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Displaying 217–224 of 224

Kennebunk Land Trust

Kennebunk Land Trust's mission is to acquire and/or receive parcels of land, easements and funds in order to preserve and protect the natural areas and character of the Kennebunk/Arundel region. Our mission includes promoting conservation and related educational efforts, and collaboration with like-minded organizations.

Becket Land Trust

The Historic Quarry and Forest was the result of an extraordinary community fund-raising campaign to save a 300+ acre parcel of primarily wooded land from industrial development. To prevent detrimental impact on the site and the community, local citizens donated money to enable the Becket Land Trust to purchase the property and open the site to the public for recreational enjoyment.

The Missionary Society Of St. Columban

The Missionary Society of St. Columban is entrusted by the Holy Father with part of the Church's mission "to spread the Faith and saving work of Christ." (Vat. II) The Society works under the guidance of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and under the leadership of the bishops. We are listed in the U.S. Official Catholic Director published annually by (C)P.J. Kenedy and sons. As such, the Internal Revenue Service recognizes us as a religious not-for-profit corporation, therefore contributions to our work are tax deductible. We employ no outside professional fund-raisers and pay no commissions.

Social Squared Ventures Inc.

No one will die of an illness because (s)he couldn't afford the medical treatment. No one will be denied school or college education because (s)he couldn't pay the fees. No one will remain unemployed because (s)he couldn't afford to hone a skill and earn a livelihood. No one's financial capacity will hold him/her back if (s)he wants to give. At, India's largest online crowdfunding or fundraising platform, we believe that every social cause deserves a chance to succeed. We help people to raise funds for NGOs, for themselves and/or help others in need.

PHA Pterocarpus Forest, Inc.

The Friends of the Pterocarpus Forest, also known as the Amigos del Bosque de Pterocarpus (incorporated as PHA Pterocarpus Forest, Inc.) are a group of citizens committed to the conservation and maintenance of the 50.18-acre Pterocarpus Officinalis* forest at Palmas del Mar. The mission of the Friends is to ensure that this rare Forest ecosystem remains accessible -- in perpetuity -- to the people of Puerto Rico and visitors to the island for passive recreation, environmental education and research. To this end, the Friends seek funds and other resources for educational and public benefit projects that promote awareness of and knowledge about this unique ecosystem, as well as funds with which to maintain and enhance for the benefit of the public, the Forest's website and presence on social media; its interpretative signage; and the 3/4-mile elevated boardwalk, rest areas, observation tower, visitors' center, and other facilities. The Friends, in collaboration with the Palmas Homeowners' Association, the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and other committed parties began the restoration of the forest in 2010. Our efforts made it possible, in less than 5 years, to turn a devastated and moribund environment that had suffered decades of neglect (particularly since Hurricane Georges in 1998) into a lush and vibrant ecosystem and a unique ecotourism destination. *The Pterocarpus Officinalis is known as the Swamp Bloodwood tree in English. In Puerto Rico it is known as Palo de Pollo, or Chicken tree, because of the shape of its large aerial roots, which resemble chicken feet.

Newton Conservators

Newton Conservators Inc. promotes the protection and preservation of natural areas, including parks, park lands, playgrounds, forests and streams, which are open or may be converted to open spaces for the enjoyment and benefit of the people of Newton for scientific study, education, and recreation. It further aims to disseminate information about these and other environmental matters. A primary goal is to foster the acquisition of land and other facilities to be used for the encouragement of scientific, recreational, educational, literary and the other public pursuits that will promote good citizenship and the general welfare in the City of Newton. In order to accomplish these purposes, the Conservators solicit funds and other gifts as is appropriate to carry out its goals.

East Pond Association

Mission: Through education, fundraising, and other proper activities, to promote the protection and enhancement of the water quality of East Pond and to preserve its ecological, economic, recreational, and aesthetic value. To work with members and other interested parties to monitor water quality, to promote responsible land-use practices, and to maintain the integrity of the watershed ecology of East Pond. To encourage, facilitate and disseminate scientific research regarding East Pond. To publish a newsletter that focuses on information related to the lake protection efforts and developments on East Pond as well as on other lakes and ponds in Maine. To assist the work of charitable, educational, literary, or scientific organizations. To make distributions to nonexempt organizations and governmental bodies conditioned upon the fund being used for specific projects.

Community Food Initiatives

Community Food Initiatives (CFI) is a 25 year-old organization serving families and individuals in Appalachia Ohio. The mission of CFI is to ensure everyone has equal access to healthy, local food. CFI's vision is a resilient region in which everyone in our community has access to an equitable, inclusive, and thriving local food system. As a membership-based social benefit organization founded in 1992, Community Food Initiatives is deeply connected to the region. CFI is a long-serving team player within the local food system, as we believe that we benefit when others succeed, because that is how community works. CFI is the only organization in the area routinely donating thousands of pounds of local produce to food pantries, connecting regional seed savers to promote seed diversity and sustainability, managing low-cost community garden plots, supporting school gardens and teaching youth to grow food, and offering gardening and cooking workshops to adults. Community members, regional farmers and food producers, partnering non-profits, local government, and foundations support our work. All of these programs come together to build a stronger community where citizens are empowered to grow and cook their own healthy, whole foods, despite the barriers of poverty. CFI is building capacity to reach more communities across the region by increasing collaborative efforts to fight food insecurity. We value naming our assets-soil, seeds, and an Appalachian heritage of food production and preservation-so that everyone can see their place in strengthening our assets and our community. We believe that by sharing the knowledge to grow and prepare wholesome foods, people become empowered to feed their families, improve their health, and strengthen their community. We are rooted in the belief that equitable access to fresh and nutritious local food leads to a safe and clean environment, meaningful work with livable wages, and fulfills the needs and rights of all people. Finally, we believe in the strength of collaboration and in doing better together. Our work is driven by those we serve: the community members themselves. We currently work in seven program areas: The Donation Station Program collects fresh local food at the Athens Farmers Market, Chesterhill Produce Auction, and farms and distributes it to regional food pantries and social service agencies. Additionally, the Discovery Kitchen project teaches healthy cooking classes to food pantry patrons using seasonal produce. These programs are now serving five Southeastern Ohio Counties - Athens, Meigs, Morgan, Vinton, and Washington. The Community Garden Program manages five community gardens, coordinates gardening and food preservation workshops throughout the year. Currently, we manage 20,000 square feet of garden space at five locations throughout Athens County. The School Garden Program offers support for school and youth gardens, working with day care centers, and youth social service agencies such as Athens County Children Services and all five Athens County school districts. CFI provides resources, consultation, volunteer coordination and curriculum integration resources for teachers. YEAH! Kids (Youth Entrepreneurs at Hope) program is funded by the Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority, and engages low-income youth between the ages of 11 and 18 in production gardening, culinary skills, money management, and professionalism. The YEAH! Kids grow their own produce in a community garden located at Hope Drive apartments, subsidized housing in Athens. They have weekly kitchen workshops where they make products such as jam and kimchi using the produce they grow. The participants sell those products at the Athens Farmers Market, and they log their hours and get paid according to how much work they put into the garden and kitchen. Ridge & Hollow Seed Alliance is CFI's regional seed company, named for the hills and valleys of Appalachia. Ridge & Hollow supports the preservation of regionally adapted, open-pollinated seeds through partnerships with skilled seed savers in the Central Appalachian region. Additionally, Ridge & Hollow Seed Alliance hosts seed saving workshops and annual seed exchanges. SEO FOODLINK is an action research project that maps emergency food networks and compiles data from 10 Southeast Ohio counties into an online resource hub. This is a new initiative launched by CFI in 2017, in partnership with West Virginia University. FOODLINK is designed to alleviate food insecurity through the sharing of resources and facilitation of grassroots collaborations.