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Displaying 217–228 of 299

Protect American River Canyons

PARC remains vigilant to any efforts to re-start the Auburn Dam project, and is a member of the American River Coalition. Together we collaborate to educate elected officials, agencies and the public to the benefits of protecting the natural, scenic and recreational resources of the American River watershed.

Jovial Concepts

Mission The mission of Jovial Concepts is to aid the world in a sustainable and non-violent future. Vision To promote peace by providing children and the general public with education and resources. We support our local and global communities through annual events and service learning projects.

Los Angeles River Revitalization Corporation

Our mission is to transform the LA River in order to improve people’s lives by carrying out sustainable land use projects, advocacy for river-friendly policy, and programs for community benefit. Our vision is to make Los Angeles a cleaner, greener, and more connected community.

Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors

Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors (ECO) inspires elementary school students to connect to our natural world through hands-on ecology enrichment programs. Our programs include a series of nature lessons + activities in students' classrooms and schoolyards, and culminate in service-learning projects in the students' community.

Elizabeth Park Conservancy

Since 1977, the Friends of Elizabeth Park have helped the city care for the park and gardens by recruiting a large volunteer gardening base for the maintenance and beautification of the gardens. The Friends also organize several free-to-public events and fundraisers to support new gardens, major projects, and historical restorations.

North East Trees

We are a community-based, environmental justice non-profit that designs and builds parks, and creates green space and water conservation projects in under-served communities throughout Los Angeles. NET is recognized throughout the state of California for its creation of innovative, low impact native plant based sustainable designs, and for forging strategic partnerships with urban communities. Founded in 1989 and incorporated in 1991, NET has planted over 100,000 trees, designed and built almost 50 parks and projects (half of them along the LA River), and trained and employed hundreds of frontline environmental workers from the communities we serve, and created natural green schoolyards for over 20 school communities.

Bee Girl

Our mission is to educate and inspire communities to conserve bees, their flowers, and our countryside. We envision a future where kids frolic in pastures of flowers, buzzing with bees, alongside profitable family farmers and ranchers. Through our research projects and education programs we are regenerating soil, bees, and communities.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is an adaptable and flexible, non-bureaucratic organisation responding promptly to conservation threats by supporting trusted, reputable individuals and organisations operating in the field. Lean on administration but generous on funding, the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation supports a range of innovative, vital and far-reaching projects throughout Africa and Asia, achieving real results for wildlife survival by: - sending undercover agents into the field to investigate illegal wildlife crime, training and supplying anti-poaching patrols - establishing nature reserves and other protected areas - working with governments to establish conservation laws and regulations - educating wildlife consumers about the plight of the animals they 'use' - teaching young people about endangered wildlife through art and school projects

Transition Town Media

The mission of Transition Town Media is to build resilience in all sectors of the Greater Media PA community. We support and create local programs and initiatives using educational outreach and charitable community projects to address such issues as: strengthening the local economy, re-localizing food sources, conserving energy, and building greater community connectedness.

Fundacion para el desarrollo integral de programas socio-economicos FUNDAP

We are a privately-owned voluntary foundation seeking to promote the development of low-income areas in the Republic of Guatemala, especially for those people who live in the rural areas of the highlands, by innovative projects avoiding patriarchy to guaranteea better living standard. All of this under a sustainable development framework with absolute respect for human dignity, culture and traditions.

youth for homeland (YFH)

Organization works to provide programs and projects aimed at the development of society in partnership with government agencies and local and international civil society organizations as well as a focus on young people and working on development and giving them the skills to enable them to improve their economic situation as the organization seeks to develop her team building the capabilities to develop and improve the performance ...

Solar Electric Light Fund

The Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) uses the power of the sun to fight poverty and climate change. Energy access is at the root of some of our biggest global inequities—from education to food security to public health. SELF works with communities around the world to establish solar projects, with a focus on environmental justice, community ownership, and scalable outcomes.