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With the goal of helping under-served communities in India, Nepal, and Tibet receive the vital services they need, Karuna-Shechen was founded in 2000 by Matthieu Ricard (, renown TED speaker, author, and humanitarian. We strive to reduce inequalities and work toward a fairer and more compassionate world. We trust that communities can be lifted out of poverty, that change is possible, and that the well-being of every individual, regardless of race, gender, class, or caste, is essential. We believe that building on local strengths and knowledge is the most efficient way to respond to the specific needs and aspirations of our beneficiaries. Rooted in the ideal of "compassion in action", we serve others with joy and determination by cultivating altruism in our hearts and actions. We provide vulnerable and disadvantaged populations access to health care, education and vocational training, clean water, solar electricity, and other sustainable solutions that offer options to find a livelihood and a better life. We work with a grassroots network of local partners, and give special attention to the education and empowerment of girls and women. Karuna-Shechen's name expresses its mission while paying homage to its roots: Karuna means "compassion" in Sanskrit, and Shechen is the name of a major monastery in Tibet.

Yayasan Bumi Sehat, Ds. PKR Nyuh Kuning

We operate four Community Health and Education and Childbirth Centers within Indonesia, and one in the Philippines, as well as mobile Disaster Relief Birth and Health Services. At our clinics, we offer a comprehensive range of allopathic and holistic medical care, including pre and post-natal care, breastfeeding support, infant, child and family health services, nutritional education, pre-natal yoga and gentle, loving natural birth services. Each baby's capacity to love and trust is built at birth and in the first two hours of life. By protecting pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding, we are advocating for optimal humanity, health, intelligence and consciousness. We believe that each individual is an essential societal component of peace. By caring for the smallest citizens of Earth - babies at birth - we are building peace: one mother, one child, one family at a time. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and encourage peace. We also offer a scholarship program each year for nursing and midwifery students from poor families who cannot afford training. In addition, we have a Youth Center where local teenagers study permaculture, English and computing skills to help them improve their job prospects.

Mentivity Group C.I.C.

"Mentivity aims to mentor and support as many of our young people, families, schools and the wider community as possible, to enhance social cohesion, social mobility, improve educational outcomes and raise aspirations for our youth. "An opportunity to create a safe space where mentees can meaningfully engage through active collaboration, pursue experiences via guided discovery that will elevate their personal, academic and social advancement/progression/expansion. Established upon honesty, respect and trust whilst nurturing their passions. Equipping our mentees with increased resilience needed to overcome adversity and alter their life trajectories. To create safer communities in which individuals and families can thrive" Our passion and drive to improve the personal, social, educational and employment outcomes for our young people will always be at the very heart of our work. Mentivity are committed to helping and assisting our young people, giving them the opportunity to achieve their true potential and shape their futures through empowerment, accountability, critical thinking, perseverance, responsibility and humility. We believe in creating a long-lasting legacy so that our much needed work and support continues on within our communities indefinitely through our network of Mentivity mentees.

Achvat Amim - Solidarity of Nations

Achvat Amim ("Solidarity of Nations" in Hebrew) is a unique five month volunteer program based in Jerusalem, for participants ages 21 to 30, that directly engages with the reality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through grassroots human rights work and critical education, based on the core value of self-determination for all peoples. Our vision is a reality of peace, justice, and self-determination for all peoples in this land, within a framework where the full human, civil, and political rights of all people and peoples are recognized and actualized. As experienced community organizers in Israel-Palestine, we know that the best way to approach challenging social and political problems is to engage people in meaningful processes of self-examination, empowerment, and relationship building. In parallel, we need to create spaces for communities to develop shared goals and strategies for positive social change, rooted in their unique identities and traditions. Our mission is to build a movement to support self-determination for all peoples, starting with an empowered and educated Jewish community which acts in partnership and solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis. As Jewish educators and activists, we have identified three strategies: 1. transform our own Jewish community to act from a place of empathy, compassion and meaningful identity, 2. bring more people into the movement, in partnership and solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis, and 3. develop leaders within the movement for self-determination for all people and peoples. Achvat Amim's methods - sustained processes of living, learning, and working in partnership across various divisions - allow growing relationships of trust and solidarity to emerge between participants, partner organizations, and staff, between Israelis, Palestinians and others.

FortSchritt Bayern gGmbH

Early childhood education. Inclusion. Diversity: FortSchritt is an independent, non-profit organisation for holistic childcare in integrative day nurserys, kindergartens and daycare centres. In our conductive curative education day care centers we provide holistic, loving and individual support for children and young people with disabilities using the method of conductive education according to Dr. Andras Peto. Our mobile specialist service visits people of all ages and institutions on site and offers them psychological and therapeutic help. The focus of our holistic work is always the human being in his uniqueness. Main areas of activity: The FortSchritt-Konduktives Forderzentrum gGmbH was founded in 2001. It is responsible for 36 day nurserys, kindergartens, children's homes, forest playgroups, curative day care centres and after-school care centres for children with and without disabilities. In addition to the day care centres, FortSchritt gGmbH offers day care and large day care centres for children, a baby cafe, a transport service and interdisciplinary, mobile specialist services for parents, children, educators and employees. The facilities of FortSchritt gGmbH are represented in 6 Upper Bavarian administrative districts and the state capital Munich. At present we care for about 1,400 children with about 400 employees. All FortSchritt support services are holistic and inclusive! The personal development of each child and social justice are in the foreground. Therefore, FortSchritt welcomes all children, regardless of which social, religious and national group they belong to. Thus the facilities of the gGmbH form a differentiated, multi-layered, educational and social learning environment. In order to enable optimal support beyond the regular financing, we are dependent on monetary donations and donations in kind. Mission statement FortSchritt gGmbH - step by step to independence Preamble: This mission statement is the result of more than 20 years of lived experience in pedagogical dealing with children, teenagers and young adults. It offers orientation, reminds us of common goals and values and encourages us to think further. 1. The children, teenagers and young adults entrusted to us are at the centre of all our ideas, concepts and measures. We are passionately committed to their well-being and their best possible development and strive to work professionally and successfully every day. 2. We see our work as a diverse range of pedagogical offers, which should enable the optimal compatibility of family and career. We rely on our experience, skills and strengths. 3. FortSchritt has a unique history: We have established the conductive education to Peto in Germany. This tradition is very important to us. At the same time, we integrate various pedagogical approaches into our work and are constantly developing further. 4. The aspects presented under Mission, Vision and Values have emerged from joint workshops and meetings. They are not immutable, they have to prove themselves in practical work every day. 5. This mission statement should therefore be tested in practice and further developed: Share your experiences with the other employees of FortSchritt! At we are happy to take up your experiences, ideas and suggestions and publish them regularly. Mission: In cooperation with the parents, we seek to educate the children, teenagers and young adults entrusted to us to become responsible, compassionate and independent personalities - always in partnership and at eye level. 1. FortSchritt enables individual support: Through our diverse range of services we create the conditions to accept each child as it is: unique and free in its decisions. Our roots lie in the conductive education according to Peto, in addition we take up different pedagogical approaches such as Frobel's teaching, reggio pedagogy or forest pedagogy. This diversity allows us to address individual offers to the individual. The conception of our facilities and the interdisciplinary qualification of our teams reflect this diversity. 2. Joy, security and acceptance with FortSchritt: Children, teenagers and young adults feel completely at home with us, have fun and enjoy themselves. They should keep the time at FortSchritt as a valuable memory. This includes creating an atmosphere of security and acceptance; a protected space in which those entrusted to us can develop and try things out. 3. Our goal: Step by step to independence: We accompany the children, teenagers and young adults individually and step by step on their way to independence and support their strengths. "I can do it!": We make sure that the challenges they face are manageable and that their sense of self-efficacy is strengthened. This also includes setting clear boundaries. Many small steps create a sense of achievement that motivates you to continue. 4. We promote a positive self-esteem: Children, adolescents and young adults should develop at FortSchritt to become self-confident and responsible citizens of society. They learn to be aware of their own needs, to trust their own strengths and to develop skills. This also means taking responsibility for their own actions and standing up for common values. Everyone can achieve something and be proud of it: positive feelings strengthen self-esteem. 5. Inclusion and social competence in all facets: In addition to personal development, the promotion of social skills in all its facets is central to FortSchritt. At the core of this competence is the insight: "It is normal to be different." For us, inclusion refers not only to different physical constitutions or mental abilities, but also to gender, nationality, culture and language. The focus is on support oriented to the individual child and learning from and with each other. FortSchritt creates a space for friendships, for trust and reliable action. Vision: We advocate an open, empathic society in which inclusion is not just a buzzword, but an attitude to life. We take responsibility for this: with our theoretical and practical expertise and our special pedagogical skills, we want to advise parents, communities and other institutions and stimulate social change. 1. Higher social and political appreciation of extracurricular education: In our view, extracurricular education should be given the same importance as school education. This will create better overall conditions in the areas of education, training and support. FortSchritt is committed to a concrete improvement of the working conditions of our pedagogical teams. In addition to higher remuneration, this includes the optimisation of training and further education opportunities. The time for preparation and follow-up work, professional exchange and networking should not be considered a voluntary additional benefit, but a fixed part of regular working hours. 2. Inclusion is more than consideration: Our goal is a society in which inclusion is a matter of course in all respects. This means that not only individual social institutions work on inclusion, but that broad social and political acceptance is achieved. FortSchritt consciously counters social exclusion: We reject the division of people into certain categories such as nationals/foreigners; handicapped/non-handicapped. 3. Living diversity: also in our teams: Against the background of a changing society and increasing demands in the field of extracurricular education, training and support, we want to develop culturally, linguistically and professionally diverse team structures. In order to meet these requirements, we would like to offer our employees a wide range of training and further education. 4. FortSchritt as consultant, supporter and multiplier: We would like to pass on our special curative education and psychological knowledge and our expertise in the areas of management, administration and organization. Parents, representatives of local authorities and other institutions should receive information and support from us in an uncomplicated way in the form of counselling, coaching and further training. Values: The values formulated here give orientation to our thoughts and actions - and they serve as a benchmark in dealing with the children and young people entrusted to us. This also applies to our dealings with parents and all those with whom we work in partnership. The values have proven their worth in the more than 20 years of our existence - and should continue to serve as a guideline for the future. 1. Humanistic, positive image of man: Human dignity, the recognition of the equality of all people and respect for each individual are the basis for our actions. 2. Appreciation: We meet people empathically and at eye level. Our friendliness is expressed in our language and in our actions. Politeness and appropriate manners are therefore a matter of course for us. 3. Respect: We treat ourselves and others with recognition and respect. For us, respect means not only tolerance of other values and lifestyles, but also their acceptance. 4. Trust: A trustful cooperation is the basis of all our relationships. The trust we place in each other creates security and reliability. 5. Fairness: For us, fairness means more than acting in accordance with the rules: Fairness also means decency and honesty in dealing with each other. 6. Together: We achieve our goals through team spirit, cooperation and a strong sense of community. We want to actively set an example against egoism and create a sense of we.

Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation & Development

The HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development) TRUST was established in 2021 following a 24-year journey in caring for elephants that have been displaced or orphaned due to human-elephant conflict. With the growing numbers of orphans and displaced elephant calves in recent years, due to rampant poaching of elephant mothers as well as human-elephant conflict, Adine Roode, HERD Founder, took the step to build an elephant orphanage in South Africa, to provide an adoptive family structure for calves in need. The HERD Orphanage was built in 2019 in response to a growing number of young orphaned elephant calves that need a place of rehabilitation and more importantly, an existing herd that will accept them unconditionally. The Jabulani Herd is now a family of 16 elephants, of which 11 are orphans and five that were born to the herd over 10 years ago. In 2004 the lodge, Jabulani, was built to sustain the herd, with proceeds from tourism assisting with the care and management of the rescued herd. In 2021 a decision was made to move the Jabulani herd and the HERD Homestead operations (formally known as the Jabulani stables) together with the HERD Orphanage, under the umbrella of the HERD Trust which is a registered PBO Number 930072153. This allows for public funding to ensure the well-being of all the elephants. The HERD Trust also commits to being active within our local communities through education and awareness, as well as our online communities, bringing a global audience together to educate a larger audience about the elephant species and the essential conservation efforts undertaken by various organisations around the world. It is our mission through HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development), South Africa's first and only dedicated elephant orphanage, to rehabilitate orphaned elephants from the traumatic or near-fatal challenges that have caused them to be abandoned. It is our mission to give them a second chance of life with a herd, as the social and complex nature of the species requires that they live within a herd for their own wellbeing. Our objectives are to provide a safe rehabilitation alternative for elephant orphans that prioritises the long-term well-being of the elephants. To establish a strategy and long-term plan for elephant rehabilitation through rewilding that includes ways to mitigate the long-term chronic stress of releasing elephants directly into the wild when, as orphans, they don't have a proper social structure. The focus is on building the orphans' ability to deal with a wild system independently, in such a way that allows them to develop that capacity at a reasonable pace, and within a stable and nurturing system. Thus, the rewilding of captive elephants that takes elephant biology and local context into account. Our principals underpinning the approach: a. Emphasis and focus on the rehabilitation and rewilding as both short and long-term objectives, that considers the social and sentient nature of elephants, their longevity, and the need for their learning and social development to take place in a protective, nurturing, and safe context and environment. b. Take into account the importance of social learning, bonding, and role building for orphans by creating a novel system of responsibly wilding or reintegrating elephants. c. It is unethical to simply release orphans into the wild without the opportunity for them to develop a robust social decision-making and behavioural system, within a structured support system, that people can, and have the obligation to, provide. d. Creating sustainable wellbeing for orphan elephants, responsible and transparent mechanisms to support direct costs attached to handraising and caring of elephants, and the herd into which they will be introduced, and which is engaged with broader society. e. Run an ethical, accredited, and credible operation, with a fully constituted ethics committee, and with an advisory committee with the appropriate expertise. f. Recognize the existence value of elephants for broader society, and to take on the custodianship role (all animals are under the custodianship of all people), on behalf of broader society, so that people know that animals are being protected and supported in an ethical way that gives people a sense of humaneness and humanity - this is one of our global values. g. Based on a long-term strategy for rewilding of orphan elephants that enhances wellbeing, and takes into consideration their longevity, and the long-term responsibility that we collectively have as a society to caring for orphaned elephants through their entire lifetime. h. Enhance and expand the contribution of elephants to human social and economic development, and human livelihoods and wellbeing, especially in the local region. i. Not causing unnecessary suffering or harm; j. There is no breeding of captive elephants. k. New orphans increase the wellbeing of the Jabulani elephant herd by improving the social structure of the herd, and providing the conditions for natural social interactions and processes. l. Introduction of calves can play a positive role in the emotional wellbeing and behaviour of the Jabulani herd, and the herd provides the most humane mechanism to reintegrate orphans into elephant society that is available. m. There is no promoting the removal of any babies from the wild. n. It is not the first choice to have captive elephants, and we understand the risks posed by the complex social nature of elephants. o. There are clear specific criteria for taking orphans for rehabilitation, such as when orphans are the direct consequence of human interference and human created problems, such as poaching. p. Elephants are only accepted as a results of confiscation, donation, or rescue and approved by, official government agencies. All orphans accepted are properly permitted. q. We do not promote, base, or drive the operation on creating a market for orphans. Orphans are accepted in the interests of the orphans, as such, and not to have any resale value. r. The Jabulani herd was rescued from a perilous situation, and are being provided with a protected and comfortable environment, that meets their biological and social requirements within the limitations of a previously tamed herd. s. The commitment to the Jabulani herd is to ensure their wellbeing for their natural lives.

TSiBA Education NPC

To profoundly change the future trajectory of young people from systemic and inter-generational poverty. TSIBA is a unique social enterprise which shows what's possible when business education invests in people. The TSIBA social enterprise includes a Business School, Ignition Academy and Education Trust working together to return highly sought after people and successful small business enterprises. Our Work: - TSIBA shows what's possible when a Business School and Development Academy invest intensively in education for the future world of work TSIBA transforms people into effective leaders by enabling them to connect with their purpose TSIBA places attitude at the heart of learning and surrounds this with layers of knowledge and skills TSIBA produces business graduates with proven skills to lead change in a world where change is the norm TSIBA enables emerging business enterprises to realise their potential TSIBA co-creates an extended and inclusive learning community We seek ambitious, purpose driven people and emerging businesses who want to take South Africa forward. We are passionate about the transformative impact of education as a catalyst to unlock the best of what humans can be. VISION To challenge the status quo of business education through a values-based approach to teaching and learning in a changing world. TSIBA Business School (registered with the DHET as TSIBA Education NPC) is an accredited not-for-profit higher education institution offering undergraduate and postgraduate business qualifications. The Business School aims to provide its students with a world-class and rewarding business education. This is supported by generous tuition scholarships which enable students to contribute towards their tuition at relative levels of affordability. TSIBA Business School's undergraduate students pay only what they can afford, removing any financial barriers to tertiary education. Return on investment since inception 2004 through our Business School includes over 7500 annual tuition fee scholarships awarded, over 4000 students directly impacted, a post-graduate employment rate of over 90%, eight Mandela Rhodes Scholars and three Kofi Annan Fellows. TSIBA Business School is a registered Public Benefit Organisation and a Level 1 B-BBEE Provider. Our student population exceeds the Black People threshold as defined by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice. All TSIBA accredited qualifications have Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) recognition. TSIBA is a member of the United Nations (UN) Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)

New Agriculture New Generation Non Profit Civil Law Company

"New Agriculture New Generation" is a non-profit organization, which aims to create career and entrepreneurship opportunities for youth in the Agrifood sector in Greece. The organization was founded in 2018 under the initiative and with the founding support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) as part of its "Recharging The Youth" program. The initiative started in 2018, led by Rutgers University (the state university of New Jersey), in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Athens and the American College of Agriculture. In October 2020, the initiative evolved into a Non-profit Civil Law Company based in Greece, expanding its activities and partner network while maintaining close collaboration with Rutgers University which is our strategic and technical advisor. We are a catalyst for innovation in the Agrifood ecosystem in Greece. We enable empowerment of youth and support the revitalization of the sector through. We build capacity, expand advisory networks, nurture innovation, support business development, and encourage collaboration and dialogue through programs and initiatives which focus on four major pillars: 1. Workforce Development, 2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support, 3. Rural Development (Programs restarting agricultural economy in disaster-stricken areas and stimulating regional development), 4. Strategic Initiatives (Initiatives addressing and mitigating climate change effects on the agrifood sector). We have built a wide network of partners, embracing the entire ecosystem of knowledge, entrepreneurship, and innovation across the agrifood sector in Greece. Furthermore, we work closely with all the Greek Academic Institutions and Research Centers, institutional, public, and private bodies. Our dynamic role in the agrifood ecosystem is acknowledged through our participation in several advisory groups to the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food, as well as in relevant working groups and committees of the Hellenic-American and the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Since 2018, we have empowered more than 29.600 young farmers, producers, entrepreneurs, graduates and other professionals, through our capacity building, entrepreneurship, and regional development programs as well as through natural disaster relief initiatives (Fire relief initiative for Northern Evia, Initiative to support the stock farmers of Karditsa, affected by Cyclone Ianos). We have implemented more than 50 capacity building programs and we have supported more than 100 SMEs, family and start - up businesses and cottage industries, and over 300 professional trainers, mentors and advisors. Our socioeconomic and environmental impact: 94% of our beneficiaries have improved their existing farming and technical processes, more than 44% of our beneficiaries have invested in the development of new products and services, more than 36% of businessowners/self-employed beneficiaries reduced their environmental footprint, 16.8 million is the total value created from our operations and 10.9 million created from our beneficiaries in the Greek economy. Our estimated economic leverage effect in the real economy is x3.6 (for each 1 euro spent by the organization, 3.6 is generated in the Greek economy). Furthermore, our organization has adopted 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while our activities are aligned with ESG criteria. We offer unique value to the ecosystem and we are a trusted and effective ecosystem builder: 1. Transferring knowledge from the best. Capacity to mobilize the best scientific and professional resources from Greece, Rutgers University and other international institutions. 2. Building communities of dynamic young farmers and agrifood entrepreneurs Developing sector- and location-based synergies across Greece. Goodwill and capacity for collaboration with our alumni. 3. Developing and implementing in-house expertise and unique Methodologies Supporting rural development by empowering the agrifood economy in business and entrepreneurship support. 4. Extensive, active network of knowledge providers. Impactful current collaborations with all academic and research institutions in Greece, top industry professionals and consultants, and thriving businesses and cooperatives. 5. Credibility. Trust and support from renowned and respected international organizations, such as the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Folloe Foundation, ActionAid. 6. Flexibility. Capacity to respond to the sector's needs in an agile, transparent and effective way. 7. Competent team. Combining different disciplines and knowhow, ability to work well in collaboration with other organizations, domestic and international. 8. Positive reputation. Good awareness of the organization across the sector and positive reputation In 2022, NANG has been: 1. Acknowledged as best practice by the European Commission DG Agri and invited in the "Vocational Education and Training for Agriculture in Transition" event in Brussels. Also, NANG was represented in the "Workshop on Young entrepreneurs - Engines of innovation in rural areas" in Dublin. 2. Selected among the top 30 non-profit organizations in 10 countries to collaborate with 3M / PYXERA Global within the 3M Global Impact Program, for "Integrating ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles with the strategic vision and operational sustainability of NANG"; 3. Selected for collaboration in 2023 with the Iraq-based, newly established MERG Foundation, implementing women empowerment programs focused in rural areas of Iraqi Kurdistan; 4. Acknowledged for its impactful work in Greece by the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM), Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations (FAO), and invited to attend the International Workshop on Algae Cultivation and Innovation in Saudi Arabia; 5. Exploring synergies with GFCM, regarding developing programs in the Mediterranean, locally adapting NANG methodologies on knowledge transfer and community building, collaborating and empowering local stakeholders.

Education For All Ltd

Education For All (EFA) believes that education a basic human right, and that educated girls educate the next generation. EFA focuses on girls from rural, remote areas of Morocco's High Atlas region who are missing out on secondary education due to living too far away from schools and being too poor to afford transport. EFA was founded in 2007 to respond to the high levels of illiteracy (estimated at 70%) amongst girls in the most deprived and remote areas of the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Instead of going to school, girls were staying home, doing domestic chores, marrying young and remaining in the cycle of poverty with limited choices in life. The 3 main obstacles for girls in rural Morocco to access school are Their villages are too far away from the secondary schools Their families are too poor to afford the travel costs There is low awareness of and value for educating girls THE SIMPLE SOLUTION EFA builds and runs safe and well equipped girls' boarding houses. We currently accommodate 250 girls in 6 houses, from the ages of 12-18 yrs. The EFA houses are a 'home away from home'. They are staffed by local women which helps to create an environment where their culture is respected and trust is built with the local community. They have 3 nutritious meals a day, hot showers, computer rooms and plenty of books and learning support. We also run an international volunteer programme to support the girls in their studies and activities which broaden their horizons. EFA Short Film Register to watch the short Film: Watch the trailer: It only costs $3 a day to educate a girl for a whole year! OR $85 per month or $1000 per year. IMPACT The short-term impact of EFA's work is that many girls now have the opportunity to go to school who otherwise would be at home. Since 2007 we have given access to a full secondary education for 370 girls. These girls are now young women want to become lawyers, scientists, teachers and entrepreneurs! We now have over 130 girls enrolled at University since 2013, with two now studying their Master's Degrees, 3 on full university scholarships and one who just graduated to become a Biology teacher. The longer-term impact is that these young women will be able to become financially independent, contribute to the workforce and economy and have more choice and voice in their families and society, ensuring progressive equality for future generations. They have also inspired a positive shift in attitudes in their communities towards educating girls, and are strong role models to their sisters and friends, demonstrating what is possible for them and how to realise their potential through education.

Young Scientists for Africa

Young Scientists for Africa (YoSA) is a registered charity supporting young African science students by: - Awarding scholarships to attend the annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). - Creating a student network in Africa to enable and encourage careers in science. This is necessary because: - Extensive analysis has demonstrated that Africa needs science, not just aid, to address the socio-economic and public health challenges it faces. - Africa needs young African scientists to lead the charge on reshaping the continent and improving and saving African lives. What YoSA offers: YoSA was established to support young African science students who don't typically have access to the same opportunities as those in other parts of the world. A central component of YoSA is a scholarship programme to sponsor African science students to attend the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). Proper representation of African students at this international forum is hugely important and before the creation of YoSA there was no representation of students from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa; a continent that constitutes approximately 20% of the world's youth population. YoSA works with leading scientists and scientific initiatives in Africa to identify the best young African scientific talent. These students are then sponsored to attend the London International Youth Science Forum - an annual event which attracts over 500 of the world's best science students from more than 70 countries, many of whom have won national science competitions - and are given the chance to engage with world leading scientists in a two week programme of lectures, debates and visits to research institutions. At LIYSF, YoSA students have the opportunity to share their perspectives and create lasting relationships with an audience of other young scientists from all over the world. They also raise the profile of African science by introducing other students to the challenges and opportunities for science in Africa. YoSA operates through a network of facilitators and has established links with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (, The Wellcome Trust (, The Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) (, Projekt Inspire ( and the Next Einstein Forum ( Through the support of its network of facilitators YoSA sponsors open and fair selection processes to identify talented young African scientists, for whom other financial support would not be available, and who are committed to pursuing science careers in Africa. The facilitators also support scholarship students locally with their visa and passport requirements as they have typically never travelled outside their own country before. Our ambition is to support young African scientists, not just in attending LIYSF, but also in creating a network that can link into other African science initiatives such as Next Einstein Forum ( and Africa Research Excellence Fund ( as they progress in their education and careers. We have directly facilitated introductions for our students with these and other leading science organisations in Africa and we actively monitor and encourage the progress of their scientific development through these connections. Each of our scholarship students has returned to Africa with a determination to succeed in science. They have been very proactive in communicating their experiences at LIYSF within their schools and local communities and inspire others pursue careers in science. They are each required to write a report of their experiences as part of the scholarship we provide and this forms the basis of these presentations. Our students are fantastic ambassadors for science in Africa and it's no exaggeration to say that YoSA and LIYSF have had a life changing effect on them and their ambitions for their future careers as African scientists. What is LIYSF: The London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) is a two week residential event held at Imperial College London, with lectures and demonstrations from leading scientists, visits to industrial sites, research centres, scientific institutions and organisations, including world class laboratories and universities. LIYSF attracts over 500 of the world's leading young scientists, aged 16-21 years, from more than 70 countries. This year was the 60th LIYSF and further details can be found at

Born Free Foundation

Born Free's mission is to keep wildlife in the wild. We work tirelessly to ensure that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs. As a leading wildlife charity, we oppose the exploitation of wild animals in captivity and campaign to keep them where they belong - in the wild. We promote Compassionate Conservation to enhance the survival of threatened species in the wild and protect natural habitats while respecting the needs and safeguarding the welfare of individual animals. We seek to have a positive impact on animals in the wild and protect their ecosystems in perpetuity, for their own intrinsic value and for the critical roles they play within the natural world. Our consistent motivation and aim since 1984 has been to protect wild animals, whether free living or in captivity. We are dedicated to the wellbeing of animals and humans, recognising that achieving co-existence is vital for the continuation of life on earth. It takes courage and determination to promote the well-being of wild animals who are unable to speak for themselves. Challenging individuals and organisations who stand in the way of improving outcomes for wild animals, local communities and the environment, is not always easy or straightforward. We actively engage in projects that address conservation, welfare, education and policy. Conservation Born Free is committed to our global conservation projects, supporting a vast array of species from lions to elephants, gorillas and tigers, wolves and bears, to name just a few. All of these wild animals face their own particular threats and challenges which we approach according to specific need. This may include addressing habitat loss and degradation, poaching, exploitation and the wildlife trade, conflict, policy failure, or other social pressures. Field conservation only ever has a meaningful impact if it is implemented over the long-term. Conservation often needs to take place in complex socio-political environments, where threats are constantly evolving, changing or increasing in magnitude. Born Free has a distinct track record of sustainable, long-term delivery. We have been supporting Ethiopian wolf conservation for a quarter of a century, protecting tigers in India for seventeen years, and addressing human-lion conflict mitigation in Kenya for over a decade. Welfare Building on over three decades of experience, Born Free's animal welfare programme continues to expose captive wild animal suffering that occurs in circuses, menageries and to animals kept as 'pets' by private individuals. Whenever possible, our expert teams rescue, rehabilitate and provide lifetime care for wild animals who have been treated cruelly or captured illegally. Our ability and capacity to rescue animals, however, is all too often determined by the resources available. Long-term, sustainable investment into our animal rescue and sanctuary programmes means we can help more animals. Education Local communities, far from being part of the problem, are, in fact, part of the solution. Born Free works with local communities to develop trust and strong working relationships through co-operation, commitment and understanding. Our investment in these relationships is vital for a future which embraces human-wildlife co-existence. Our education programmes are popular but currently limited by capacity. We are always seeking to reach more children and communities, and provide extensive educational and life-skills resources, throughout the areas in which we operate. Even small investments in education can have dramatic and lasting results and we would be delighted to talk about how you can support education, community empowerment and social change. Wildlife Policy Born Free's wildlife policy operates at the highest levels, influencing national governments, regional associations and global entities such as the UN. Our work involves detailed research, representation and advocacy at decision-making conferences that set the international framework for the ongoing relationship between humanity, nature and the environment. . This is international work at the top table, where our vision and experience can make a real contribution. The human resources and collateral necessary to influence policy and legislation must match our ambition for a more sustainable, more compassionate, more inclusive world where people and wildlife can coexist. Achieving Long Term Sustainable Results Since our establishment in 1984, we have achieved and continue to develop long-term, sustainable conservation, education, wild animal welfare and wildlife policy projects. Some examples of our achievements to date include: The building of over 300 predator-proof bomas ,night time stockades, in Amboseli, Kenya, which have reduced conflict and contributed to the growth of the lion population from 50 individuals in 2010 to over 200 today. Over 20 years' support for the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme, whose long-term protection and monitoring programme has been vital in sustaining the 500 wild individuals that represent the most endangered canid in the world. The Satpuda Landscape Tiger Partnership brings together seven conservation organisations across central India, and works to protect wild tigers and promote co-existence. Tiger numbers in central India have increased by almost 70% in the last five years through the painstaking work of such conservation organisations. An expanding UK education programme including Creative Nature, our bi-annual publication Hear the Roar, school outreach, curriculum-driven teaching materials, conservation clubs, and the nationwide Great Debate. Since 2014, a growing international education initiative, which now works with numerous schools in many African countries to deliver activities and extra-curricular clubs, introducing over 49,000 young people and rural community members to the wealth of natural wildlife around them and inspiring the conservationists of the future. The Raise the Red Flag campaign, highlighting and exposing the suffering endured by so many wild animals in captivity, has received 35,000 public reports in 20 years. Now sponsored by BA Holidays, the interactive campaign encourages the reporting of wild animal cruelty throughout the world to increase awareness and to enable us to campaign for tougher laws and legal protections. The lifetime care in Born Free operated or supported sanctuaries of 95 rescued lions, leopards, cheetah and tigers along with countless other carnivores, primates, birds, reptiles and ungulates, offering each one the best possible care in a natural environment. Serving as the UK's zoo watchdog for more than 35 years, exposing the exploitation and poor standards that compromise the welfare of wild animals in captivity, and leading efforts to end the use of wild animals in travelling circuses across the UK. Persistent influencing of international and national legislation and policy. Outcomes include an increase of international legal protection for many species, the introduction of EU Zoos Directive, the ending of the keeping of dolphins in captivity in the UK, the banning of wild animals in circuses in several jurisdictions, the introduction of the UK Ivory Act, and the global ban on the international ivory trade, to name a few. Ongoing and effective campaigns to end cruel and unsustainable wildlife exploitation by trophy hunters, poachers and traffickers, and governments. Born Free is driven by world-class professionals. Our staff are highly-qualified and experienced in conservation, welfare, policy and education. Our team leaders include Dr Nikki Tagg (Conservation), Dr Chris Draper (Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity), Laura Gosset MSc (Head of Education) and Dr Mark Jones (Head of Policy). We have the invaluable support of our Chief Scientist Professor Claudio Sillero and of our special advisor Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE, to name just a few. Based on decades of experience, our teams are able recognise which interventions should be prioritised for greatest impact and who to work with to achieve sustainable success. They and their teams, are supported by robust monitoring, evaluation and management systems. Our Executive President, Will Travers, has built up an unparalleled network of contacts over more than three decades at Born Free. The Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors who contribute their time and expertise from a range of disciplines including law, finance, animal advocacy, public speaking, media, business, personal development and executive recruitment. Population expansion, global industrialisation, land conversion and infrastructure development; along with pollution, climate change, over-exploitation, and conflict with people, mean wild animal populations are increasingly under threat. A million species are now believed to be threatened with extinction. Born Free is committed to addressing the well-being of all wild animals and with best practice, compassion and integrity we will endeavour to keep wildlife in the wild.

The Solidarity Project

The Solidarity Project supports Honduran leaders who create positive social change for their communities and cultivates transnational partnerships built on trust, equality, and solidarity.