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Displaying 577–588 of 707

Bigkid Foundation

BIGKID Foundation is a multi-award-winning youth and community charity established in 2008; our mission is to end social exclusion and youth violence. We work with over 2,000 young people annually and are experts in youth engagement. We equip young people to take control of their lives, find, develop and act on their own potential. We do this through three core programmes: delivered across seven London boroughs: Community engagement - sports sessions including football, American flag football, boxing, basketball and tennis; youth club, music, visual arts and social action projects. Mentoring - both peer mentoring and with adult mentors. Breaking Barriers - our in-school leadership programme for young people at risk of exclusion, or otherwise vulnerable due to concerns around mental health or well-being.

Memphis Bears Inc.

Memphis Bears Inc. (MBI) is a non-profit organization that has been in operation since 1996, founded by Craig Littles. Our mission is to provide community based facilities and programs to empower, enrich and increase the participation levels among urban, multi-cultural, disadvantaged youth; which will create an exciting, structured atmosphere, foster educational growth, community volunteerism, and offer local and national organized sport competitions. We are committed to building healthy bodies, powerful minds, as well as embed character, leadership, and life skills. Also, instill self-esteem that may be employed to excel far beyond expectations.

Bernasol Educational Foundation

The Bernasol Educational Foundation is driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision-making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high-quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all our pursuits. We want to inspire success through principles, education and mentoring. Providing economic opportunities and help develop sustainable communities. Our purpose is to provide resources to creative but overlooked individuals. Those who are trained will train others and continue the cycle to transform other lives, changing the entire nation and eventually the world.

CodeCreate / Resilience Partners NFP

CodeCreate Technology Education at Resilience Partners provides dynamic and creative experiences for young people, educators and families, bringing innovative opportunities for learners to imagine, reflect, play and create! We empower learners through creative design experiences with everyday technology and the learner's own ideas: commands that students will retain every other time they see those tools across diverse areas of Chicago and several nations. CodeCreate guides participants in the creation and appreciation of intuitively based technology combined with artistic expressions, especially within basic circuitry, robotics and computer programming, media arts, illustration, 3D design and performing arts.

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Kids Need To Read

Founded with a passion to improve the lives of disadvantaged children by providing inspiring book collections and engaging literacy programs to underfunded schools, libraries, and organizations across the nation, Kids Need to Read aspires to empower and embolden every last child through a culture of reading. For many of the children it serves, Kids Need to Read represents a crucial link to a strong literacy education, and its programs help build and nurture support systems for the development of literate minds. By immersing children in an integrated world of literary experiences that teaches them, firsthand, the impact of reading on every aspect of life, imagination is ignited and confidence is built for a prosperous future, regardless of race, economic status, or personal capabilities.

Jewish Deaf Congress

Mission Statement: JDC functions as an inclusive and accessible Jewish Deaf national organization, network and resource center, rooted in Judaism and Deaf experiences, cultures and values of lifelong Jewish learning to discover, connect and flourish.Vision Statement: JDC will inspire Jewish Deaf people, families, allies and professionals with full access to the spirituality, traditions, culture and social heritage of Judaism and of the Deaf community.JDC Core Guiding Values1. Inclusive and accessible resource and advocate2. Jewish traditions and values3. Deaf community, culture and values including American Sign Language and/or Israeli Sign Language4. Growth and preservation of spirituality, heritage and fellowship5. Strong support for Israel and Israeli Deaf Community

Wakefulness Orphans And Widows Tanzania (WOWT or WOW Tanzania)

Wakefulness Orphans and Widows Tanzania (Wow Tanzania or WOWT) is a National NGO that focuses on creating economical sustainability by providing jobs, entrepreneurial training, and education sponsorships for children and women. We focus on at-risk and disadvantaged youth between the ages of 7-23 years old, orphans, street children, single mothers, and working-age widows. We have a sponsor-a-child program for the poorest children in Tanzania, to provide food, clean water, clothes, health care, school sponsorships, and whatever the child needs to grow, be healthy, and finish school. Through our training programs, we teach the importance of living for the well-being of the community and just for ourselves.

Costa Rican Association for Children with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Our mission is to provide the necessary resources so that all children born with malformation Cleft Lip/Palate (all over the country) can recover in a complete and thorough manner. Although we are an independent association, we work together with the National Children's Hospital of Costa Rica (which is where they perform surgical treatment) in order to have a multidisciplinary equipment, needed for a proper rehabilitation. In Costa Rica, each year, we received an approximately of 85-90 babies with the Cleft Lip/Palate, so our effort is reflected in the smile of all recovered children, but our mission continues standing with each new baby born that presents the malformation.


SIDeMaST is committed to promote and advance the science and art of medicine related to the skin, the highest standards in clinical practice, education and research in dermatology, and the highest quality standards in continuing medical education. It also promotes the public interest relating to dermatology, and formulates socioeconomic policies that can influence the quality of dermatological care. SIDeMaST is a provider for continual medical education credits, and organizes educational courses dedicated to both dermatological residents and certified dermatologists. SIDeMaST organizes an annual national meeting with a mean attendance of 2,000 dermatologists. Moreover, annual regional meetings are organized together with the Italian Society of Hospital Dermatology (ADOI) by Italian region delegates from both Societies.

Sister Song Women Of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

SisterSong’s mission is to amplify and strengthen the collective voices of indigenous women and women of color to achieve Reproductive Justice (RJ) by eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights. RJ is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, choose when and how to have children or not, and parent in safety with adequate resources. RJ centers the needs and leadership of the most marginalized and the intersections of oppressions. The first RJ organization founded to build the movement, SisterSong includes and represents Indigenous, African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Arab and Middle Eastern, Latinx, and queer women and trans people. A top RJ thought leader, trainer, organizer, and collaboration facilitator, our focus is Southern and national.

Women and Children Welfare and Development Organization

Vision: Ethiopia, where every child, youth, and woman SRHR, MNHC, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice fully realized Mission Statement To take the lead in advancing sexual reproductive health, maternal and newborn health care, human rights, gender equality, and justice by leaving no one behind, we are dedicated to ensuring this through: a. Elevating the voice and expertise of young people. b. Building a strong values-driven community. c. Trans-national synergy in our advocacy. d. Trans-National movement building. e. Fully youth-led program setting and Implementation. Purpose: To achieve SRHR, Maternal and Newborn Health Care, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Justice for Youth by Youth in Ethiopia Core Values: Accountability, Transparency, Stewardship, Equity, Equality, Integrity, Leadership, and Humanity Principle: 1. We courageously challenge social norms. 2. We are committed to the power of youth-led advocacy, accountability, and full agency for all young people. 3. We care about centring the perspective of marginalized and oppressed individuals and Groups and dismantling stigma, discrimination, and hatred. 4. We strive to continuously evaluate, learn, and evolve. 5. We believe in decolonized models of work, equitable collaboration, and participatory decision-making whilst ensuring transparency and accountability. 6. We are compassionate and progressive human rights defenders who are unashamedly prochoice, feminist, and pro LGBTIQ. Strategic Approach: Build and Foster Partnership, Network, Membership, and Volunteerism