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Displaying 13–24 of 28

Wilton Land Conservation Trust

The Wilton Land Conservation Trust (The Land Trust) Engages In And Promotes For Public Benefit The Preservation And Conservation Of Natural Resources In The Town Of Wilton, Including Water Resources, Woodlands, Meadows, Land Of Historic And Aesthetic Significance, And All Plant And Animal Life Sustained By Our Native Ecosystems. The Land Trust Promotes The Scientific Study Of Local Plants, Animals, Birds, And Other Wildlife, And Actively Cooperates With The Town Planning And Zoning, Inland Wetland And Conservation Commissions.

San Dieguito River Valley Land Conservancy

The San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy preserves, protects, and shares the natural and cultural resources of the San Dieguito River Valley through collaborative efforts to acquire lands, complete trails, restore habitats, establish educational programs, create interpretive centers, encourage recreation, and mobilize public support.We partner with other organizations to complete the planned 70-mile Coast to Crest Trail from Del Mar to Julian in San Diego County. 48 miles of the Coast to Crest Trail are open to the public today!

Tualatin River Watershed Council

The Tualatin River Watershed Council links land, water and people. We bring together all interests in the basin to promote and improve watershed health. We work together through cooperation, collaboration and communication.  All of our actions affect the health of our watershed. We need your help in improving our watershed’s health! A small group of agency and government representatives began meeting in 1993 to discuss formation of a watershed council because they recognized the need to minimize watershed impacts and develop local solutions in a comprehensive manner. The Tualatin River Watershed Council was formed in 1996 to provide coordinated and integrated resource planning for the Tualatin River Watershed.  Its purpose is to: Increase local input in management of watershed resources. Initiate resolution of problems and issues within the watershed. Identify problems and issues of importance to local citizens, groups, and users of the watershed. Diminish and eliminate further degradation of the watershed and its resources through better management practices. Increase the viability, diversity, and health of the watershed. Undertake a proactive approach in management of the watershed. Create and implement a watershed action plan encompassing, but not limited to current and potential problems and issues, potential solutions, restoration/ enhancement measures, and monitoring programs within the Tualatin River Watershed.

San Bernadino Mountains Land Trust

IDENTIFY AND ACQUIRE TITLE for future protection of forest open space in the San Bernardino Mountains. PRACTICE LAND STEWARDSHIP by temporarily managing land prior to being transferred to permanent conservation ownership. PUBLIC OUTREACH by educating landowners and the general public about the benefits of community based conservation planning through encouraging greater public support for the San Bernardino Mountains Land Trust. DEVELOP AN EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION that attracts dedicated and talented volunteers, builds community support and adheres to the Land Trust Alliance Standards and Practices. GENERATE FUNDING from private and public sources.

Sierra Watch

MissionSierra Watch protects the Sierra Nevada by turning development threats into conservation opportunities.ApproachOur own expertise includes campaign strategy, media relations, and grassroots organizing. We leverage these skills with direct access to the best experts in the fields of law, conservation, and land-use planning. And we follow through with integrity and discipline to ensure conservation success.OutcomesOur strategic leadership secures conservation blueprints for Sierra landscapes.ResultsSierra Watch has built an impressive track record stopping damaging development proposals, generating funds to acquire lands of high value, and redirecting development to more appropriate areas.

Indigenous Health Solutions, Inc.

Indigenous Health Solutions is a trans-disciplinary collective of pioneers driven by a passion for service to the Earth, and the poorest and most remote communities on it. Through the lens of planetary health, where shifts in natural systems are prioritized in examination of human health, experts in conservation, health, anthropology, and business come together with those in need to craft and implement culturally informed and community led solutions for development. Our programs are built upon the foundational principle that development must be indigenous, that is, planned in partnership with those in need and rooted in the place of delivery, reflecting practical awareness of the interconnection between health, conservation, livelihood, and education.

Noah's Ark Rehabilitation Center

To provide a home for abused, unwanted, and orphaned children and animals. To provide an education for a culturally diverse group of children: school, improved social skills, and emotional stability are part of our plan to help break the cycle of poverty and destructive behavior. To provide an awareness through our rehab/education programs which emphasizes that all living things have value no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. When we as a society can recognize this fact we will begin to win the battles for conservation and preservation. To provide God's unconditional love and care for humans and animals who have special needs in their lives, whether mental, physical, or emotional.

Piedmont Environmental Council

The Piedmont Environmental Council works to safeguard the landscape, communities and heritage of Virginia's Piedmont by involving citizens in related public policy and land conservation. PEC's service area encompasses nine counties of the Piedmont. Our work integrates four mutually interdependent goals and programs:   *Better Define the Piedmont- PEC is creating a sense of place in our communities through engaging activities and the identification and support of our unique assets and history.  * Protect What Can Be Protected: Land Conservation & Watershed Protection - We are protecting threatened land and natural and cultural resources as efficiently as possible through an aggressive and multi-tiered land conservation program.  *Respond to the Forces of Change: Land Use and Transportation- We consistently promote good planning to reduce threats to our region, address issues of local importance, and surmount individual pressures on our historic landscape.  *Direct Growth to the Right Places - We are helping visualize a better future by presenting positive solutions to the problems caused by poorly planned development. These concrete principles recognize that growth is inevitable, but that we can effectively manage the population and economic growth coming to this region and create healthy communities to live, work and play.  PEC also provides direct assistance to those working on parallel missions in neighboring counties. PEC is a founding member and fiscal sponsor for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, an organization extending a parallel mission in Washington DC. PEC also serves as fiscal sponsor for the Shenandoah Valley Network. Additionally, PEC coordinates with many partners across the Commonwealth to address regional issues that affect the Piedmont directly.

Fundacion Via Cocina

Fundacion Via Cocina is a community based project focused on improving the health and economic development of vulnerable women, youth and underprivileged in Medellin Colombia. With a personalized training and mentoring system sharing healthy food recipes, cooking techniques and applied financial planning and entrepreneurial small business fundamentals, we build a program for individuals and families based on their current reality, applying the training to objectives created with them, for them, in their own home. Additionally, we provide classes to individuals and groups who want to learn to cook healthy dishes with local ingredients for their families, transforming them into uncommon flavors that are low in fat, oil, salt and sugar-free. These activities look to decrease frequency and severity of non-communicable diseases in the communities, including obesity, diabetes and cholesterol.

Biosphere Expeditions

Biosphere Expeditions is an award-winning not-for-profit conservation organisation, and a member of IUCN and the UN's Environment Programme. For us successful conservation is the collective effort of individuals. We invite everyone to join us on our wildlife and wilderness projects all over the world. Whether young or old, become a citizen scientist for one or two weeks, or more. The foundation of our work is science and local need. We focus on sustainable conservation projects that target clearly defined, critical issues that humankind has the power to change. You, our international volunteers, work hand-in-hand with local biologists and communities to drive positive outcomes for biodiversity - the creation of a protected area for snow leopards in the Altai is just one recent example. Biosphere Expeditions is a member of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and of the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) Governing Council & Global Ministerial Environment Forum. Achievements include the implementation of our conservation recommendations and species protection plans by numerous national and regional governments and NGOs, the creation of protected areas on four continents, scientific and lay publications, as well as capacity-building, training and education all over the world.

Tregaron Conservancy

The mission of the Tregaron Conservancy is to preserve, rehabilitate and maintain the Tregaron Estate’s nationally-landmarked landscape as a public woodland garden. As owner and steward of a 13-acre historic landscape in Washington DC, the Conservancy is working to recapture the original vision of Tregaron's renowned landscape architect, Ellen Biddle Shipman, guided by Shipman's original plans, adapting the designs for contemporary usage and current environmental conditions. The Conservancy consults with historic landscape experts in its design work and has adopted sustainable practices in managing the landscape.To date, the Conservancy has restored the original lily pond and trail system, stone stairways, bridges and footpaths and many woodland gardens. The Conservancy has planted hundreds of trees and shrubs, native meadows, and thousands of flowering plants.Tregaron is open to the public every day, free of charge. The Conservancy offers free community-building programs for adults and children, including bird walks, geology tours, tree walks, history tours and lectures, forest-bathing and yoga. Regular events include volunteer work days, Easter Egg hunts, tree planting, nature playgroups, and family hiking/story-time. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Tregaron Conservancy depends on charitable contributions from individuals and foundations for its restoration and maintenance work, as well as its many programs. Tregaron has thousands of visitors every year; it is a lively and vibrant historic landscape, a treasured woodland gem in the heart of Washington, DC.

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection