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Aumazo's mission is to empower girls in Cameroon by making high school education and vocational training a viable option for girls in rural areas. Related goals include helping graduates obtain gainful employment or higher education,and addressing water and sanitation issues in their communities. In many Africa countries, school fees, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, socio-cultural prejudice and mandatory chores are all barriers to the educational development of young women. At Aumazo, we recognize that it is often women and girls who drive transformational economies in the developing world. If provided with educational opportunities to attend high school girls will enjoy more successful lives as young adults.

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Kids Need To Read

Founded with a passion to improve the lives of disadvantaged children by providing inspiring book collections and engaging literacy programs to underfunded schools, libraries, and organizations across the nation, Kids Need to Read aspires to empower and embolden every last child through a culture of reading. For many of the children it serves, Kids Need to Read represents a crucial link to a strong literacy education, and its programs help build and nurture support systems for the development of literate minds. By immersing children in an integrated world of literary experiences that teaches them, firsthand, the impact of reading on every aspect of life, imagination is ignited and confidence is built for a prosperous future, regardless of race, economic status, or personal capabilities.

Plateforme HINA

To make HINA a spokesperson the Civil Society of Madagascar by implementing advocacy actions with direct and indirect impacts on nutrition; to coordinate and strengthen the nutrition actions of civil society organizations; to promote the use of reliable and updated information on nutrition through research work; to develop multi-level and multi-sector partnerships in order to: - Contribute to an national ownership of the problem and the multisectoral response to undernutrition; - Increase the funding allocated to this field; - Better valorize local resources and skills in favor of nutrition

Dharma Care Inc

Supporting children, families and the elderly to live, joyful, meaningful and sustainable lives. Vision A compassionate world where all are valued and supported to live joyful, meaningful and sustainable lives. Mission We help people in need to reach their potential as our expression of love and care for others and gratitude for the gifts we have been given. We do so by building bridges between people who care and people who need. Our focus is on supporting regional communities in Australia and globally. We provide charitable services, facilities and safe spaces through social enterprises and public donations. We also collaborate widely, supporting other charities and fostering donors' trust through professionalism and transparency.

Essence Foundation Bulgaria

Our mission is to provide courses, workshops, individual, family and group consulting/ therapy as well as long term programs for children, teenagers and adults from differet social groups in Bulgaria. We believe that by making psychological work (which is still stygmatised in Bulgaria) more popular and accessible, we encourage young people and adults to explore themselves, their inner world, their emotions and fears, to understand their behavior and attitudes for success and failure better, to learn about relationships, to gain self awareness and relational awareness by being part of a community. We believe that understanding and acceptance of all differences will create a positive attitude and active citizenship and will influence our environment, our country and our lives in a in a very positive way.

Etablissement public du musee du Louvre

Former palace of kings, the Louvre has conveyed the history of France for more than eight hundred years. Designed in 1793 to be a universal museum, the Louvre exhibits Western works of art from the Middle Age to 1848, from ancient civilizations that preceded and influenced it and Islamic arts. Its collections are among the most beautiful and diverse in the world. The Louvre is conducting its main missions and meeting its ever-changing challenges: - conserving, enriching, and transmitting a unique cultural heritage to future generations; - proposing a diverse cultural program; - supporting education and training in art history ; - and encouraging dialogue between the different periods in history and civilizations to connect our wide range of visitors to a common history.

The Wooden Floor for Youth Movement

Founded in 1983, The Wooden Floor is one of the most progressive arts-for-youth nonprofit organizations in the country. We transform the lives of young people in low-income communities through the power of dance and access to higher education. In Orange County and through our national licensed partners, we use a long-term approach grounded in exploratory dance education to foster the resources within each child to innovate, communicate, and collaborate – skills necessary for success in school and in life. 100 percent of students who graduate from The Wooden Floor immediately enroll in higher education. Our students become change agents and beacons of hope within their own families, their neighborhoods, our community, and our world.

WAI Wanaka

We are a team of passionate people working to connect our community to our environment, so that both thrive. WAI Wanaka's kaupapa* is to empower communities to take action to achieve measurable, enduring benefits by better understanding their water, their environment and their impacts. With almost every catchment in Aotearoa New Zealand at risk from human activity in one way or another, we believe that it will take all of us, working together, to safeguard and sustain Te Taiao**. *Kaupapa is the māori word for purpose. **Te Taiao is the natural world that contains and surrounds us - land, water, climate and living beings. Te Taiao also refers to the interconnection of people and nature, an eternal relationship of respect, reciprocity and interdependence.

Action Aid Usa

ActionAid is an international network building a just, equitable, and sustainable world in solidarity with communities on the frontlines of poverty and injustice. We know this can only be done by shifting power – towards communities and away from elites – and aid as traditionally practiced does not accomplish this. That’s why we take action in partnership with people on the frontlines of poverty and injustice. Together, we tackle the symptoms of unequal power – poverty, hunger, gender-based violence, climate change, conflict, and disaster – and challenge the ideologies, legal systems, and social norms that lie underneath.ActionAid USA is the U.S. branch of ActionAid International, which works in more than 40 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication.

Rural Urban Partnership for Africa, RUPFA in accronym

1.0 MISSION AND VISION 1.1 MISSION To alleviate poverty, reverse rural urban migration and promote self-reliance among the people. 1.2 VISSION Ensuring partnership of rural communities with the urban cities to reverse rural urban drift; by organizing income generation activities, community infrastructional development and community mobilization concept. 1.2 GOAL To promote environment promote and livelihood development for the relief of socio-economic problems and mismanagement of resources with the focus on women and children. 2.0 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY Rural Urban Partnership for Africa (RUPFA) is a Non-Governmental Organization in Africa headquartered in Accra, Ghana. It main aim is to fight poverty in our society especially at the rural communities and to be sure that well-being is for all. RUPFA Headquarter started in 2009 and took effect from 2010 with a management staff of four (4) and increased to twenty six (26) with volunteers at present, including ten (10) regional coordinators. Nos in the World, more than 360 management staff, volunteers, regional coordinators and others. We depend on individuals, business entities, corporate bodies, government, foundations, international donors, etc. For our work. We also operate in some countries : Malawi, Netherland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Our major areas of operations are : 1) Community Development 2) WASH 3) Education 4) Food security 5) Climate change mitigation/Environmental Protection 6) Mission and Outreaches 7) Centre for Policy Integration and Resource Management (CPIRM) 8) General Health (nutrition, mental health, reproductive health, etc. 9) Shelters 10) General protection (child, GBV, PSEA, ...) RUPFA is registered with the number G-28, 582 of Registrar General of Ghana on 26th June 2009 under Companies Codes, 1963(Act 179) and the new number is CG172072015 of July 27, 2015 as well as our donars and/or as a member of World Association of Non-Governmental Organization-WANGO (USA), Institute of Cultural Diplomacy-ICD (Berlin, Germany) and World Water Council/Forum (Paris, France), Action Solidarite pour le Developpement Humain (ASODH France), Japan Water Forum (JWF), Global Cluster Protection, Human Rights Team (UNHCR as lead), UN Agencies with some of their clusters and work groups, Sun24 USA and more since 2012. It is particularly concerned with women, children, youths and the grassroots communities. The organization over the past Nine (12) years have been embarking on community development, climate change actions, WASH (water supply), Human Rights, educational and sensitization campaigns in communities, institutions and social groups throughout the ten (10) regions of Ghana, Malawi, DRC, Nigeria, etc. We have been organizing campaigns on Protection of Forest and Biodiversity, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies, Climate Change Education and Bush fires, Desertification and Drought related issues to the general public, Agricultural, GBV and PSEA activities that we are currently working on the report. However, a paper presentation was made on an international platform on March 10th, 2013 at an economic congress put together by Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin (Germany) and another presentation at International City and Civil Society Organisation at Istanbul (Turkey). Planted economic trees in some second cycle schools in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Northern and Volta Regions and have constructed community pipe stands in the North Tongu District to prevent people from drinking polluted water that is being shared with the livestock in the area and also developed small skill enterprise and income generation activities with small loans of GHc200.00-GHc1,500.00 covering over 200 people with women being 95%. Again we have been observing United Nations World Environment Day, World Water Day and World Forest Day on our own platform. We also engage Forestry Commission (FC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in our campaigns such as Protection of Forest and Biodiversity/Climate Change, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies across the country. We have involved the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies on different projects including Environmental Sanitation. We have strategically involved the youth in our environment protection through the establishment of RUPFA GREEN CLUBS (RGC) in Senior High Schools (SHS) and RUPFA GREEN FORUM (RGF) in the Universities. We have being partnering with Ministry of Food and Agriculture on projects on Agribusiness and Farming and also Electoral Commission on a project dubbed: The role of the Youth in Ensuring Peace before, during and after Elections, all towards our Good Governance and Human Right Campaign. As of today, RUPFA has been able to form partnership with various institutions and traditional rulers in its operations. RUPFA has regional coordinators across the nation and beyond. Today, RUPFA is working under those countries listed below and the headquarter is in Accra/Ghana.

American Himalayan Foundation

AHF was founded over 30 years ago to help people in the Himalaya who were in need and had no one else, and that principle still guides us every day. What we do is basic: we make change - positive, tangible change - happen. We build and support schools and students; train doctors and fund hospitals; care for children and elders; plant trees and restore sacred sites. We help Tibetans rebuild and sustain their culture both in exile and in Tibet.