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IMANI HOUSE's mission is to assist low-income youth, families, and immigrants to create viable neighborhoods where residents are decision makers who take responsibility for the improvement of their lives and surroundings. This is achieved through programs that provide Youth and Family Support Services Including Health Care, Health Education, Adult Literacy, and Information and Referral Services. Founded in Liberia W. Africa Imani House believes that anyone can achieve success and a higher quality of life if only they have access to appropriate information, skills and opportunities. Our programs in Liberia and Brooklyn use a bottom-up approach where grassroots people are recruited as trainers and employees and run our programs within their own communities.

Upper Valley Land Trust

UVLT mission is to conserve, protect and steward our region’s lands for the health and resilience of nature and people: • Conserve lands that contribute to vibrancy and resilience of the Upper Valley (people and nature) now and in the future. Conserve land resilient to climate change; • Uphold conservation protections on the lands we conserve. Responsibly steward the lands we own to protect ecological systems and enhance adaptive capacity; • Engage and inspire people to care for land resources. Be welcoming and inclusive in our work and broaden the relevance of land conservation; • Collaborate with partners across the Upper Valley to pursue a broad, integrated vision of regional health in which conserved land supports and reinforces regional environmental, social and economic goals.

Impact Stories
Carolina For Kibera (CFK Africa)

CFK Africa collaborates with residents of informal settlements to address inequities around access to quality health care, develop local leaders, reduce gender disparities, and catalyze positive change. Headquartered in Kibera, CFK Africa combines service with responsible research to inform and assist participatory development and inform policy.

Urban Beekeeping Laboratory and Bee Sanctuary

The Urban Beekeeping Lab is a 501(c)(3) non-profit on a mission to improve bee health. We see bees as the ultimate tie that binds food security, climate change, natural disaster mitigation, and ecological preservation. We believe that in order to save the world, we must save the bees.

Impact Stories
Maui Nui Marine Resource Council

Maui Nui Marine Resource Council works for clean ocean water, healthy coral reefs and an abundance of native fish for the islands of Maui County. Our mission is to bring human actions into balance with ecological principles so that the health and abundance of Maui’s nearshore waters can be restored and sustained for future generations.

Sustainable Surf

Sustainable Surf protects and restores ocean health by shifting people to a highly desirable, low-carbon, ‘Deep Blue’ lifestyle A California-based non-profit founded in 2011, we use the mass appeal of “surf-culture” to inspire and activate people all around the world to start living a sustainable lifestyle. Sustainable Surf’s globally-recognized programs – The ECOBOARD Project, SeaTrees, Deep Blue Events, Waste to Waves and Deep Blue Life – provide the onramps that make that vision a reality. We use a “systems change” approach to protect ocean health – by catalyzing the radical transformation needed to switch industries to using ocean-friendly materials, ending plastic plastic pollution and restoring coastal ecosystems to reverse climate change.

Noah's Ark Rehabilitation Center

To provide a home for abused, unwanted, and orphaned children and animals. To provide an education for a culturally diverse group of children: school, improved social skills, and emotional stability are part of our plan to help break the cycle of poverty and destructive behavior. To provide an awareness through our rehab/education programs which emphasizes that all living things have value no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. When we as a society can recognize this fact we will begin to win the battles for conservation and preservation. To provide God's unconditional love and care for humans and animals who have special needs in their lives, whether mental, physical, or emotional.

Resource Media

Resource Media provides communications strategy and media services to nonprofits, foundations and others who are working to protect communities, public health and the environment we work closely with our partners to craft and implement effective communication strategies designed to reach key audiences and decision makers to build support for tried and true practices. 

Association Of New Jersey Environmental Commissions

The mission of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions is to achieve responsible and sustainable use of New Jersey's natural resources and the protection of environmental health. They are a statewide organization that provides leadership, education, and support for environmental commissions and other local boards and public officials, and partners with other organizations to advocate for strong state and regional environmental policy.

Green Empowerment

Green Empowerment works with local partners around the world to strengthen communities by delivering renewable energy and safe clean water. We collaborate with Indigenous peoples, rural communities, local organizations - and you - to improve health outcomes, build climate change resilience, advance gender equity and help lift families out of poverty.

Organization for Environmental Education and Protection

OpEPA USA, founded in 2006, is a sister organization of OpEPA Colombia founded in 1998. The organizations were created as a means to reconnect children and adults with nature and promote positive environmental actions in Colombia and Latin America. Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. It has an incredible wealth of ecosystems, flora, fauna and cultural diversity. However, Colombia suffers from serious environmental degradation. Deforestation, high levels of urban waste, polluted water and reduced air quality are just four of a litany of similar issues. The environmental movement in Colombia has employed the range of conventional tactics to address these issues. Public awareness campaigns have dotted the airwaves, and legislative changes have improved the legal basis for pursuing polluters. But young people, "the next generation of consumers and decision makers," cannot be scolded or legislated into caring about the environment. To truly change the way they approach environmental issues, they must feel personally compelled to transform the status quo. This is what OpEPA targets to do.

Marine Park Alliance

Marine Park Alliance assists NYC Parks in its largest Brooklyn property with a mission to provide cultural, environmental and volunteer programming in Marine Park for the health and well-being of all New Yorkers. To carry out this mission the group envisions elevating this regional park as a South Brooklyn cultural gem – horticulturally, programmatically, and ecologically – free to the public.