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Impact Stories
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas

W/NP is a progressive and viable humanitarian service organization actively implementing programs in both Wisconsin and Nicaragua. W/NP's goals are to promote mutual understanding and establish lasting relationships among citizens and institutions of Wisconsin and Nicaragua; foster volunteerism and self-help attitudes through the implementation of economic and social development projects; leverage development assistance funds from public and private sources.

Tanzania Development Trust

The Trust Deed of 1975 says "The objects of the Trust shall be to relieve poverty and sickness among the people of Tanzania by means of the development of education, health and other social services, the improvement of water supplies and other communal facilities and the promotion of self- help activities." Interpreting the Trust Deed for the needs of the 21st Century we add: "In making grants, the Trust tries to promote equal opportunities and projects which improve the environment".

Environmental Law Institute

ELI’s mission is to foster innovative, just, and practical law and policy solutions to enable leaders across borders and sectors to make environmental, economic, and social progress. We build the skills and capacity of tomorrow’s leaders and institutions, research and analyze complex and pressing environmental challenges, promote and disseminate the best thinking through print and electronic media, and convene people with diverse perspectives to build understanding through robust debate.

International Association for Human Values

The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) offers programs to reduce stress and develop leaders so that human values can flourish in people and communities. We foster the daily practice of human values - a sense of connectedness and respect for all people and the natural environment, an attitude of non-violence, and an ethic of social service. Our programs enhance clarity of mind, shift attitudes and behaviours, and develop leaders and communities that are resilient, responsible, and inspired.

Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)

In 1984, a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders established the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) as an independent non-profit organization. They did so to fill a need for improved debate, independent analysis, and innovative policy ideas for environmental and energy issues. Since then, EESI has occupied a unique niche as an educational resource for national policymakers, an information conduit between federal, state, and local stakeholders, and a catalyst for innovative partnerships. EESI has earned a reputation for working constructively with a wide range of partners and constituencies to advance innovative policy solutions to energy, economic, and environmental challenges. Through EESI's work over the past 28 years, it has built credibility for nonpartisan perspectives and innovative solutions. EESI's mission is to promote environmentally sustainable societies. EESI develops and promotes innovative policies on climate change, agriculture, transportation, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, and sustainable communities. We promote policymaker action through education, advocacy, coalition building, publications, workshops and task forces, and media outreach. We seek to develop innovative policy solutions and strategies through all of our work. EESI has an 18-member Board of Directors made up of environmental, business and academic leaders; a multidisciplinary staff; and an Advisory Board of 23. Our goal is to facilitate a transition to a low-carbon energy economy based on energy efficiency and renewable energy. This will result in dramatically decreased greenhouse gases and air pollution, and improved public health, energy security, and economic development opportunities. In 1988, the EESI Board of Directors declared that the problem of climate change creates a moral imperative for action; therefore, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has been an essential element in all of our policy and educational work since then. EESI uses an effective, integrated approach of policymaker education, work in coalitions, and policy development. Expanding support for climate change mitigation and renewable energy development is a crucial component of our work. One of EESI's strengths is its broad and extensive network of contacts across diverse constituencies; it is a critical part of our strategy. By looking at energy and climate impacts and solutions holistically, we unite diverse constituencies behind win-win solutions, building support, and emphasizing the benefits of a stable climate, the costs of inaction, and the economic and other benefits of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Our participation in numerous coalitions (e.g., Climate Action Network, Energy Efficiency Coalition) allows us to leverage other organizations' resources and strengths. We serve as a valuable conduit and synthesizer, bringing the actions and voices of a wide range of stakeholders nationwide to the attention of Congress and other policymakers in the federal government. Likewise, we serve as a key national policy contact for hundreds of groups and constituencies across the country. By sustaining these valuable relationships, we improve communication among stakeholders and between stakeholders and their representatives in Washington, providing an avenue for their participation in national policy development.

High Atlas Foundation

The High Atlas Foundation is a Moroccan association and a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2000 by former Peace Corps Volunteers committed to furthering sustainable development. HAF supports Moroccan communities to take action in implementing human development initiatives. It promotes sustainable organic agriculture, women’s empowerment, youth development, education, health, and capacity building. Since 2011, HAF has maintained Consultancy Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardi

The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.

Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve

OUR FOUR PART MISSION: CARING-for abused and neglected farmed animals. PRESERVING-our land for native wildlife. EDUCATING-about animal protection and environmental ethics. ADVOCATING-for a compassionate society In 2013, we rescued our first farmed animals. We knew that if we could share their stories of courage and survival against all odds, we could create life-saving change for farmed animals everywhere. Our virtual education programs, in-person tours, events, outreach, and advocacy have reached people worldwide while remaining a safe harbor for locally abused, neglected, and discarded farmed animals. We give each animal that enters our sanctuary the best care possible. Through our rehab and physical therapy program, special dietary needs, and unique emotional needs, we stop at nothing to ensure the animals have everything they need to thrive once they arrive at Tamerlaine, which will now be their forever home.


LightHawk's mission is the champion environmental protection through the unique perspective of flight. Our goal is to mobilize enough volunteer pilots, aircraft and resources to help tip the balance toward sustainability for every major environmental issue within our targeted areas of focus. LightHawk helps to address environmental issues through: Educational flights over contested landscapes to convert abstract proposals into something passengers can grasp has a powerful ability to transcend all personal ideologies, change hearts and minds, build commitment, and lead to action. Technical flights are often the only practical way to obtain objective data on patterns of human and wildlife use. Technical flights include aerial photography, scientific data-gathering, wildlife surveys, and ground-truthing data obtained from satellites, high-altitude photography, or computer modeling. All  flights are donated by our corps of volunteer pilots.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

The Ocean Foundation - SeaWeb

By raising public awareness, advancing science-based solutions and mobilizing decision-makers around ocean conservation, we are leading voices for a healthy ocean. SeaWeb was founded to address the lack of public engagement on ocean issues, and works to reverse this trend by enabling key decision-makers to better understand the complexities of important marine environmental problems. In addition, our social marketing techniques enable the marine conservation community to effectively communicate sound solutions to these problems - another vital aspect of our unique approach to solving critical conservation questions.

Community Warehouse

The mission of Community Warehouse is to help vulnerable populations improve the quality of their lives and become self-sufficient by providing them with basic household furnishings. We collect gently used donated furniture and household items and work in partnership with over 200 local social services agencies to distribute these basic necessities for creating a home and stabilizing lives to individuals and families in need. We value sustainability, transparency, preserving the dignity of everyone we work with, and providing services in a timely and cost effective manner. We serve over 7,500 families every year.