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The Guinean organization for the defense of human rights and citizens (OGDH)

The OGDH has a general objective: the promotion and protection / defense of Human Rights being inside and outside Guinea. In such, it aims are: a) To fight against intolerance, arbitrariness and discrimination of any kind; b) To oppose any sort of violation of Human Rights, Liberty, Justice and Equality: c) To contribute to the edification of Guinea as a State of Rights and true democracy.

Idjwi Island Education Fund

The Idjwi Island Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of providing a better school for children in the village of Buhumba on Idjwi Island in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Idjwi Island, located in Lake Kivu on the eastern border of the DRC, has seen a dramatic increase in its population in recent years, much of which is the result of refugees fleeing violence in Rwanda and the DRC. A substantial number of these new residents are children, including many orphans. Approximately 400 children attend the existing primary school. This makeshift school is overcrowded, has a leaky roof, and does not provide desks or even books for the students. In 2009, Them Nyamunongo, who grew up on Idjwi and now works in Washington, D.C., returned to visit family on the island. During his stay, he gave gifts to children that he met in Buhumba. As he spent time with the children, he learned about the extremely poor conditions at the school, including how it has become overcrowded due to the increase in refugees and orphans. The children told him that their true wish was for a school with a roof so that they were not sent home every time that it rained. When Them returned to Washington, D.C., he and his wife, Safi, approached a friend who is a director at a local preschool. From this meeting in late 2009, the Idjwi Island Education Fund was formed. In just over eighteen months, the Idjwi Island Education Fund has obtained property in Buhumba for the new school (which was donated by Them's family), met with and conducted a needs assessment with the director of the existing school, and provided some interim support for the facilities at the existing school. The Fund has recruited a board of directors that includes professionals with experience in international development and project management. The Fund has also conducted a series of fundraising events through which it has raised more than $15,000, in gifts ranging from $20 to 1,000, from more than 100 different donors. With this foundation in place, the Fund is intensifying its efforts on the design program for the new school, interviewing representatives of other non-governmental organizations with experience with similar projects in the region, and identifying local organizations to collaborate in the building process. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide improved facilities, desks, books, and a safe-haven for more than 400 primary school children in this isolated community.

San Francisco Education Fund

Our mission is to strengthen our city’s public schools by designing and implementing innovative programs and engaging the public to ensure that every San Francisco student graduates from high school prepared for college, career, and civic responsibility. The San Francisco Education Fund is the largest and oldest nonprofit dedicated to making sure San Francisco public schools have strong teachers, engaged students, involved parents and robust community support. We want every San Francisco student to graduate from high school prepared for college, career, and civic responsibility. We invest in teacher quality. We recognize students as partners. We mobilize community members to embrace schools as an extension of themselves.

Homeless Children's Education Fund (Hcef)

The mission of the Homeless Children’s Education Fund (HCEF) is to advance the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness in Southwestern PA, guiding them to be productive, empowered citizens

Garden State Equality Education Fund

Established in 2004, Garden State Equality (GSE) is the largest LGBT education and advocacy organization in New Jersey and one of the most successful statewide civil rights organization for the LGBT community in the nation. Our services include advocacy, policy work, and trainings. Our signature programs are: Map & Expand, Pledge & Protect, and Teach & Affirm. In collaboration with community partners, Garden State Equality led efforts to ensure nondiscrimination for transgender people and gender nonconforming people in New Jersey, we passed the most comprehensive anti-bullying law in the country, ended sexual orientation and gender identity/expression change efforts in New Jersey (sometimes called conversion therapy), and brought marriage equality to the Garden State! All our current work is informed by racial, economic, and disability justice concerns. We are working to address safe environments for youth, improvement of health services that meet LGBT community needs, and respectful treatment of seniors. Beyond that, Garden State Equality supports New Jersey's activist community by bringing an LGBT lens to the shared struggle for justice. Garden State Equality Education Fun, Inc. is a member of the Equality Federation, a non-profit under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3), and has achieved a platinum seal of transparency from Guidestar (See

Wildlife Education Fund For Africans

The mission of this organization is to educate motivated native Sub-Saharan Africans living in or near African National Parks who are interested in bettering their surrounding environment in a way that will contribute to (or at least not adversely impact) the conservation efforts of the National Park and/or wildlife-related research. This organization may also choose to help educate Africans not living in or near African National Parks, but those who want to study wildlife or conservation-related topics in African National Parks.

National Disability & Development Forum (NDF)

National Disability & Development Forum (NDF) is a registered and PCP certified non-profit organization that has been working in Sindh in the fields of Disability Rights, Health, Education, Environment/Alternative Energy, Food Security & Nutrition, Poverty Reduction, WASH, DRR/CBDRM, Democratization and Gender Mainstreaming since 2014. NDF opposes all forms of discrimination; and respects the rights and dignity of people irrespective of their ethnic, social, religious or political differences; and gives priority to meeting the needs and addressing the rights of the most disadvantaged communities and vulnerable segments of society especially PWDs, women and children. Empowerment of people with/without disabilities through awareness, skill development, access to health, education, livelihood & recreational services and enhancing the life standard in qualitative and quantitative terms

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Education Fund

The mission of the SFBC Education Fund is to provide education, training and services for San Francisco Bay Area residents who commute by bicycle or ride bicycles recreationally.

Human Rights First Rwanda Association

(a) To promote human rights education and provide legal assistance to poor and vulnerable groups in the Rwandan community at Large. (b) To empower individuals and groups to campaign for their own rights and the human rights of others peacefully .

Indian Centre for Development & Rights

We at iCDFR are striving to achieve a happy and healthy world, where people live in harmony with each other and sustainable environment for generations to come. We believe it is possible to make a world which knows no suffering and knowledge permeates through all levels. To improve education system, provide basic healthcare facilities, raise awareness on human rights, empower women to increase gender equality, as well as focus on environmental sustainability in rural India.

Treehouse Fund

Treehouse gives foster children a childhood and a future.

HERA (Her Equality Rights and Autonomy)

Her Equality Rights and Autonomy's (HERA) overall aims are: (1) to prevent trafficking and re-trafficking of young women; (2) to assist trafficked and other women survivors of violence, conflict, and exploitation build on the resilience they have demonstrated to achieve their ambitions for a better life; and (3) to engage the business community in countering trafficking and support women's entrepreneurship.