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Rainforest Rescue

Rainforest Rescue is a not-for-profit organisation that has been protecting and restoring rainforests in Australia and internationally since 1998 by providing opportunities for individuals and businesses to Protect Rainforests Forever. Our mission is to inspire, engage and build community for the protection, preservation and restoration of rainforests through fundraising and education. Our objectives are: 1. The protection and enhancement of the natural environment. 2. The conservation of rainforests and the preservation of the biodiversity of rainforest ecosystems. 3. The restoration, rehabilitation, enhancement and management of remnant and regrowth rainforest. 4. The revegetation of ex-rainforest lands, including without limitation the establishment and ongoing management of rainforests plantings or signficant ecological value. The strategies that we employ to achieve these objectives is to: 1. Seek funding in the form of donation and sponsorships from individuals, businesses and philanthropic trusts and foundations. 2. Purchase and protect high conservation value rainforest and preserve its biodiveristy; and 3. Finance projects that re-establish rainforests through planting, maintenance and restoration programs. Rainforest Rescue meaures its performance of these objectives and strategies through ongoing governance, financial management and corporate compliance, therefore achieving the environmental objectives of the organisation's constitution being the protection and preservation of rainforests. Rainforest Rescue is an Austtralian registered company limited by guarantee and a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status. We are also on the Australian Register of Environmental Organisations.

Society Of Environmental Journalists

Mission: The mission of the Society of Environmental Journalists is to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues. Objectives: SEJ provides critical support to journalists of all media in their efforts to cover complex issues of the environment responsibly. SEJ addresses its mission and vision through effective programs designed by and for journalists who produce environmental coverage. Benefits and opportunities of programs and membership will be extended to journalists on varied beats, to students and all those who will be expanding and defining the field in years to come. SEJ is constantly developing new initiatives to: - educate on emerging issues and beat basics; - protect freedom of information on environment-related issues; - build bridges between scientists and journalists; - foster peer communication and networks of credible sources; - provide recognition of excellence and support for media projects; and - provide vision and leadership for the field through creative projects and strategic partnerships. Activities: Through combined efforts of board, staff, members and appropriate partners, the Society of Environmental Journalists offers unique educational programs and services, primarily for professional journalists, educators and students, including annual and regional conferences, tours, meet-ups and training events; daily EJToday headlines and summaries, with supporting links; Twitter feed from @SEJorg; weekly SEJournal, TipSheet and other publications; Freedom of Information WatchDog project; SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment; mini grants through the Fund for Environmental Journalism; members-only listservs; mentoring program; website-based resources; and a lively membership network of journalists and academics. SEJ also acts to raise awareness among philanthropists, editors, news managers, publishers, and other key decision-makers in the media on the value and importance of environmental news reporting. Non-members are welcome to participate in SEJ programs, especially the annual conference. In the spirit of promoting government transparency, an informed democratic process, and press freedoms, SEJ strives to hold its own actions as a model of transparency. To that end, it is SEJ policy for all SEJ events, educational programs, services and other activities to be held on the record. Events or conference sessions held solely to facilitate story or book idea pitching to editors and/or publishers are excepted from this policy. Any additional proposed exceptions must receive approval from the Executive Committee of the SEJ Board of Directors. Exceptions to this policy granted by the SEJ Board and the terms of information use must be disclosed clearly to event speakers and attendees as soon as possible.

Plant For The Planet USA

Mission statement The mission of Plant-for-the-Planet is to empower children and young people worldwide to engage in global solutions to fight the climate crisis. Our core focus is on the planting of trees as a generation-spanning, peace building activity, providing hope and buying us time to reach net-zero emissions. To that end, Plant-for-the-Planet is supporting global reforestation and ecosystem restoration efforts. Description Our adventures began in 2007, when at the end of a school presentation 9-years-old Felix Finkbeiner called on children of the world to plant a million trees in each country on Earth. This idea soon became an initiative backed by thousands. Plant-for-the-Planet was born! In the following years, Felix attended major conferences and events to invite children from all over the world to join his initiative as Climate Justice Ambassadors and to mobilize people around the globe to plant trees. In 2011, Felix spoke at the United Nations in New York, and called mankind for planting of a trillion trees. Only a few month later, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) handed over to us their Billion Tree Campaign - and with it the official World Tree Counter. This Billion Tree Campaign we soon expanded to become the Trillion Tree Campaign. Our claim is “Stop talking. Start planting.” In 2015, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation in collaboration with Plant-for-the-Planet A.C. in Mexico started its own restoration site on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Here we contribute to the global goal by planting the trees donated to us and thus restore degraded forests in one of the most threatened ecosystems of the world. As we embark on the restoration journey ourselves we can also provide all organizations worldwide with adequate support based as well on science and experience. Our vision and goals Plant-for-the-Planet has two central objectives: to support ecosystem restoration efforts globally as well as educate and prepare today’s children and youth to face the challenges of the climate crisis. For the children and young people it is about nothing less than their future on this planet. To support restoration and reforestation, Plant-for-the-Planet has developed different technical tools. One of these is the Plant-for-the-Planet platform, which favors the collaboration of people worldwide by helping restoration organizations throughout the world to get funds to finance the work of restoration in their countries. A spearheading innovation is the TreeMapper App. This App allows restoration organizations throughout the world to document and monitor their work directly on the field. All collected data are matched on the Plant-for-the-Planet platform so that the donors can track the progress of planting just from the sofa. To empower children and youth worldwide to make themselves heard Plant-for-the-Planet supports them in multiple ways. First of all with the Plant-for-the-Planet Academies, one-day-workshops during which children learn from their peers and train to become Climate Justice Ambassadors in their turn. In these academies, the children experience in a vivid way how the climate crisis threatens their future and the lives of people around the world. In working groups, they develop initial ideas for their actions they can take to mobilize for their future.. This is aimed at familiarizing them with social and climate justice, as well as their own civic duty. To date, 1,656 Academies in 75 countries have taken place and 92,837Climate Justice Ambassadors have been trained. The Ambassadors can then further their education and involvement by following online-workshops offered by Plant-for-the-Planet and held by individual experts and coaches or e-learning materials. We also enable our Climate Justice Ambassadors to hold speeches at events to raise awareness about the climate crisis and inform others about the mission of Plant-for-the-Planet. The impact of COVID-19 The global pandemic has had an impact on our activities. While our Plant-for-the-Planet international offices employees were able to work from home - thanks to digital communication tools and well prepared workflows - in Mexico our forest restoration team cannot. However, we are happy to report that we are able to continue working on our planting site and thanks to the implementation of measures ensuring the safety of our workers. Regarding our Academies, we had to move to an online format to ensure the safety of the participants and their family. Transparency and monitoring If you wish to learn more about how our organization operates, you can find our latest reports on our website.

Orinda Garden Club

Raise funds for Orinda city and freeway beautification

The African Rainforest Conservancy

To raise funds for grassroots conservation projects and generate awareness of the important environmental, economic, cultural, and social roles of African forests

Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Foundation

The Northwest Straits Foundation, a Salish Sea conservation organization raises funds to support the locally-driven marine restoration, stewardship and education programs.

Friends Of Walker Pond

Over the years, Friends of Walker Pond has funded, and continues to fund, projects that allow Walker Pond to remain one of the healthiest bodies of water in Maine. The group works with the towns of Brooksville and Sedgwick to ensure that our members, area residents and summer guests are aware of the activities affecting the health and enjoyment of the pond. The group engages experts to test and monitor water quality every year and has done so for 20+ years. Friends of Walker Pond has also been active in raising awareness regarding land development that might have the potential to damage the health and environment of the pond. This has all been done with donated funds and volunteer involvement.

Deschutes County Search And Rescue

The mission of the foundation is to increase resources, raise funds, and promote public awareness in support of search and rescue volunteer activities conducted by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office.

Foundation for Community Development and Empowerment

FCDE leverages the knowledge, funds and direct personal support of global donors to empower communities to maximize economic, social and environmental opportunities, thereby reducing poverty and injustice.FCDE works to identify impoverished regions that have the drive, desire and basic tools to make positive, lasting change within their communities. By providing technical training, appropriate short-term personnel and seed funds, FCDE will becomes a partner and catalyst in making long-term positive changes within our host communities.

Kennebunk Land Trust

Kennebunk Land Trust's mission is to acquire and/or receive parcels of land, easements and funds in order to preserve and protect the natural areas and character of the Kennebunk/Arundel region. Our mission includes promoting conservation and related educational efforts, and collaboration with like-minded organizations.

Adirondack Wildlife

Adirondack Wildlife is a rehabilitation and education organization whose mission is to take in, rehabilitate, and return to the wild when possible. Our mission statement is made possible with the aid of local veterinarians and volunteers. In addition, we run educational programs and presentations, primarily working with non-releasable native species. We promote compassion, tolerance and understanding of wildlife, particularly with conservation, ecological principles, and sustainable management. Adirondack Wildlife, Inc. is a 501 C3 non-profit open to the public maintaining a mile-long, guided, interpretive trail and conducting interactive presentations. We have no Federal, State or Local Funding, and are completely funded by donations.


Founded in 1965, the UT Arboretum Society is one of the oldest support organizations for the University of Tennessee. Today, we sponsor educational lectures and workshops and family activities throughout the year at the Arboretum and we conduct fund-raising activities to support the operation and for targeted needs of the Arboretum.