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Displaying 565–576 of 749

Yayasan Asar Humanity

1. Developing and optimizing networks of humanitarian actions based on national and global volunteerism. 2. Developing and optimizing networks of philantrophy on national and global scale. 3. Expanding the reach of our service throught branch offices anf volunteer networks. 4. Utilizing masterpiece programs to contribute and bring solutions to the society problems. 5. Optimizing the philanthropic fundraising and fund management in a trustworthy, transparent and professional manner. 6. Building and optimizing organizational resources and capacity effectively and efficiently.

Palmetto Literacy Council

Palmetto Literacy Council’s mission is to improve the literacy of youth and adults in our community by teaching/tutoring basic literacy skills for those who struggle with reading, writing, and/or math. They are a volunteer organization dependent on funding from foundations, businesses & private donations. The volunteers are trained to provide quality instruction using research-based materials with evidence-based strategies to adapt as needed. They strive to improve the literacy rates in our community through positive, strength-based instruction & coaching.

Citizen Schools

Citizen Schools' mission is to close the opportunity and achievement gap by expanding the learning day and engaging students in real-world learning, ensuring that all children graduate high school ready to succeed in college and careers. In partnerships with school districts, Citizen Schools increases students’ total learning time by 35-40%. Its year-long academic enrichment program creates a powerful culture of achievement school-wide, and effectively builds bridges between schools, parents and community members. Citizen Schools’ goal is to prepare students for school success, college graduation, career opportunities, and community leadershistrengthened oral communication and leadership skills, and increased access to positive peers, adults and experiences that are supportive of a post-secondary education.

From Books to Brilliance

From Books to Brilliance provides access to books and educational materials in impoverished communities. Countless children in our world grow up with no books. In Nicaragua and Guatemala, many of the rural poor live on less than one dollar a day. Without access to basic services such as potable water and sanitation, families struggle just to survive each day. Books are rarely found. At the local schools, teachers plan lessons and instruct with no textbooks. Children fortunate enough to attend school learn to read from words written on the blackboard, but without books cannot read to learn. Few children reach their intellectual potential. We believe that in creating access to books and information, a better future becomes possible for citizens living in abject poverty.


At Donate4Refugees our vision is for every displaced person in Europe to be welcomed with humanity and respect in Europe and given the helping hand they need to find safety, peace and happiness in their new forever home. We work collaboratively to help ensure every displaced man, women and child asking for Europe's help gets the support they need to start their new life with dignity. That is, to have a place to live, enough food to eat, clothes to wear, warmth, lighting and hygiene. Along with access to essential information and education. We primarily do this by raising money that helps fund inspiring humanitarian projects delivered on-the-ground by our grassroots volunteer partners. We work together keeping people and hope alive. "Whoever you think are the most disadvantaged people in society, refugees are below that." - Trish Clowes, Donate4Refugees' Ambassador Right now, as you and I adapt to life amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, Europe's humanity to refugees has scarcely been worse. Did you know that at the UK border in northern France there's no shelter and little food or water for refugees? That rising hostility is played out through police brutality and cruel policy? Meanwhile, on the Greek mainland, evictions are making hundreds of families street homeless, living in poverty. Whilst the Greek arrival islands buckle under severe over-crowding, lack of basic hygiene and appalling food within camps sending tensions inside the camps, and right wing violence outside of them, soaring. Life for refugees in Europe's hot spots in 2020 is utterly miserable. The hope in people's eyes is disappearing, the smiles are fading... Now that you know, will you help? Within this devastating environment our volunteers are too often providing the only lifeline to refugees. Donate4Refugees uniquely brings together donations from individuals, businesses and trusts to give grants and emergency funding to our trusted grassroots partners on-the-ground. Those volunteers supporting refugee communities on Europe's front-lines. Together we're filling shamefully big gaps in aid and humanity and, without the tireless dedication of our volunteers, refugee men, women and children would be struggling to even survive. We're acting now providing very real help, human-to-human, to many of the world's most vulnerable people. We only wish we didn't have to.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

Israel Friends of Technion

Israel Friends of Technion mission is to make sure that every capable young person, regardless of social, financial, educational or ethnic background, is given the opportunity to study at the Technion. Through its fund-raising efforts, ITS helps needy graduate students to finance their studies, providing support for post-graduates education and the acquisition of higher degrees, which would pave the way for their becoming part of the Technion's academic or research staff. Through these efforts the ITS contributes to the creation of a significant group of talented researchers in Israel.

Young Guru Academy

YGA is a non-governmental non-profit organization founded in Turkey. It cultivates a double-winged youth to make us hopeful for the future of the world. These young individuals improve their two wings - conscience and competency - while developing international projects that provide social benefits. Science Movement is a social responsibility project initiated by YGA to make children love science. Science Movement is aimed to grow self-confident individuals who can think free of boundaries and develop authentic projects. Under the scope of the protocol signed with the Ministry of Education, 10 science kits will be sent to each secondary school that is in need of science material in every corner of Turkey. Teachers in schools that received science kits have access to a platform, in which they have rich experimental content as well as examples of in-class use of the science kits.

Lifeline Energy

Lifeline Energy is a non-profit social enterprise that provides sustainable information and education access to vulnerable populations. We achieve this by designing, manufacturing and distributing solar and wind-up media players and radios for classroom and group listening. Since 1999, we have distributed more than 500,000 power independent radios to provide on-demand access to information and education, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the years we have received numerous awards including the Tech Museum of Innovation Award, a World Bank Development Marketplace Award and an Index: Design to Improve Life Award. In addition, our founder and CEO Kristine Pearson was named one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment for 2007 and received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award in 2005.

Springs of Hope Foundation

Our mission at Springs of Hope Foundation, Kenya is to care for the Rift Valley region's growing number of families coping with the devastating reality of Sub Sahara Africa's HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our primary objective is to keep the family together whenever possible by providing food and assistance with school expenses. Most often the young children are left with very elderly grandparents who are unable to care for them. These children are cared for in our orphanage located in Molo, Kenya where we provide our children the best opportunity to grow up and thrive in a loving family environment. Through donations we provide homeless Kenyan orphans a nurturing, loving family home environment to grow up in and the knowledge that they will have the opportunity to reach their full potential, have a better chance in life and become productive citizens of the world.

The Cove Collective

Our mission is to promote community-driven development by utilizing the collective nature of human interaction. Our vision is to create, encourage and empower a collaborative network of social players that share knowledge and skills to solve the ever-changing development challenges within our communities. The purpose of our mission is to enhance the quality of life of rural Malawians through engaging in community-driven development projects. The Cove Collective believes in fostering projects that promote sustainable growth in areas of the world experiencing extreme poverty through long-lasting community partnerships. We believe in bringing people together to solve the issues that are relevant to their unique community makeup. The Collective works with the community in a way that best employs the existing expertise of local residents. This promotes ownership and empowerment, both important factors in creating meaningful impact.

Chattering Children

Established in 1999, Chattering Children's mission is to equip children with hearing loss and their families with a foundation for lifelong learning through listening and spoken language, and to integrate them into a hearing world. Chattering Children currently serves children with hearing loss (some of whom also have visual, motor and/or learning disabilities) who in live Washington, DC, northern Virginia and the Maryland suburbs. Chattering Children provides ongoing educational and clinical services to children with hearing loss throughout their growth and development, as well as coaching and education to their families. Left untreated, hearing loss in early childhood causes a cascade of other delays in language, cognition and social development. Early intervention is imperative if children with deafness are to overcome the challenge posed by the lack of access to sound early in life. Universal newborn hearing screening was heralded as a huge advancement in treating hearing loss because age at intervention is clearly linked with improved outcomes. But, each year the CDC reports that approximately one-third of all children identified through universal newborn hearing screening are lost to follow-up. Those children who do not receive early intervention are destined for a lifetime of poor outcomes. We would like to reach more infants and children who are in need of our services due to limited access to diagnostic testing centers and long waits at centers properly equipped to test infants. Chattering Children is pursuing funding to upgrade audiological equipment that will enable us to provide diagnostic testing for newborns and young children with complex cases who have been identified to have hearing loss, but lack access to timely intervention. The equipment we hope to acquire is portable, enabling Chattering Children to work with local agencies and clinicians to provide screenings across the metropolitan area, meeting these children and their families where they live, eliminating access, travel and transportation obstacles.