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Tregaron Conservancy

The mission of the Tregaron Conservancy is to preserve, rehabilitate and maintain the Tregaron Estate’s nationally-landmarked landscape as a public woodland garden. As owner and steward of a 13-acre historic landscape in Washington DC, the Conservancy is working to recapture the original vision of Tregaron's renowned landscape architect, Ellen Biddle Shipman, guided by Shipman's original plans, adapting the designs for contemporary usage and current environmental conditions. The Conservancy consults with historic landscape experts in its design work and has adopted sustainable practices in managing the landscape.To date, the Conservancy has restored the original lily pond and trail system, stone stairways, bridges and footpaths and many woodland gardens. The Conservancy has planted hundreds of trees and shrubs, native meadows, and thousands of flowering plants.Tregaron is open to the public every day, free of charge. The Conservancy offers free community-building programs for adults and children, including bird walks, geology tours, tree walks, history tours and lectures, forest-bathing and yoga. Regular events include volunteer work days, Easter Egg hunts, tree planting, nature playgroups, and family hiking/story-time. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Tregaron Conservancy depends on charitable contributions from individuals and foundations for its restoration and maintenance work, as well as its many programs. Tregaron has thousands of visitors every year; it is a lively and vibrant historic landscape, a treasured woodland gem in the heart of Washington, DC.

Society Of Environmental Journalists

Mission: The mission of the Society of Environmental Journalists is to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues. Objectives: SEJ provides critical support to journalists of all media in their efforts to cover complex issues of the environment responsibly. SEJ addresses its mission and vision through effective programs designed by and for journalists who produce environmental coverage. Benefits and opportunities of programs and membership will be extended to journalists on varied beats, to students and all those who will be expanding and defining the field in years to come. SEJ is constantly developing new initiatives to: - educate on emerging issues and beat basics; - protect freedom of information on environment-related issues; - build bridges between scientists and journalists; - foster peer communication and networks of credible sources; - provide recognition of excellence and support for media projects; and - provide vision and leadership for the field through creative projects and strategic partnerships. Activities: Through combined efforts of board, staff, members and appropriate partners, the Society of Environmental Journalists offers unique educational programs and services, primarily for professional journalists, educators and students, including annual and regional conferences, tours, meet-ups and training events; daily EJToday headlines and summaries, with supporting links; Twitter feed from @SEJorg; weekly SEJournal, TipSheet and other publications; Freedom of Information WatchDog project; SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment; mini grants through the Fund for Environmental Journalism; members-only listservs; mentoring program; website-based resources; and a lively membership network of journalists and academics. SEJ also acts to raise awareness among philanthropists, editors, news managers, publishers, and other key decision-makers in the media on the value and importance of environmental news reporting. Non-members are welcome to participate in SEJ programs, especially the annual conference. In the spirit of promoting government transparency, an informed democratic process, and press freedoms, SEJ strives to hold its own actions as a model of transparency. To that end, it is SEJ policy for all SEJ events, educational programs, services and other activities to be held on the record. Events or conference sessions held solely to facilitate story or book idea pitching to editors and/or publishers are excepted from this policy. Any additional proposed exceptions must receive approval from the Executive Committee of the SEJ Board of Directors. Exceptions to this policy granted by the SEJ Board and the terms of information use must be disclosed clearly to event speakers and attendees as soon as possible.

Pittsburgh Botanic Garden

The mission of the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden is to inspire people to grow through immersion in a world of natural outdoor wonder to nourish mind, body and spirit. The Garden is already setting an example of stewardship by transforming 460 acres of abandoned mining property. The Pittsburgh Botanic Garden (PBG) holds a renewable $1/year 99 year lease from Allegheny County on the land, 20 minutes west of downtown Pittsburgh, next door to Settler's Cabin Park. The PBG is moving forward on two fronts. The first and long-term front involves the middle and southern portion of the site which is under a complete reclamation program. Even as that work continues, we will begin to develop the display and educational gardens in this area, including the first and only Mr. Roger's Garden of Make Believe, the Orangery and an amphitheater. The PBG's second front is focused on the 60 acres on the northern part of the site which features forested ridges and some meadows. Restoration of the Woodlands was started in 2010 and, to date, more than 20 acres of invasive species were cleared, over 5,200 native trees, shrubs and perennials planted, three miles of trails built including one mile of ADA accessible trails, several children's play & discovery stations were constructed, and a polluted pond was restored to life. The Woodland Gardens are adjacent to a historic homestead, recently added by the County to the Botanic Garden lease. The Pioneer Farmstead provides the front door for the Garden while reclamation continues. The 1870s barn is under renovation to serve as the Bayer Welcome Center and the 1784 log cabin, namesake for the nearby Settlers Cabin County Park, will be used for programming. A Heritage Apple Orchard, Pioneer Three Sisters Garden and other amenities will also grace the area. The Woodlands of the World Garden and the Pioneer Farmstead will open to the general public in the summer of 2014. Tours of the site are available. Education and volunteer programs are underway - for all ages. It is a grass-roots project, built by many volunteers and supported by individuals from the tri-state area. The Garden demonstrates the interdependence of plants, animal and man and our reliance on the natural environment, while fostering an understanding of basic botany and ecology.

Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardi

The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.

Oak Rural Health Organization

Oak rural health organization is a non governmental, not for profit organization. Registered under the CAMA 1990 as an incorporated trustee by the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal republic of Nigeria. OUR MISSION/AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE; To increase preventive health publicity and awareness among rural dwellers. To eradicate children malnutrition in the grassroots through supplementary and complementary feed assistance. To partner with rural communities on health promotion and sustenance strategies. To prevent/eradicate mortalities through mobile clinics and health outreaches in rural communities. To partner with government, private and individuals to combat pressing health challenges in the rural settlements nationwide. To establish/refurbish healthcare points in vulnerable rural communities. OUR VISION: ''To be an internationally recognized leading grassroots health advocacy gladiator, ensuring a healthy and productive rural lives''. Achieving the above, the organization engages the services of volunteer professionals in relevant fields. Also mobilize resources through donation from trustees, individuals, private and government establishments. Financial and professional integrities are strictly maintained as enshrined in the organization's articles of incorporation. Most importantly, the organization gives no room for discrimination of any nature. Irrespective of religion, tribe, race, color or ethnic background. We deal with humanity as a bio-psycho-social being. Our group of dedicated volunteers work as a team to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, the founders are not unaware of the various government and other concerned agencies' efforts on providing quality health care services to the people at the niches and crevices of the nation. Various stakeholders who invested on healthcare services often concentrate on the urbans and densely populated areas. Governments' health infrastructures in rural settlements are not enough compared to their population. Most of the rural areas are fast becoming the den of unskilled care givers, this has led to many unreported, but avoidable morbidity and mortality. Demographically, rural population is made of about 52% of the nation's total population. Distributed through the nooks and crannies. Rural dwellers cannot be underestimated in the area of country's food security and economic growth. Therefore, a healthy rural life is a healthy nation. WHY RURAL HEALTH? Rural health is a worthy advocacy because: They are the hope of nation's food security. They are the custodians of the nation's cultural heritage. They are the most vulnerable. They are the major workforce in production line. They are the future of the nation. They have the highest fertility rate. They are majorly the poor. Furthermore, the executive summary of the WHO's vision 2020 is, attainment by all people of the world, a level of health that will permit them to live a socially and economically productive life. At least, such level of health that they are capable of working productively and participating actively in the social lives of the community in which they live. Meanwhile, growing cost of quality healthcare services has put the rural lives at a disadvantageous position. WHO's vision 2020 and even beyond is however a collaborative efforts of individuals, governments and non governmental bodies.

Africa Schoolhouse

Africa Schoolhouse (ASH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing quality education, medical care, job training and clean water to rural villages in Northern Tanzania. In order to achieve these goals, ASH works in partnership with communities and the local government to build desperately needed schools, deep wells and medical clinics, creating an environment that enables residents to live full, productive and healthy lives. ASH was founded in 2006 after village elders from Ntyula, Tanzania approached founder Dr. Aimee Bessire with the idea of building a school for their children and a medical clinic for the entire community. Dr. Bessire, who has a decades long relationship with the people of Ntulya, was determined to take action. Within six months, the Africa Schoolhouse board was assembled. ASH broke ground on its first project, the Ntulya Primary School and campus, in July 2008 and completed construction in 2010. President of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, personally inaugurated the new school and declared it a model for all rural schools in the country. The villagers talked about how proud they were that the President came to visit the school they had helped to build. Following the request of the Ntulya elders, the organization completed a modern medical clinic the following year, which now serves approximately 4,500 people. ASH continued working with local communities in the region to identify need and completed the renovation of Mwaniko Secondary School and Shilanona Primary School in 2012 and 2014. Improvements at these locations included building a bio-chemistry lab and the installation of the first solar-powered computer lab in Misungwi District. ASH also trained a local work-force to help with the construction and continued maintenance of these projects. ASH's newest project is to construct an all-girls boarding school-the first in Misungwi District. This exemplary school will provide space for 360 girls in Forms 1-4, with the possibility to expand the campus and add another 80 girls in Forms 5-6 as needed in later years. Currently only 1% of Tanzanian girls complete secondary school education. They face a wide range of obstacles to their education, including everything from families who privilege the education of sons over daughters, to girls being married off at young ages, and unsafe journeys to school. One of the largest issues faced by girls is finding a safe place to live while pursuing their education. In this rural area, many girls travel long distances to reach school. Safe passage to and from school is a critical issue. We want to provide a safe living situation for young women to delight in their education. ASH is partnering with Misungwi District to build a much-needed safe haven for girls, empowering them through education to grow into strong, healthy women. In addition to a standard academic curriculum, the school will also promote leadership, entrepreneurship, social justice and care for the environment. The school will create an essential safe space where young women can successfully complete their studies and grow into empowered, independent adults. As with our other projects ASH is collaborating with the local communities, school committee, and Tanzanian government. We are building this school at the request of the local community, who identified this as their greatest need. The school will be staffed and run by the District once completed. The District has selected Florencia Ndabashe to be the school's head teacher. Ndabashe currently leads a co-ed secondary school in Misungwi and brings great energy to her work. She will be a strong leader for the girls school, inspiring her fellow teachers and serving as an excellent role model for young women.

Orinda Garden Club

Raise funds for Orinda city and freeway beautification

The African Rainforest Conservancy

To raise funds for grassroots conservation projects and generate awareness of the important environmental, economic, cultural, and social roles of African forests

Chinseu Community Based Organisation

To improve the quality of life and advance the rights of children; To bring about change for good on behalf of children and families, and encourage them to participate in processes which enhance their equality, self-reliance and long term sustainable development; Wherever possible to provide practical support which allows children to grow up within their own families and communities

Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Foundation

The Northwest Straits Foundation, a Salish Sea conservation organization raises funds to support the locally-driven marine restoration, stewardship and education programs.

Rappahannock Nature Camp

To allow individuals, especially children, to discover for themselves the beauty of Nature.

Friends Of Walker Pond

Over the years, Friends of Walker Pond has funded, and continues to fund, projects that allow Walker Pond to remain one of the healthiest bodies of water in Maine. The group works with the towns of Brooksville and Sedgwick to ensure that our members, area residents and summer guests are aware of the activities affecting the health and enjoyment of the pond. The group engages experts to test and monitor water quality every year and has done so for 20+ years. Friends of Walker Pond has also been active in raising awareness regarding land development that might have the potential to damage the health and environment of the pond. This has all been done with donated funds and volunteer involvement.