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Displaying 553–564 of 579

Un Mundo

Our mission is to promote dignity, community, and self-sufficiency by working with marginalized populations in rural Honduras on a long-term basis, facilitating access to health care, education, and livable wages. Our comprehensive approach to grassroots community development promotes local traditions, encourages community leadership, and emphasizes collective ownership. Un Mundo seeks to improve the present and future socio-economic conditions and the quality of life of the families in rural Honduras who are living in extreme poverty by providing them with tools and resources to be self-sufficient and unified. Our work began from spontaneous relief actions after Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras in 1998, and we grew to gain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 2001. Initially, the organization was sustained by the generosity of international volunteers, but we have gradually evolved such that more and more of our project work is managed by local Honduran leaders. Within a few years, we expect that we will be able to realize our vision of seeing equitable, fruitful, life-giving projects in the Cangrejal River Valley being 100% run by the local communities.

Pennsylvania Wilds Center For Entrepreneurship

The PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, Inc. (PA Wilds Center) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to integrate conservation and economic development in a way that strengthens and inspires communities in the Pennsylvania Wilds. The Pennsylvania Wilds, one of the state’s 11 official tourism regions, is a large rural area that covers about a quarter of the Commonwealth and is home to about 4 percent of the state’s population. The 12 1/2 –county landscape is known for its two million acres of public land — more than Yellowstone National Park. It also boasts two National Wild & Scenic Rivers, the largest wild elk herd in the Northeast and some of the darkest skies in the country. It has a rich oil and lumber heritage. Tourism currently accounts for about 11 percent of the region’s economy. It is not the only piece of the pie, but it is an important piece, because in addition to the jobs it creates, it also creates amenities that make it easier for our region’s larger employers to attract and retain talent, and improves quality of life for residents. Visitors currently spend an estimated $1.7 billion annually in the Pennsylvania Wilds

Impact Stories
Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation

The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization #20-1702191 is dedicated to honoring the life of our inspiration, Jimmy Miller, by supporting the healing of mental and physical illness through surfing and ocean related activities. Through recreational, education, and mentoring programs, the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation enables surfers, educators, therapists, lifeguards and friends to help people affected by mental and physical illness feel the joy and healing power of the ocean and surfing. JMMF pioneered the formation of an adaptive surfing program titled Ocean Therapy, where surfing is used as a means to increase self-esteem and self-efficacy in individuals suffering from mental and/or physical illness. The Ocean Therapy program is currently working with at risk children in the Los Angeles foster care community, veterans from all branches of the military and injured Marines in the Wounded Warrior Battalion in Camp Pendleton. We are looking to expand our programming to the addiction/recovery populations, victims and survivors of mass public and terrorist attacks, those suffering from suicidal ideation and anxiety, depression and other mental health illnesses.

Biosphere Expeditions

Biosphere Expeditions is an award-winning not-for-profit conservation organisation, and a member of IUCN and the UN's Environment Programme. For us successful conservation is the collective effort of individuals. We invite everyone to join us on our wildlife and wilderness projects all over the world. Whether young or old, become a citizen scientist for one or two weeks, or more. The foundation of our work is science and local need. We focus on sustainable conservation projects that target clearly defined, critical issues that humankind has the power to change. You, our international volunteers, work hand-in-hand with local biologists and communities to drive positive outcomes for biodiversity - the creation of a protected area for snow leopards in the Altai is just one recent example. Biosphere Expeditions is a member of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and of the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) Governing Council & Global Ministerial Environment Forum. Achievements include the implementation of our conservation recommendations and species protection plans by numerous national and regional governments and NGOs, the creation of protected areas on four continents, scientific and lay publications, as well as capacity-building, training and education all over the world.


With the goal of helping under-served communities in India, Nepal, and Tibet receive the vital services they need, Karuna-Shechen was founded in 2000 by Matthieu Ricard (, renown TED speaker, author, and humanitarian. We strive to reduce inequalities and work toward a fairer and more compassionate world. We trust that communities can be lifted out of poverty, that change is possible, and that the well-being of every individual, regardless of race, gender, class, or caste, is essential. We believe that building on local strengths and knowledge is the most efficient way to respond to the specific needs and aspirations of our beneficiaries. Rooted in the ideal of "compassion in action", we serve others with joy and determination by cultivating altruism in our hearts and actions. We provide vulnerable and disadvantaged populations access to health care, education and vocational training, clean water, solar electricity, and other sustainable solutions that offer options to find a livelihood and a better life. We work with a grassroots network of local partners, and give special attention to the education and empowerment of girls and women. Karuna-Shechen's name expresses its mission while paying homage to its roots: Karuna means "compassion" in Sanskrit, and Shechen is the name of a major monastery in Tibet.

California Waterfowl Association

California Waterfowl is a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to conserve California’s waterfowl, wetlands, and our hunting heritage. Our goals include (1) generating sufficient abundance and dispersion of waterfowl throughout California and the Pacific Flyway; and (2) sustaining hunting through protection, opportunity, training, and education. California Waterfowl was founded in 1945 to influence hunting regulations and government activities that affect waterfowl in California. In the early 1980’s, we recognized that the challenges faced by our founders had greatly expanded. In 1985, California Waterfowl initiated waterfowl studies in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) to determine the factors that limit waterfowl populations in California and the Pacific Flyway. Study results provided the basis for targeted habitat enhancement projects that began in 1989. By 1991, the Association had begun introducing youngsters to hunting & the outdoors through educational outreach programs. California Waterfowl uses three core departments including; Conservation Programs, Fund and Membership Development, and Public Policy to accomplish our mission of conserving California's waterfowl, wetlands, and our hunting heritage. Conservation Programs, including waterfowl, wetlands, and education, focus on waterfowl population monitoring and the protection, restoration, enhancement, and stewardship of wetlands, riparian, and grassland habitats. To achieve our overall mission, our educational messages promotes to hunters and non-hunters alike, proper stewardship, responsible hunting as a link to nature, the outdoors, conservation, and a healthy and sustainable environment. Public Policy concentrates on legislative, regulatory, and administrative policy decisions that affect waterfowl, wetlands and our hunting traditions. The Fund and Membership Development Department’s objective is to enhance and promote California Waterfowl’s mission by increasing membership and funding support for the Association and the many programs that California Waterfowl offers. These departments act on the best available science, and when combined, these core strengths provide specialists in habitat, waterfowl population dynamics, political advocacy, and public education. This balanced approached allows California Waterfowl to serve as a single and strong voice for waterfowl enthusiast and conservationist alike. The delivery of our mission to our 18,500 members requires the use of extensive partnerships and a large network of active volunteers. California Waterfowl believes that people and wildlife both suffer when a “leave it alone” philosophy attempts to separate humans from nature. Instead, we believe that the best way to build stewardship values is to participate in nature, resulting in mutual benefits for both wildlife and humans. We maintain that this is why hunters have served as such strong leaders in the conservation of waterfowl and wetlands. California Waterfowl has protected, restored, or enhanced more than 430,000 acres to provide wildlife habitat for millions of birds and animals. Projects deliver the full range of habitat requirements for waterfowl and more than 200 other species of wildlife. Interactive programs have introduced more than 275,000 children to the wonders of the great outdoors. California Waterfowl finds its strength in a set of clear core values. These values define our organization and guide us in our hunt for a better California. Stewardship: Finding Common Ground California Waterfowl serves as a bridge to connect hunters and non-hunters, public and private interests, young and old toward a common goal of conserving and enjoying our natural resources. By building strong partnerships and family involvement, the Association is connecting with Californians of all interests to inspire stewardship of our wetlands and wildlife resources. Heritage: Hunter Driven California Waterfowl believes that hunting deeply connects people to the natural world and generates the knowledge and commitment to conserve our treasured resources. This passion for active involvement in nature motivates hunters to make vital investments in conserving California for our children and grandchildren. Education: Focused on the Future California Waterfowl stimulates youths and adults to value waterfowl and wetlands through unique outdoor exploration, hands-on learning, and active conservation. These experiences have the power to introduce new family traditions for getting outdoors and result in a legacy of abundant wildlife and healthy habitats for future generations. Advocacy: Results Oriented California Waterfowl is an influential force advocating for healthy wetlands, waterfowl, &the preservation of the hunting lifestyle. The Assoc. brings together passionate people who rely on science while taking innovative actions to benefit California.

Dream Corps Unlimited

Dream Corps Unlimited is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit social enterprise and incubator for powerful ideas and innovations designed to uplift and empower the most vulnerable in our society.  Our work stems from three core strengths: - Communicating breakthrough ideas and frameworks - Catalyzing new efforts and strategic initiatives - Connecting across cultures and discipline to build a stronger, more integrated, and more collaborative movement Dream Corps is the vision of civil rights leader and former advisor to the Obama White House, Van Jones. An activist for more than two decades, Van has fought for social, economic, racial and environmental justice all over the world. Under Van's leadership, Dream Corps incubates the following programs: Close the Prison Doors: #cut50 works to popularize bipartisan alternatives and practical solutions to help America safely and smartly reduce its jail and prison populations by 50 percent over the next 10 years. Open the Doors of Opportunity: #YesWeCode is a national initiative to help train 100,000 low-opportunity youth to become high-level computer coders. We sponsor youth hackathons, support existing coding education programs, and partner with tech companies, media and other high-profile partners committed to increasing diversity in tech. Into a New Economy Green for All works to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.


Our mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. TU is a national organization with about 300,000 members and supporters organized into over 400 chapters and councils from Maine to Montana to Alaska. This dedicated grassroots army is matched by a respected staff of lawyers, policy experts and scientists, who work out of more than 30 offices nationwide. These conservation professionals ensure that TU is at the forefront of fisheries restoration work at the local, state and national levels. The organization remains committed to applying "the very best information and thinking available" in its conservation work and has developed cutting-edge tools such as the Conservation Success Index (CSI), a sophisticated framework for assessing the health of coldwater fish species throughout their native range. The CSI enables TU to measure its progress in achieving the bold goals laid out in its mission and vision. These goals require the organization to work at increasingly larger scales, and to collaborate with other conservation interests, local communities and state and federal partners to begin to rebuild the natural resiliency of watersheds. Such efforts are crucial if North America's trout and salmon are to survive climate change and the host of threats facing them at the start of the 21st century. Nearly 50 years after its founding, no other conservation organization is as well placed as TU to make a difference for the nation's coldwater fisheries.

We Conserve Pa

WeConservePA helps people care for, wisely use, and enjoy what nature offers. We advocate for pro-conservation, life-sustaining governmental policy and assist individuals and organizations in effectively and efficiently conserving land, advancing sustainable practices, and connecting people to the outdoors. WeConservePA is a community of conservation volunteers, professionals, and supporters. United around common interests and needs, we present a powerful force for conservation, and in sharing our knowledge and experiences, we are better equipped to make more and better conservation happen. WeConservePA started in 1991 as an informal gathering of land trust leaders seeking to advance common interests. These leaders incorporated the “Pennsylvania Land Trust Association” in 1995 to address and focus on the broad needs of land trusts—to take on initiatives and activities that no single organization could effectively handle or wish to handle on its own. Since the 1990s, the organization’s mission has expanded to help people protect, wisely use, and enjoy what nature offers, whether that is through land trusts, local government open space programs, environmental advisory councils, trail groups, or other organizations. Today, WeConservePA is made up of 70 dues-paying, voting conservation organizations as well as hundreds of individuals who contribute their time, energy, and money to the organization’s endeavors. The voting organizations elect the board and set WeConservePA’s purposes. (The organizations in turn count more than 100,000 Pennsylvanians as members and contributors.) WeConservePA is registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations and has held 501(c)3 tax status with the Internal Revenue Service since 1996. The organization adopted its present name with a vote of the member organizations and an amendment of its articles of incorporation in 2020.


Renew Missouri was formed in 2006 to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy policy in Missouri. Our State lags far behind other states in terms of renewable generation (at less than 2%) and it is ranked 44th out of 50 in energy efficiency according to the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). To see why the ACEEE ranks Missouri 44th, click here. Renew Missouri’s mission is to transform Missouri into a leading state in both efficiency and renewable energy by the year 2016. In 2007, Renew Missouri advocated for true net metering and simple interconnection practices for small solar and wind systems. As a result, the Missouri legislature adopted the “Easy Connection Act,” allowing all Missourians to interconnect solar panels and small wind turbines to their utility grid free of charge and to receive full retail credit for any energy put back on the grid. In 2008, Renew Missouri helped Missouri become the 27th state to enact a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) and only the 3rd state to pass an RES through the ballot initiative process. The RES requires Missouri’s largest utilities to get 15% of their energy from renewables by 2021, with 2% of that energy coming from solar. The RES also includes a $2 per watt solar rebate program, which has proven to be a huge success. To address Missouri’s ranking in energy efficiency, Renew Missouri is also advocating before the Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) for proven state efficiency policies that will create in-state jobs, lower electric bills, and reduce carbon emissions. Renew Missouri’s approach to advancing policy is to bring stakeholders for energy issues together to educate & facilitate productive dialogue. We educate legislators and other policy makers while also promoting renewables and energy efficiency to the public. We evaluate what energy policies Missouri could implement and guide stakeholders as they use the policies that are put in place. In September 2011, Renew Missouri reached out to the environmental non-profit Earth Island Institute, applying to become one of many organizations they sponsor. The fiscal sponsorship relationship that was formed gave Renew Missouri administrative support to better serve Missourians and to continue the pursuit of the clean, renewable energy they need. Then, in December 2016, Renew Missouri became our own independent 501(c)3 organization.