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George Washington High School Alumni Association

The GWHS Alumni Association ensures GWHS' status as San Francisco's leading comprehensive public high school, enabling faculty to provide all students with opportunity for academic success at GWHS and beyond, and strengthen graduates' bonds with each other and with GWHS, by: - funding over $33,000 in fiscal year 2021-22 to teachers and coaches for classroom supplies and student activities. - giving over $28,000 in scholarships to over 3 dozen deserving graduating seniors in May 2022. - sharing alumni and school news and publicizing reunions and related events to over 6,600 alumni members by mail, email and social media. - honoring distinguished graduates with Hall of Merit and Lifetime Service Awards. - preserving and documenting GWHS' rich history with personal interviews and archiving artifacts and ephemera we plan to display in a permanent location.

Lifeline Energy

Lifeline Energy is a non-profit social enterprise that provides sustainable information and education access to vulnerable populations. We achieve this by designing, manufacturing and distributing solar and wind-up media players and radios for classroom and group listening. Since 1999, we have distributed more than 500,000 power independent radios to provide on-demand access to information and education, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the years we have received numerous awards including the Tech Museum of Innovation Award, a World Bank Development Marketplace Award and an Index: Design to Improve Life Award. In addition, our founder and CEO Kristine Pearson was named one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment for 2007 and received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award in 2005.

United Planning Organization

OUR MISSION: Uniting People with Opportunities. The United Planning Organization, the designated community action agency for Washington, DC, was established December 10, 1962 to plan, coordinate, and implement human services programs for low-income residents in the Nation's Capital. For over 50 years, UPO has been in the forefront of the war on poverty. As the catalyst for economic security and growth for all Washington, DC residents, UPO has laid the groundwork for innovative social service programs such as weatherization and energy conservation services, Head Start, workforce development training and youth development. Today, UPO continues to provide residents with comprehensive resources for early childhood education; youth development; employment and training; family and community services; case management and referrals to other supportive services.

Tea Leaf Trust

Mission statement: To provide opportunities and promote ethnic cohesion through education. Our Aims: To deliver high quality, accessible educational programmes, both full time and part-time, to young people and children from the tea estates in the hill country of Sri Lanka; To effect social transformation in tea estate communities by highlighting the importance of community service, and instilling it as a core value in the youth through a series of practical programmes that develop their skills to give back to their communities; To improve youth employability and increase employment options outside the tea estates by facilitating the development of high-standard English language skills and professional skills; To facilitate the development of the emotional health of young people, enabling them to strengthen their positive coping strategies in order to with the complex societal issues that exist in their communities.

National Disability & Development Forum (NDF)

National Disability & Development Forum (NDF) is a registered and PCP certified non-profit organization that has been working in Sindh in the fields of Disability Rights, Health, Education, Environment/Alternative Energy, Food Security & Nutrition, Poverty Reduction, WASH, DRR/CBDRM, Democratization and Gender Mainstreaming since 2014. NDF opposes all forms of discrimination; and respects the rights and dignity of people irrespective of their ethnic, social, religious or political differences; and gives priority to meeting the needs and addressing the rights of the most disadvantaged communities and vulnerable segments of society especially PWDs, women and children. Empowerment of people with/without disabilities through awareness, skill development, access to health, education, livelihood & recreational services and enhancing the life standard in qualitative and quantitative terms

Asociacion Civil Contribuir Al Desarrollo Local

Mayma is a program in its 17th year of operation, organized by Argentinian NGO Contribuir al Desarrollo Local, in alliance with other partner organizations in Latin America. Mayma's mission is to foster a new regenerative economy, based on collaboration and care of people and planet through the strengthening of social and environmental impact-driven entrepreneurs and businesses. Mayma boosted more than 3,600 triple impact businesses in the past 17 years in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay, supported by a network of 400 mentors and using methodologies based on peer learning, mentoring, commercial links, education and access to financing and investment opportunities. As of 2020 Mayma also started working with agriculture and aquaculture farmers, and entrepreneurs from the Green and Blue Economy, helping them to transition to sustainable, clean and regenerative practices.

Ecuadorian Volunteers Association

EVA is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in the State of Illinois. It was created for the purpose of assisting Ecuadorian institutions devoted to educational, social, and health programs for the poor, neglected, and at-risk segments of the population. EVA is run by volunteers, and the various programs are implemented through network of viable, non-profit Ecuadorian institutions previously selected by a careful screening process. EVA requires that all the funds collected and distributed as yearly grants be only used for programmatic objectives of the organization it sponsors. EVA's Community Assistance Grant was instituted in 2008 to improve the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people living in the Chicago Metropolitan area where EVA is located. I Since its inception, we have been giving opportunities to advance educational, health, and human service programs in the local community.

City Year

City Year’s mission is to build democracy through citizen service, civic leadership and social entrepreneurship. It is through service that we can demonstrate the power and idealism of young people, engage citizens to benefit the common good, and develop young leaders of the next generation. City Year is wholly focused on fighting the national dropout crisis. City Year unites young individuals (corps members) age 17-24 from diverse ethnic, educational and socio-economic backgrounds to engage in a year of full-time service, leadership development and civic engagement. We have committed to leverage the talent, energy and idealism of corps members to serve as tutors, mentors and role models in schools to help students stay on track – and get back on track – to graduate high school.


The Arc/k Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to digitally archive that which is too valuable, too important, and too unique to be lost or forgotten. We envision the creation of a sustainable archival quality process to counter the threats and destruction of treasured objects and locations due to war, iconoclastic movements, poverty, neglect, climate change and even vandalism as some conspire to rob humanity of its collective culture as well as memory. To preserve our global heritage, we seek to capture and archive culturally and historically significant objects and locations via emerging modern digital formats including 3D imaging as well as the immersive technologies of augmented and virtual realities. With a goal to achieve the highest archival quality accuracy and authenticity, we are promoting the science of photogrammetry to populate the data for our digital formats. We are now looking to collaborate with like-minded individuals, museums, organizations and academic institutions to create case studies using the photogrammetry process to digitally archive and preserve objects and locations via grants or volunteer work. Also here is Arc/k's mission statement as it's laid out in our Articles of Incorporation -- "The specific purpose of this corporation shall be to preserve cultural assets across geopolitical regions, religions, races, and political borders, and to carry on other charitable activities associated with this purpose as allowed by law."

Garden State Equality Education Fund

Established in 2004, Garden State Equality (GSE) is the largest LGBT education and advocacy organization in New Jersey and one of the most successful statewide civil rights organization for the LGBT community in the nation. Our services include advocacy, policy work, and trainings. Our signature programs are: Map & Expand, Pledge & Protect, and Teach & Affirm. In collaboration with community partners, Garden State Equality led efforts to ensure nondiscrimination for transgender people and gender nonconforming people in New Jersey, we passed the most comprehensive anti-bullying law in the country, ended sexual orientation and gender identity/expression change efforts in New Jersey (sometimes called conversion therapy), and brought marriage equality to the Garden State! All our current work is informed by racial, economic, and disability justice concerns. We are working to address safe environments for youth, improvement of health services that meet LGBT community needs, and respectful treatment of seniors. Beyond that, Garden State Equality supports New Jersey's activist community by bringing an LGBT lens to the shared struggle for justice. Garden State Equality Education Fun, Inc. is a member of the Equality Federation, a non-profit under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3), and has achieved a platinum seal of transparency from Guidestar (See

The Headstart Trust

The HeadStart Trust has been working in poor and marginalised communities of the Cape for over 10 years. In the last 5 years, activities centered around Napier in the Overberg, where the Jack family farm is located. Working at Protea Primary in Napier, we started with an organic vegetable garden development, warm beanies for the young learners in winter, donations of extra furniture and annual stationery and art equipment. We also arranged outreach programmes from privileged schools in Cape Town to do community service in Napier. In 2018 The HeadStart Trust introduced a Music Education Programme. The results reflected international experience and research, and were astounding. Music pupils showed an average annual attendance rate increase from around 75% to 98%. Their general behaviour and academic results in other subjects also improved markedly. In 2020 we hired more staff and acquired more instruments and were able to increase those receiving music tuition from 36 to 130 pupils. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Trustees of The HeadStart Trust have agreed to shift the short-term focus of the Trust to Food Relief. There is a history of rural villages in the Cape Agulhas region being ostracised and disregarded, and when financial support isn't sucked completely away, these communities are often last in line. This underlines the massive challenge we face here: for a start, children don't have access to the usual daily school meals (only twice a week) and, in the past, local government bureaucracy has hampered efficient feeding schemes. The community is consequently wary of empty promises. A majority of the community is not earning any income during the lockdown period and finding it very difficult to access the government relief grants promised by Pretoria due to consistently changing criteria and resulting confusion. Foreign nationals, who out of desperation sought refuge in these rural towns and send large portions of their piecemeal income to family members in other African states, are either unable or too terrified to register for any type of relief. The need for assistance is thus overwhelming. We have begun our efforts by vastly expanding the Napier Primary organic vegetable garden and donating the required seed and tools for the village to contribute directly in their own medium-term food security. But we require short-term, encompassing solutions as well. With the full support of Executive Mayor of the Cape Agulhas Municipality, Mr Paul Swart, and Napier's Ward Councillor, Mrs Evelyn Sauls, The HeadStart Trust will play a crucial coordinating role in helping to alleviate the growing social disaster catalysed by this pandemic and the lockdown. We have begun lobbying civil society organisations, government funds and individuals to donate financially to a structured and inclusive Rural Food Relief Platform for Napier and surrounding areas. Furthermore, we will use our personnel and farm vehicles to collect and distribute donated food (under strict lockdown safety measures) to those most in crisis. We will utilise the food storage and refrigeration facilities that have been established at the Thusong Centre and Packtown Food in Bredasdorp. Mr Swart has acknowledged that food collection and distribution is a new challenge for his administration and the municipality desperately needs cooperative partners to overcome the challenge we collectively face as a community. The HeadStart Trust is also liaising directly with various community representatives and farmers. Communication is also continuous with religious leaders and on community social media platforms. As agreed with elected representatives, we will channel food donation through the Napier Community Police Forum (CPF) and local farmer organisations. Local food donations can already be made at the Napier OK Minimark, but our intention is to expand this systematically and emphatically. We need your help to support these communities that are a foundation for our own food security, but find themselves abandoned in this lockdown period.

Pallottine Missionary Foundation

Pallottine Missionary Foundation (Pallotynska Fundacja Misyjna is an NGO, based in Poland. We support social work of missionaries: kindergartens, schools, health centres, hospitals, nutritional centres, we also fund scholarships for Africans, who study in their own countries. We also organize a course for missionary volunteers, who go to the countries of Global South to help and share their experience. We help in Africa: Rwanda, D.R. Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Uganda, Senegal, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zanzibar; Asia: India, Syria, Lebanon, Sri Lanca; South America: Colombia, Cuba, Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina. The Foundation was founded in 2008. We have a long story of support different projects like building maternity in Kigali, building schools in Bivouvue, Esse in Cameroon, supporting kindergartens in Rwanda and D.R. Congo, building schools in Brobo and Ahouaukro in Ivory Coast. We organize debates on hot international social topics with famous experts like Carl Wilkens for the USA, the only American who stayed in Rwanda during the genocide, Nagy el-Khouri from Lebanon, Juan Grabois from Papal Counsel Justicia et Pax and many more. We cooperate with business to help to develop entrepreneurship among Africans. What we take care most is the education of children as we know that is an effective way to help children. In the process of helping the faith doesn't matter - we help all the people in need, regardless their faith. In Africa and India we help in education of children of all faiths. We do not ask for it. Some years ago we helped muslim village in Bosnia which suffered during the big flood. So we don't divide people according to their faith.