TYoFU employs youth from the local community to practice subsistence and commercial farming and offers creative, empowering programs for younger youth, with the goal of becoming a multi-discipline vocational training and mentorship center for youth from all regions of Uganda.

Empower And Help Inc

Empower And Help is a 501(c)(3) NPO – On a mission to Empower And Help our Youth, Build future leaders with integrity through service, social good projects, challenges to solve and raise awareness on global issues, positive mindset development, emotional awareness, and value-based education. If you want your child to be a leader of this life, have a positive can-do attitude, and unleash their highest potential, then you are at the right place. Have your child join Empower And Help Global Awareness Challenge, Empower And Help Ambassador program, Group workshops, One-on-one coaching, and Volunteering Opportunities

Impact Metrics
Metamorphasis Powerhouse Company

Metamorphasis Powerhouse Company is a pioneering nonprofit dedicated to helping Georgia families and communities Evolve, Strive, and Reach Beyond Today through education for a stronger future. Founded in January 2002, Metamorphasis Powerhouse Company works to enhance the quality of life all across Georgia by turning everyday places into public learning classrooms to close gaps of access for historically underrepresented students. The emphasis of our work is not just on education, social service and recreation, but on rebuilding the very fabric of community life by fostering civic responsibility in the lives of the people we touch; and closing gaps of communication between adults and children.

Commonsense Childbirth Inc

Commonsense Childbirth's mission is to ensure access to timely maternity healthcare particularly for minority, low-income, uninsured, and underinsured women; and to provide practical, social, educational and emotional support, resources and referrals as a means to improving the chances for a positive pregnancy outcome. our vision is that all women have a healthy baby. A priority focus for this program is to increase the number of women who receive medical care, education and referrals from their first trimester onwards, carry their babies to full term, have babies weighing greater than 5lbs 8ozs, bond well to their babies and start and succeed at breast feeding.

Reporters Without Borders-USA

Reporters Without Borders USA (RWB USA) is the U.S. office of the global organization, Reporters Sans Frontieres, a leading defender of freedom of information with almost 30 years of experience. A core belief of Reporters Without Borders is that only through freedom of information can one verify the existence of all the other freedoms. Without free circulation of information, it is impossible to strengthen human rights protection, advance government accountability, and improve the reach and the quality of social justice and civil liberties. At RWB, we are defending information, defending reporters and citizen reporters (netizens) whose work benefits ALL citizens.

Instituto Revoar

Revoar was born in 2017 from a dream of working with the power of socially vulnerable youth, starting from the perception that youth is an important phase of a human being's life, during which young people are in full development and in a moment of great doubts, pressures and conflicts. However, they have few opportunities, people and places that are safe and adequate for them to develop fully and reflect on and share anxieties and concerns about their decisions about the future. This absence of specific conditions and support to look at oneself and develop in an integral way, whether in the current school system, in families or in places and groups frequented by youth, leads today to a frequent number of young people with depression, with fear and few prospects for the future, and suffering from anxiety and psychosomatic illnesses. The power and vitality of youth, as well as their potential for mobilizing change, both in relation to their role in the economically active population of the coming decades, and for their strong presence and transformative power, have been underdeveloped and got little attention, due to the way in which the education system is considered in the country. Education today remains focused on the enhancement of cognitive skills, with a focus on the obligation to teach content and a more technical vision of education, which is geared towards preparing people for the professional market. Traditional education still uses models designed to answer old demands, without being able to clearly meet the demands of the new century and reflect new discoveries about human complexity. This policy option for education excludes from the process of development of human beings, which are complex and multidimensional beings, the learning of social and emotional skills. Young people, the adults of tomorrow, end up going through school and the youth phase without having the opportunity to know and improve a human dimension relevant to their integral development, which in turn generates human beings with limited, and little explored potential. Today, schools are unable to fulfill the mission of developing all the skills that human beings need to face the challenges of the 21st century. And that does not mean that cognitive skills (interpreting, reflecting, thinking abstractly, generalizing learning, etc.) should be left aside, but rather calls for the integration of the development of socio-emotional skills into the teaching/learning process, since the two are related and complement each other, and together they allow for the integral development of human beings. Therefore, the development of a full education, which considers the human being in its entirety and fullness, is, in general, not being achieved. Currently, there are many terms that refer to socio-emotional skills, such as education for life, 21st century skills, soft skills, emotional and social intelligence, among others. Regardless of the term used, studies have demonstrated the importance and benefits - individual and social - of developing such skills, such as increased creativity, overcoming losses and difficulties, improving teamwork, reducing bullying, decreasing anxiety and depression and better awareness of talents and strengths. With the lack of an integral education that is concerned with the development of these skills, young people miss the opportunity to improve the way they relate to themselves and to others, they do not know how to deal with their feelings and emotions, they do not learn to make decisions in a responsible manner, they don't learn to deal with problems and difficulties, they don't develop empathy, self-confidence and they don't learn to be collaborative people. In view of all these situations and realities, Revoar was created with the proposal to design and implement educational processes for young people in situations of social vulnerability, in public and private schools in Rio de Janeiro, working to contribute to the socio-emotional development of these young people. The organization's mission is to promote a new education, which values a more humane and integral education, in order to enable better personal and socio-emotional development, through a focus on four pillars: self-knowledge, collaboration, empathy and autonomy. To fulfill these objectives, a novel educational path was created, based on practical and dynamic experiences, combined with deep and provocative reflections and meditations, based on several collaborative and innovative methodologies, which was named Pedagogy of Reconnection. The entire methodological process proposed is participatory, respecting listening and dialogue between participants. Knowledge is sought through pleasure and the desire to be in Revoar. And, for this, the methodology is based on participative, cooperative and playful actions that recognize the individuality of each one and, at the same time, the strength and importance of the collective. Revoar's methodology is inspired by innovative and collaborative methodologies such as: Pedagogy of Cooperation, Cooperative Games, Dragon Dreaming, mindfulness, Art education, among others, for the development of socio-emotional skills. Instituto Revoar, in its four years of activity, has held courses with middle and high school students from public schools in Rio de Janeiro, as well as with young people under age who have committed crimes and serve socio-educational measures at the Novo Degase institution. Based on the monitoring and evaluation of its actions, Revoar verified positive and important results, such as, for example: greater ability among participants to identify their own feelings and emotions and greater confidence in expressing them; greater capacity for listening and empathy, and improvement in sociality and working in groups; increased self-esteem through the identification of skills and strengths; improvement in life prospects with the awakening of dreams and greater capacity for choice and decision making with the elaboration of life projects. After two years of working with young people, in 2019, Instituto Revoar began to share its experience and knowledge with educators from the municipal education network in the city of Rio de Janeiro through the "Connected Educators" project. Connected Educators is a process of experiential training, from the perspective of integral education, which aims to deepen the knowledge of educators about socio-emotional skills, so that they can more intentionally develop them in the classroom. The Connected Educators course focuses on connecting educators with themselves, with their "I-educator", with their studies and with the school and, from there, developing a more direct and deeper knowledge about socio-emotional skills, and about ways to develop them intentionally in the classroom. The feedback from the participating educators was very positive, having seen results in the educators' self-esteem and motivation, as well as their practical experience of socio-emotional education in the classroom. Instituto Revoar, therefore, currently creates learning experiences to strengthen and connect educators and students, with a focus on the development of socio-emotional skills and the promotion of integral education.

OneWorld Now

Oneworld now! was founded in Seattle, Washington in 2002. At that time, we launched a pilot program at Ingraham High School in North Seattle with just 12 students. Since then, own expanded to include students from every high school in the Seattle public school district and has served over 1,500 youth, most of whom are low-income and youth of color in the Seattle area. In addition, own expanded its full program to James Campbell high school, the largest public high school in Hawai‘i, in 2010. an innovative model underserved youth have historically had the least access to international learning opportunities. Oneworld now! Is making a significant difference in our students’ lives. Own was a pioneer when it was founded in a post-9/11 climate, yet our mission and vision seem just as critical today as it was back then! Own has been recognized as “one of the nation’s most innovative after school programs” by the jack kent cooke foundation, and the own founder, kristin hayden, was elected as an ashoka fellow for recognizing “innovative solutions and the potential to change patterns across society. ” own’s award-winning program model in seattle and hawai‘i offers a new and integrated approach to developing the next generation of global leaders. oneworld now! Is an award-winning and innovative social venture that exists to develop the next generation of global leaders. Own is committed to providing critical language skills, leadership training, and study abroad opportunities to underserved youth. We are innovative in that we are one of the only programs in the nation that spends at least one year preparing youth by providing language and leadership training to ensure their success abroad focuses on providing access to study abroad opportunities to mostly low-income youth and students of color teaches arabic, chinese and korean, three strategically important languages that are not typically offered in american public schools offer an integrated and holistic program of language, leadership, and study abroad increased access to critical language learning during and after school increased access to study abroad opportunities, especially to underserved youth promoting the “gap year” for all american youth to consider spending a year abroad volunteering and studying languages between high school and college oneworld now! Is developing global leaders by supporting our youth in being successful in all areas of their lives. Beyond the language, leadership, and study abroad program, own supports youth through mentorship, college prep, and networking for scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Our passionate and committed staff, teachers, and volunteers reflect the oneworld now! Students, who inspire us every day. Together we are all working towards creating a world that acknowledges how we are all connected and all responsible for each other’s well-being. We are…oneworld…and the time to contribute positively is now! . oneworld now! ‘s vision is to increase access to international opportunities, namely critical language studies, leadership development, and study abroad to all american youth. Our award-winning program in seattle, washington demonstrates the successful implementation of our innovative program model of language, leadership, and study abroad for underserved youth, who have historically had the least access to these life-changing opportunities. Own works with students, teachers, parents, school districts, college and universities, and communities nationwide to support this vision.

World Rehabilitation Fund

Founded in 1955, the World Rehabilitation Fund is the pioneer organization devoted to the development and implementation of rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities throughout the world. WRF's mission is: to enable individuals around the world with functional limitations and participation restrictions achieve community and social integration through physical and socio-economic rehabilitation and advocacy; and to prevent disability and reduce disadvantage. WRF believes that all people, regardless of disability, have the right to participate fully in their communities, to attain education and viable employment. Guiding Principles The WRF staff works closely with local and international partners to develop culturally appropriate initiatives that address all aspects of rehabilitation, from incident through reintegration by: Strengthening the capacity of indigenous organizations to better meet the needs of people in states of disadvantage due to various forms of disabilities. Developing community-based programs for physical, psychological, and socio-economic rehabilitation and reintegration. Upgrading skills of rehabilitation service providers such as physicians, therapists, health promoters, nurses, social workers, and vocational rehabilitation specialists. Collaborating with industry and local professionals to enhance vocational training, skills-building, and job placement programs to create sustainable employment and income-generating entrepreneurial opportunities. Training rehabilitation professionals throughout the world in the fabrication and fitting of artificial limbs, orthopedic braces, and other assistive technology appropriate for the geographic area they serve. Ensuring that people with disabilities are part of the team from start to finish.

Biosphere Expeditions

Biosphere Expeditions is an award-winning not-for-profit conservation organisation, and a member of IUCN and the UN's Environment Programme. For us successful conservation is the collective effort of individuals. We invite everyone to join us on our wildlife and wilderness projects all over the world. Whether young or old, become a citizen scientist for one or two weeks, or more. The foundation of our work is science and local need. We focus on sustainable conservation projects that target clearly defined, critical issues that humankind has the power to change. You, our international volunteers, work hand-in-hand with local biologists and communities to drive positive outcomes for biodiversity - the creation of a protected area for snow leopards in the Altai is just one recent example. Biosphere Expeditions is a member of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and of the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) Governing Council & Global Ministerial Environment Forum. Achievements include the implementation of our conservation recommendations and species protection plans by numerous national and regional governments and NGOs, the creation of protected areas on four continents, scientific and lay publications, as well as capacity-building, training and education all over the world.

PEPY Empowering Youth

"Connecting Cambodian Youth to the skills, opportunities, and inspirations needed to reach their potential." This is the mission of PEPY Empowering Youth, a local non-profit (NGO) focused on educating and empowering youth in underserved and remote communities outside of Siem Reap city. With their team's intimate understanding of barriers affecting students' ability to move onto higher education (many team members are former beneficiaries of PEPY's projects), PEPY staff often become student's first role models while building their capacity to achieve their dreams through academic, technical, and professional training- enabling them to make changes they wish to see in their communities. Through PEPY, students' rates of moving onto higher education and obtaining skilled employment are increasing. PEPY's approach to education development is different because they focus on high school and higher education students, an age group often overlooked, while targeting remote areas where higher education is uncommon and often financially impossible. PEPY's programs are comprehensive and go beyond typical scholarship programs, guaranteeing that students graduate and all of them find jobs while they are still in school.