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Displaying 145–156 of 159

The Creature Conservancy

To work within our community to create personal connections between people, animals and their shared environment. By bringing humans and animals together in educational settings, we hope to cultivate a greater appreciation for the animals with which we share this planet. We also seek to help specific animals in need through our rescue, rehabilitation, fostering and adoption activities. Our work is guided by the belief that we are a better species when we connect with other species on a personal level.

Cool Earth Action Usa Inc

Cool Earth works with local champions all over the world to develop the best ways to protect the rainforest and keep carbon locked in the long-term, connecting smart people and ideas to safeguard our future.

Friends Of The Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery

Founded in 1883 by NY State as a fish hatchery, today our mission is to bring knowledge and understanding of our freshwater environment to students of all ages and the general public, connect people to nature, and encourage environmental stewardship.

Friends Of Lachat

Friends of Lachat is the fundraising arm of Lachat Town Farm. Lachat Town Farm offers farming and environmental educational experiences for all ages, community-building opportunities, and an important connection with and enjoyment of our land, fostering a happier, healthier and more "grounded" community.


Your generous gift helps us work to build support for a modern, more efficient national passenger rail network. * Improved and expanded passenger train services * High-speed rail initiatives * Increased connectivity among all forms of transportation * The safety of our nation's trains and passengers


EcoSikh connects Sikh values, beliefs, and institutions to the most important environmental issues facing our world. We draw on the rich tradition of the Sikh Gurus and the Khalsa Panth to shape the behavior and outlook of Sikhs and the world, ensuring that our deep reverence for all creation remains a central part of the Sikh way of life.

Mainspring Conservation Trust

Located in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge, the mission of Mainspring Conservation Trust (formerly the Land Trust for the Little Tennessee) is to conserve the waters, forests, farms and heritage of the Upper Little Tennessee and Hiwassee River Valleys. We are dedicated to three core initiatives: conserve the land, restore the water, and connect the people to these valuable resources.


Plenitud PR is a non-profit educational farm and community dedicated to service in sustainability and the arts. They provide people with the skills and knowledge needed to encourage inner growth and to live in harmony with themselves, each other, and the natural world. At the heart of our service is experiential learning in sustainability and the arts that engages people in community service, fosters relationships, and creates connections.

Sycamore Land Trust

The mission of Sycamore Land Trust is to preserve the beauty, health, and diversity of southern Indiana's natural landscapes through strategic land conservation and environmental education. Vision: Sycamore Land Trust envisions a future in which southern Indiana has diverse and abundant habitat for native plants and animals, as well as clean air and water, working lands that are productive and sustainable, and people who embrace the connection between a healthy environment and our quality of life.

Colorado West Land Trust (Mesa County Land Conservancy)

Colorado West Land Trust is a consolidation of the Mesa Land Trust and the Black Canyon Regional Land Trust. The two organizations have come together to better protect and conserve agricultural land, along with its rural heritage, wildlife habitat, recreational areas and scenic lands in western Colorado. With 120,000 acres conserved in 6 counties (Delta, Gunnison, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel), Colorado West Land Trust seeks to meet both local and regional conservation needs. As a private, non-profit organization our mission is to protect and enhance agricultural land, wildlife habitat and scenic lands in western Colorado to benefit the community at large, enrich lives, provide opportunities for outdoor recreation, and ensure our connection to land for generations to come.

Friends Of Casco Bay

Friends of Casco Bay works to protect the health of Casco Bay because it is a place of national, regional, and personal significance. The Bay affects our quality of life, our tax base, and the weather in our region. Valued for its rich diversity of marine life, Casco Bay was designated an Estuary of National Significance by the federal government in 1990. At the heart of Maine?s most populated region, the Bay is of immeasurable value to the 42 communities in its watershed. The Bay sustains our economy, supporting a vast array of industries: shipping, tourism, commercial fish and shellfish harvesting, and oil transport. The Bay provides abundant recreational opportunities, from wind-surfing and angling to boating and beachcombing. Our community?s identity and wellbeing are inextricably linked to the health of the Bay. For the 300,000 people that call the watershed home, Casco Bay is a source of recreation, inspiration, and economic vitality.Friends of Casco Bay fills a unique niche in Maine?s environmental and nonprofit community. We are: Locally-focused: We are the only organization whose sole focus is protecting Casco Bay. Science-based: The positions we take are backed up by data collected by our highly trained staff and EPA-certified volunteers.  Pragmatic: We are results-oriented, striving for measurable outcomes that protect the environment. Collaborative: We know that protecting the Bay is a group effort, so we work closely with scientists, government officials, businesses, residents, and other partners.


Progeny provides diverse communities with an opportunity to engage with one another. A program of education draws parallels between community cohesion and the environment, by focusing on a large interactive sound installation touring throughout the United States and Europe. Artists, investors, educators and beneficiaries metaphorically become part of a hive community. Modeled after the interior of a Langstroth beehive, 10 partitions clad in acoustic panelling are lifted from the ground and supported by custom-built flooring. By walking through the maze like chambers, each person forms part of a complex sonic landscape, which despite the inherent visual barriers heightens participants' awareness that their own presence can be felt elsewhere. Concurrently, participants are acutely aware that they are not alone. As the numbers increase the space becomes alive. A community is born. Following each exhibition the installation is transported to the next destination. The children and adult arts education program combines academic study and practical workshops with performing and visual arts. The wax that binds this project together, making it truly unique and accessible is provided by another thriving community; honeybees. Core Values Building Communities A community is all about connections - connections between individuals and connections between people and the other species with which we share the planet. We aim to promote social and ecological awareness within these communities and to celebrate the relationships that make life meaningful. Caring for the environment A sustainable society utilizes natural resources in such a way that future generations will benefit. By environmental stewardship and positive action, we can all be part of a solution to maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. Inspiring innovation and creativity The arts have a unique position within our global community. They educate, inspire, challenge and enrich. We promote creativity as a method for education, academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity. After all, we're all part of the progeny.. Background Beekeepers engage in a systematic migratory procession carrying up to 200 hives on flatbed trucks in search of seasonal pollen. Inside each Langstroth Hive lives a colony of 20,000-80,000 European honeybees. When the colonies are placed by the beekeeper in the new ecosystem, the bees begin their procession with the unified goal of feeding and caring for the next generation of their colony. How does a community of bees survive this migratory process? How do these colonies adapt to new and temporary ecosystems? How do they function within the limits of a man-made architectural object? Bees live in extraordinarily complex and cohesive societies. They coordinate virtually all of their activities with other individuals to ensure colony survival. Much can be learned and transferred from bee society to human society, including maintaining public health; organizing efficient information, communication, economic and transport systems while maintaining harmony. Each bee has a specific role in constructing a healthy society - as does each human. Should any segment of the societal body suffer, the whole body suffers. Progeny is a human project exploring a microcosm of human community through interaction inside an architectural space similar to the hive. The artists have figuratively become beekeepers. The hive-based installation is man-made. The structure is disassembled, transported on a flatbed truck to another temporary location where it is reassembled. With each exhibition an opportunity is provided for a new community to evolve, learn, adapt and interact.