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Displaying 1–12 of 2,346

The Lamb Center

The mission of the Lamb Center is serving our poor and homeless neighbors, transforming lives, and sharing God’s love. We seek to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed to the hurting people in our community; to know them; to love them; to discover their needs with them; to foster and encourage their relationships with our Lord; and to help them to discover and enjoy the many gifts that God has given them each.

The Ecology Center

The Ecology Center models creative solutions for thriving on planet Earth. Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower people in the stewardship of ecological design and sustainability in the core areas of Grow, Eat, and Make. We aim to model solutions that will be replicated based on the core belief that we are all part of nature, intimately interconnected to each other and our shared environment, and that together, we can create a healthy, abundant future.

The Nature Discovery Center

To ignite life-long curiosity, understanding, and respect for nature through education.

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Its mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends, by boldly addressing the biodiversity and climate crisis over the next decade, and maximizing the organization's ability to effect change between now and 2030, to shape a brighter future for people and our planet.

Marine Mammal Center

The Marine Mammal Center is a nonprofit veterinary hospital, research and educational center dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of ill and injured marine mammals, primarily elephant seals, harbor seals, and California sea lions. Its research team studies the causes of illness in these animals, and by doing so, learns about conditions affecting the health of marine mammal populations and the oceans – discovering conditions that can affect humans as well. In addition, the Center’s education programs teach thousands of students and the visiting public each year about marine mammals and the urgent need for environmental stewardship of earth’s marine environments.

The Vermont Center For Ecostudies


Lloyd Center For The Environment

The mission of the Lloyd Center is to instill a life-long respect and affection for nature in citizens of all ages through research and education; to advance a scientific and public understanding of our coastal ecosystems and the need to protect them; and to promote a legacy of natural diversity largely in, but not restricted to, the coastal environments of southeastern New England.

Center For The Inland Bays

To preserve, protect and restore Delaware's Inland Bays and their watershed.

Earthplace The Nature Discovery Center

The mission of Earthplace is to build a passion in our community for nature and the environment through education, experience and action.

The Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center

To inspire an understanding of the natural world and ourselves as a part of it - past, present and future.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Trees for the Future, Inc.

Around the world, modern and industrialized farming practices are destroying the environment—and, at the same time, failing to provide reliable income and nourishment for the farmers we all depend on to survive. At Trees for the Future (TREES), we recognize that unsustainable land use is the root cause of our most pressing challenges. We confront these challenges by serving the people at the heart of our global food systems: farmers and their families. As a global leader in agroforestry training for over 30 years, TREES provides hands-on, immersive education, skill building, and support, encouraging farmers to work with nature, not against it. Our signature methodology, the Forest Garden Approach, helps farmers transform their land with thousands of fast-growing, ecologically appropriate trees and dozens of other crops, creating new possibilities for themselves and their communities. By embracing sustainable land practices, farmers are reclaiming their agency, breaking the cycles of climate change and generational poverty, and rebuilding our food systems from the ground up.

Center For Responsible Travel

To be a center of tourism knowledge, empowerment, and action for destination communities.