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Arts For All offers accessible artistic opportunities to children in the New York City area who face socio-economic, physical, or emotional barriers to exploring the arts. Through Arts For All, professional artists work with youth organizations to build self-confidence, self-expression, teamwork, resilience, and creativity in children.

Read To Grow

The mission of Read to Grow is to promote language skills and literacy for children, beginning at birth, and to support parents as their babies' first teachers. Our vision is that every family will understand the critical importance of early childhood literacy and will take an active role in their child's reading development.  All children in Connecticut will have books of their own.

The Registered Trustees of the Cece Yara Foundation

Preventing child sexual abuse through community empowerment and support. The Cece Yara Foundation is a child-centred non-profit organisation established in 2016 to prevent child sexual abuse and provide access to care, information, protection and emergency intervention for children who are sexually abused or at risk, and their family. The Foundation provides the ideal response to children through a 24-hour free child telephone helpline and its child-friendly Child Advocacy Centre based in Lagos, which provides professional counselling, medical, legal and psycho-social support, as well as referral services. The Foundation also conducts prevention programs for children and adults to raise awareness on child sexual abuse, and educate adults on how to protect children from sexual abuse.

Arise Educational Foundation

Arise Educational Foundation is part of the German NGO "Arise e.V. - eine Schule fur Ghana" founded to support the education of underprivileged children in Tuba-Kokrobite, Ghana. The organisation runs an elementary school that provides free educational services to brilliant but needy children in the Tuba and Kokrobite communities. Arise e.V subscribes to the educational philosophy of practice that fosters rigorous, self-motivated growth for children in all areas of their development to nurture each child's natural desire for knowledge, understanding, and respect. Our approach encourages their will for learning and their strive to gain new abilities through effective teaching approaches that advance personalized learning. We're currently building a new and bigger school building to reach even more children to give them the education they deserve.

Acknowledge Alliance

Acknowledge Alliance promotes lifelong resilience in children and youth, and strengthens the caring capacity of the adults who influence their lives.

Not Guilty Inc

Not Guilty is a nationwide campaign committed to abolish bullying and sexual abuse of Egyptian children through education and support programs

Fundacion Cuidado Infantil Dominicano

To respond to Jesus Christ through compassionate service, sharing and promoting health and wholeness for those in need, especially children.

Youth Dream for Constructive Achievement (YDCA) Inc.

Our mission is to provide solace for children, at-risk youth, and women to enable them to explore their potential, growth, and development

Greenbush Child Caring


Elite Star Foundation

BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF ELITE STAR FOUNDATION Elite Star Foundation is a child-centered non-profit organization established in 2021 dedicated to the safety and well-being of every child in Nigeria. At Elites star foundation, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to live free of neglect, violence, and exploitation. We are committed to promoting children's rights and advancing their opportunities for a bright and healthy future. That is why we strive to provide quality, non-profit services to children between the age of 1-17 years, irrespective of their color, ethnicity, race, gender, or background. Elite Star Foundation is an independent organization run entirely by dedicated volunteers passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of children. We work with partners in local communities in other to provide children with the resources and support they need to build a strong foundation for their future. We promote a safe and encouraging environment where children feel supported, loved, and empowered. We provide a platform for children to share their stories and receive feedback from their peers. We also offer mentorship programs to ensure that each child has the guidance and support they need to reach their goals. We are dedicated to making sure that every child in our community has the opportunity to reach their full potential and lead a successful life. We are passionate about making a difference and ensuring no child is left behind. Knowing that there are various ways we can drive changes for children in our community, we decided to focus on three key areas: Child Protection, Child Survival, and Child Education. OUR KEY FOCUS AREAS 1. Child Protection The Elite Star Foundation is working towards creating a safe and happy childhood for every Nigerian child, free from abuse and neglect. We aim to play a significant role in giving children all over Nigeria a voice while upholding the highest standard of child protection through advocacy, awareness, and responsive support service. We are here to defend the children whose rights are violated. We protect the most vulnerable children and make the rights of the child accessible. We are committed to preventing, identifying, and responding to any abuse and neglect of children in our society. Our approach is designed to keep children safe from harm, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of damage. We take all allegations of abuse and neglect very seriously and will respond to any reports promptly and thoroughly. We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse and neglect. We are also committed to providing safe, supportive environments for children. This includes providing the children and communities with training on the signs of abuse and neglect and ensuring our programs are conducted safely and respectfully. We recognize that everyone in society is key to creating a safe and supportive environment for our children. We are committed to providing ongoing training and support to adults and children. We will do our utmost to ensure that everyone is familiar with our Child Protection Approach and is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of children. We are dedicated to the safety and well-being of all the children in our society, and we are doing our best to ensure that we mitigate the advent of child abuse in society. 2. Child Survival Child survival is a critical issue that requires the attention of all stakeholders in the global community. For too long, children have been dying from preventable diseases and injuries, and the impact of this loss is felt by their families and entire communities and countries. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 calls for "ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages, "focusing on child survival. We recognize that child survival is not an isolated issue but is closely linked to other key development objectives like education, gender equality, and poverty reduction. We must work together to create an enabling environment that provides the necessary support and resources to ensure the survival and well-being of all children. At Elite Star Foundation, every child deserves a chance to live a long, healthy life. That is why we are committed to using a comprehensive approach to promoting the survival and well-being of children worldwide. Our Child Survival Approach combines prevention, early intervention, and response strategies to ensure that children have the best chance of surviving and thriving. Prevention: Prevention is the best way to ensure a child's survival. We work to improve the health and well-being of children by providing health education and preventive health services. Our prevention strategies also focus on reducing poverty, increasing access to quality education, and promoting good nutrition and hygiene. Early Intervention: Early intervention is key to ensuring a child's survival. We provide rapid response services to children at risk of malnutrition, disease, or other health problems. Our early intervention services include providing nutritional supplements and access to medical care. Response: We are there to respond when a child is in crisis. We provide emergency services to children who are victims of natural disasters, conflicts, or other health crises. We provide medical care, food, clean water, shelter, and other essential services to needy children. At Elite Star Foundation, we are committed to protecting and promoting the health and well-being of children around the world. We use a comprehensive approach to ensure that every child has the best chance at survival. 3. Child Education At Elite Star Foundation, we believe that a child's education is the foundation of their future success. We strive to provide a comprehensive approach to education tailored to each child's needs. Through our programs, we strive to create a safe and supportive learning environment that helps children reach their highest potential. Our approach to child education is based on a holistic view of the child as a whole person. We recognize the importance of providing various learning experiences for children, including academic, physical, social, and emotional learning. Education should not be limited to the classroom but should extend to the community and beyond. We strive to create learning opportunities that cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. At Elite Star Foundation, we understand that each child has unique abilities and interests. We strive to provide an individualized approach to education that considers each child's needs. We offer a variety of educational programs, such as tutoring, mentorships, and after-school activities, that help children develop the skills they need to succeed. We also recognize the importance of family involvement in a child's education. We strive to create a partnership between families, schools, and other community organizations to ensure that every child has the support they need to reach their educational goals. At Elite Star Foundation, we are committed to providing children with the educational opportunities they need to become successful, productive members of society. We believe that quality education is the key to a brighter future.

Instituto Nueva Escuela

INE's mission is to achieve peace in Puerto Rico through an excellent school for all working with the schools in their transformation process through the development of collective work, Montessori environments and family committees. Our goal is to develop children intellectually prepared and empowered; families committed to children's education; communities that are secured and that assume responsibility for their futures.

Save life make difference

Only i need to keep family live There die one by one 1.Construction of the house for six destitute children 2.Master works a support project at a future time 3.School fees 4.Health care for a girl who has troubled 5.Nutrition 6.Children care and other needs