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Georgia Organics Inc

Georgia Organics is a member supported, non-profit organization connecting organic food from Georgia farms to Georgia families. We believe food should be community-based, not commodity-based. An outgrowth of a grower’s association established in the 1970s, Georgia Organics is devoted to promoting sustainable foods and local farms in Georgia. A sustainable local food system is critical to the future of Georgia’s health, environment, and economy. Recognizing this vital need, Georgia organics builds supply through grower education and outreach, and grows demand on the consumer and business end by encouraging market opportunities for local food. We have three key goals: increase the number of organic and sustainable farmers in Georgia, increase the number of children participating in farm to school programs, and increase the number of Georgians eating local, organic food.

The Connecticut Audubon Society

The Connecticut Audubon Society conserves Connecticut’s environment through science-based education and advocacy focused on the state’s bird populations and habitats. Founded in 1898, the Connecticut Audubon Society operates nature facilities in Fairfield, Milford, Glastonbury, Pomfret, Hampton, and Sherman, a center in Old Lyme, and an EcoTravel office in Essex. Connecticut Audubon manages 20 wildlife sanctuaries encompassing almost 3,300 acres of open space in Connecticut, and educates over 200,000 children and adults annually. Connecticut Audubon is an independent organization, not affiliated with any national or governmental group. Connecticut Audubon Society’s scientists, educators, citizen scientists, and volunteers work to preserve birds and their environments in Connecticut. Our work includes sanctuary management, advocacy, environmental education and activities at our centers, scientific studies, and our annual Connecticut State of the Birds report.

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection

Buffalo Bayou Partnership

Established in 1986, Buffalo Bayou Partnership (BBP) is the non-profit organization transforming and revitalizing Buffalo Bayou, Houston's most significant natural resource. BBP's geographic focus is the 10-square mile stretch of Buffalo Bayou from Shepherd Drive to the Port of Houston Turning Basin. Thanks to the generous support of foundations, corporations, individuals and government agencies, BBP has raised and leveraged more than $150 million for the redevelopment and stewardship of the waterfront - spearheading award-winning projects such as Sabine Promenade and Sesquicentennial Park, protecting land for future parks, constructing hike and bike trails, and operating comprehensive clean-up and maintenance programs. In 2015, BBP completed the $58 million Buffalo Bayou Park project that includes major destinations, natural landscaping, footpaths, trail lighting, water features and pedestrian bridges. Buffalo Bayou Partnership maintains and operates Buffalo Bayou Park, with annual funding provided by the Downtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #3. Buffalo Bayou Partnership also seeks ways to activate Buffalo Bayou through pedestrian, boating and biking amenities; volunteer activities; permanent and temporary art installations; and wide-ranging tours and events that attract thousands.

MEANS Database, Inc.

Too often grocery stores and restaurants find themselves throwing out food, when there is great need in nearby communities. MEANS Database modernizes food recovery in 48 states and the District of Columbia by connecting excess food to organizations and individuals who need it. Hunger lingers in the lives of the people it affects. In infants and toddlers, food insecurity is associated with failure to thrive, a devastating condition with consequences into adulthood (1). In early childhood, hunger is associated with diminished academic progress, more behavioral problems and unhealthy weight (2). By high school, it's linked with dropping out, and by early adulthood, with having children who also face hunger, the cycle starts over again (3). Food insecurity exists in every American demographic and geography, affecting every population tracked by the US Census. However, as it seems for every other social ill, the most rural, the most urban, and minorities in any location bear a disproportionate burden of the weight of hunger. While 12.7% of American families are food insecure, the rate for Black and Latino families are each about 20% (4). Jefferson County, Mississippi, is a study in these disparities: it has the highest percentage of black residents of any American county, and also holds the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of food insecurity in the United States, with nearly 38% of residents facing hunger (5). Meanwhile, while more than 42 million Americans rely on food pantries, soup kitchens and other emergency food providers to feed their families, the United States grapples with an massive food waste problem. Forty percent of the American food supply ends up in landfills, with perfectly edible meals being thrown away at all stages of production (7). Food is the single largest contributor to landfill and incinerator mass in the United States, choking the nation's air while 1 in 8 Americans face food insecurity (8). Further complicating this feast and famine dynamic is the uncomfortable truth that even programs meant to address hunger frequently end up wasting food. The issue we are tackling with MEANS is huge: we're trying to prevent food waste and adequately address the problem of hunger. The USDA reports that 48.1 million Americans live in food-insecure households, while Feeding America says that 70 billion pounds of food are wasted in the US each year (8). This task may seem daunting, but we know that through the use of innovative technology like ours, we can help to change the future of food recovery. MEANS (Matching Excess And Need for Stability) is an online communications platform for emergency food providers and their donors. On a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, agencies create an account with MEANS, registering their contact information, location, the kind(s) of foods they are searching for, and the distance they are willing or able to travel to pick up those goods. Donors post their excess goods on MEANS, and the system emails and/or texts organizations nearby that need those goods. Our tool substantially reduces the communications gap between emergency food providers and their donors, preventing "donation dumping" on both sides. MEANS was designed to handle both traditional food donations, from grocery stores or caterers, and donations between emergency food providers. There is no charge for any of our organization's services, for nonprofit agencies or retailers. Citations: 1) Kersten, Hans B. and Bennett, David (2012) "A Multidisciplinary Team Experience with Food Insecurity & Failure to Thrive," Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 6. 2) Jyoti, Diana F.; Frongillo, Edward A.; and Jones, Sonya J. (2005) "Food Insecurity Affects School Children's Academic Performance, Weight Gain, and Social Skills" The Journal of Nutrition vol. 135 no. 12 2831-2839. 3)"Changing the Picture of Education in America: Communities in Schools Spring 2014 Impact Report" (2014) 4) USDA (2015). "Food Security Status of U.S. Households in 2015" 5) Feeding America (2016). "Map the Meal Gap 2016" 7) Gunders, Dana (2012). "Wasted: How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill" 8) Feeding America (ND), "Food Waste In America"

Koginka Sewaluna Foundation Inc

The foundation was created to fully endorse the philanthropic service and the impeccable conscientious behavior that Koginka Kamaru Xue has exemplified in America and worldwide for the last 35 years; a ministration solely dedicated to preserving, protecting, and nurturing our planet and all that lives within it. We are committed to promulgating his teachings and assisting in the dissemination, publication and distribution of any printed, recorded or filmed material that aids in educating all people throughout the world on the importance of returning to the simple non-destructive wise ways of living and behaving as was originally intended and that will re-establish the harmony in our environment and bring back the balance of the natural system that sustains us. These teachings are referred to as the "ANCESTRAL HOLISTIC WISE WAYS". We intend to support and assist in the development of his mission by facilitating the elements needed to fulfill his goal in every possible way, as is creating functional places and sanctuaries needed where people can holistically be educated about all that relates to the ecological, environmental and natural safekeeping and caretaking of themselves and the planet. At the same time we will aid in protecting his spiritual ancestors the Kogi of the Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, and the Muiscas of the Savannah of Bogota, Colombia and any other indigenous custodians that still hold the original commission of the Creator by raising funds to recover their sacred sites and ancestral wisdom.

Isha Foundation

Isha Foundation is a non-profit corporation established in the USA and a charitable trust founded by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in India in 1992. The foundation serves as an educator, catalyst and resource for yoga science and natural health. Isha Foundation conducts various public welfare programs to advance physical, mental and spiritual development through the intergration of body mind and spirit. The foundation improves the quality of life for the impoverished through humanitarian and social outreach programs such as "Action for Rural Rejuvination," medical and disaster relief for the poor, student scholarships for destitute children and prison yoga programs entitled "Inner Freedom for the Imprisoned". A significant amount of the foundation's efforts involve Mobile Health Clinics for rural villages in India and facilitating Yoga Programs to help individuals regain health, find peace within and become responsible to the world around them. Through humanitarian programs and other advanced yoga programs, Isha Foundation provides the potential and process for individual transformation, helping to establish a peaceful and prosperous global society.

Organization for Environmental Education and Protection

OpEPA USA, founded in 2006, is a sister organization of OpEPA Colombia founded in 1998. The organizations were created as a means to reconnect children and adults with nature and promote positive environmental actions in Colombia and Latin America. Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. It has an incredible wealth of ecosystems, flora, fauna and cultural diversity. However, Colombia suffers from serious environmental degradation. Deforestation, high levels of urban waste, polluted water and reduced air quality are just four of a litany of similar issues. The environmental movement in Colombia has employed the range of conventional tactics to address these issues. Public awareness campaigns have dotted the airwaves, and legislative changes have improved the legal basis for pursuing polluters. But young people, "the next generation of consumers and decision makers," cannot be scolded or legislated into caring about the environment. To truly change the way they approach environmental issues, they must feel personally compelled to transform the status quo. This is what OpEPA targets to do.

Nebraska Game And Parks Foundation

Purpose The purpose of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is: To promote, provide, preserve and manage within the State of Nebraska parks, recreation areas, historical parks and structures, wildlife management areas, rest stops, open spaces, camping areas, agricultural lands, game and fish hatcheries, natural resources, scenic area, habitat areas, conservation and ecological areas, game farms, recreation grounds and waters and all things pertaining thereto; To preserve or aid in the preservation of all types of wild nature, including natural areas, features, objects, flora and fauna, and biotic communities; To establish nature reserves or other protected areas to be used for scientific, educational and aesthetic purposes; To promote the conservation and proper use of natural resources; To engage in or promote the study of plant and animal communities and of other phases of ecology, natural history, conservation, and fish and wildlife management; To promote education in the fields of nature preservation and conservation; To educate and act as a resource for governmental entities, public officials and the general public with respect to parks, recreation, open space, fish and wildlife management, conservation, and ecological, historical and natural resources; To contribute to and cooperate with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and other private and governmental organizations duly authorized to carry on activities which aid or benefit the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; To pre-acquire real and personal property earmarked for government purchase until public funds become available.

Rainforest Rescue

Rainforest Rescue is a not-for-profit organisation that has been protecting and restoring rainforests in Australia and internationally since 1998 by providing opportunities for individuals and businesses to Protect Rainforests Forever. Our mission is to inspire, engage and build community for the protection, preservation and restoration of rainforests through fundraising and education. Our objectives are: 1. The protection and enhancement of the natural environment. 2. The conservation of rainforests and the preservation of the biodiversity of rainforest ecosystems. 3. The restoration, rehabilitation, enhancement and management of remnant and regrowth rainforest. 4. The revegetation of ex-rainforest lands, including without limitation the establishment and ongoing management of rainforests plantings or signficant ecological value. The strategies that we employ to achieve these objectives is to: 1. Seek funding in the form of donation and sponsorships from individuals, businesses and philanthropic trusts and foundations. 2. Purchase and protect high conservation value rainforest and preserve its biodiveristy; and 3. Finance projects that re-establish rainforests through planting, maintenance and restoration programs. Rainforest Rescue meaures its performance of these objectives and strategies through ongoing governance, financial management and corporate compliance, therefore achieving the environmental objectives of the organisation's constitution being the protection and preservation of rainforests. Rainforest Rescue is an Austtralian registered company limited by guarantee and a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status. We are also on the Australian Register of Environmental Organisations.

Impact Stories
Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation

The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization #20-1702191 is dedicated to honoring the life of our inspiration, Jimmy Miller, by supporting the healing of mental and physical illness through surfing and ocean related activities. Through recreational, education, and mentoring programs, the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation enables surfers, educators, therapists, lifeguards and friends to help people affected by mental and physical illness feel the joy and healing power of the ocean and surfing. JMMF pioneered the formation of an adaptive surfing program titled Ocean Therapy, where surfing is used as a means to increase self-esteem and self-efficacy in individuals suffering from mental and/or physical illness. The Ocean Therapy program is currently working with at risk children in the Los Angeles foster care community, veterans from all branches of the military and injured Marines in the Wounded Warrior Battalion in Camp Pendleton. We are looking to expand our programming to the addiction/recovery populations, victims and survivors of mass public and terrorist attacks, those suffering from suicidal ideation and anxiety, depression and other mental health illnesses.

Secours Catholique - Caritas France

Our purpose is to reduce poverty, bring hope and solidarity to poor communities or individuals in France and worldwide. We bring assistance to families, children and young people but also to the most vulnerable (homelesses, migrants, prisoners etc.). We fight against isolation, help them to find employement and we ensure their social reintegration. We provide emergency responses but also long term support, development aid and we work on the causes of poverty. The action of Secours Catholique finds all its meaning in a global vision of poverty which aims at restoring the human person's dignity and is part and parcel of sustainable development. To do so, six key principles guide this action, both in France and abroad: Promoting the place and words of people living in situations of poverty Making each person a main player of their own development Joining forces with people living in situations of poverty Acting for the development of the human person in all its aspects Acting on the causes of poverty and exclusion Arousing solidarity The actions of Secours Catholique are implemented by a network of local teams of volunteers integrated into the diocesan delegations and supported by the volunteers and employees of the national headquarters. On an international level, Secours Catholique acts in cooperation with its partners of the Caritas Internationalis network. Key figures of Secours Catholique: 100 diocesan or departmental delegations 4,000 local teams 65,000 volunteers 974 employees 2,174 reception centres 3 centres : Cite Saint-Pierre in Lourdes, Maison d'Abraham in Jerusalem, Cedre in Paris 18 housing centres managed by the Association des Cites of Secours Catholique 162 Caritas Internationalis partners 600,000 donors Every year Secours Catholique encounters almost 700,000 situations of poverty and receives 1.6 million people (860,000 adults and 740,000 children). This daily mission led in the field by the local teams and delegations, with the support of national headquarters, pursues three major objectives which aim at exceeding the distribution action and limited aid: Receiving to reply to the primary needs (supplying food and/or health care aid, proposing accommodation, establishing an exchange and a fraternal dialogue, etc) Supporting to restore social ties (bringing together people in difficulty with an aim to reinsertion, encouraging personal initiatives and collective projects, establishing a mutual support helper-receiver of help relationship, etc) Developing to strengthen solidarity (proposing long lasting solutions, establishing a follow-up over the long term, encouraging collective actions carried out by people in difficulty etc.)