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Fundacion Bahia y Ecosistemas de Colombia

Fundacion Bahia y Ecosistemas de Colombia is a non-governmental non-profit organization created with the purpose of cleaning the bay of Cartagena and its surrounding bodies, protecting their ecosystems and promoting the adaptation of the city to climate change. We are an organization that brings together people and institutions with vast experience in the environmental and business sector of the city, committed to improving the bay of Cartagena and the city. The Foundation is guided by the best science available and seeks the financial sustainability of all the projects it undertakes. Our basic lines of action are: Improve water quality of the bay and surrounding bodies; Protection and restoration of key species and ecosystems for the health of the bay and nearby bodies; and Actions to adapt or mitigate climate change in the city.

Richmond Audubon Society

Richmond Audubon Society (RAS) was established in 1973, and is a chapter of the National Audubon Society. RAS is dedicated to the observation and conversation of birds and other wildlife. Our members participate in local conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and monitoring of applicable legislation. We have over 1400 members throughout Central Virginia, made up of a diverse group of people from various backgrounds, interests and birding experience levels. RAS is active in citizen science projects, education, and outreach to citizens from kids to seniors about birds, habitat and nature. RAS is also active in sharing information on environmental legislative issues and working to address global warming and protection of endangered species.

East Pond Association

Mission: Through education, fundraising, and other proper activities, to promote the protection and enhancement of the water quality of East Pond and to preserve its ecological, economic, recreational, and aesthetic value. To work with members and other interested parties to monitor water quality, to promote responsible land-use practices, and to maintain the integrity of the watershed ecology of East Pond. To encourage, facilitate and disseminate scientific research regarding East Pond. To publish a newsletter that focuses on information related to the lake protection efforts and developments on East Pond as well as on other lakes and ponds in Maine. To assist the work of charitable, educational, literary, or scientific organizations. To make distributions to nonexempt organizations and governmental bodies conditioned upon the fund being used for specific projects.

Asosyasyon Peyizan Fondwa (APF)

APF's mission is to reinforce the community of Fondwa Haiti, as well as, other local grassroots organizations throughout Haiti so that they can create wealth in their own rural communities. The current APF Programs in Fondwa include: - Basic Infrastructure creation and improvement (roads, buildings, irrigation, etc.); - Environmental protection, renewable energy, and reforestation (solar power, tree planting, agricultural best practices, etc.) - Access to drinking water, health care, financial services, and food security (potable water, clinic, credit union, orphanage, radio station, etc.) - Education through a primary/secondary school for 600+ regional children and Haiti's first rural peasant university - Small businesses including Restaurant Lakay, construction material depot and transportation services - Several post-earthquake construction projects continue

Pachamama Raymi

Our mission is to facilitate integral and sustainable prosperity in rural families and their environment, discovering and strengthening their potential, cooperating with companies, governments and local institutions. We are a non-profit civil association based in the city of Cusco, Peru. We have implemented proven projects to eradicate poverty in more than 280 rural communities in various countries around the world. In Peru, since 2008, in Tanzania since 2015 and in Nepal since 2016. The methodology we use in Pachamama Raymi, is a training system that was developed since 1988 by our president, we implemented it with the same elements in the various projects we promote. Some of these elements are used by other institutions in Latin America, Europe and Africa, such as contests between families. Our main objective is to break the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty, making communities and rural families improve, substantially and sustainably, the management of their natural resources, achieving prosperity. We don't have political or religious affiliation, we do have concrete goals in the task of eradicating poverty, through the promotion of sustainable practices. Our Objectives are: Break the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty in 90% of the communities where we work, achieving within three consecutive years that more than 60% of the population change the management of their natural resources for one that generates the recovery of such resources and prosperity. Get 60% of the families of each community to obtain: - Dignified and healthy homes, with food security. - Productive activities that in the short term generate income, almost constant during the year, above the level of the country's minimum wage. - Raise the self-esteem of the farmers with an optimistic vision of their future. - The plantation of 1,000 forest trees per family per year, with a percentage of tree life higher than 80% that will provide them with long-term income.

BonZeb, Inc

The Mission Create living-wage jobs, while establishing Haitian owned and operated small businesses, through the production of affordable charcoal using environmentally sustainable biomass and a financially sustainable business model and to work with other NGO's and organization to serve Haiti's poorest families. Vision Provide an environment that enables and encourages right-relationships with God, other people, and God's creation. To promote collaboration and networking with businesses and organizations working in Haiti and in alternative energy projects throughout the Caribbean. To use these relationships to support self-sufficient businesses throughout Haiti which provide services to people of every economic status and develop educated, capable professionals from within the local community. To increase the awareness of the plight of Haitian people through service and immersion projects and mission trips. Collaborate with businesses and organizations working in Haiti and throughout the Caribbean adding value to the joint effort via our renewable energy technology and methods. Facilitate the creation and growth of truly sustainable businesses in Haiti and the Caribbean. Core Values In order to fulfill our mission, achieve our goals and implement our vision, we believe that treating others with Dignity, Respect, Compassion and Integrity are keys to success. We also believe that proper Stewardship leads to true Sustainability and long term success. Building quality lives and strong communities through... DIGNITY We will treat everyone as we ourselves want to be treated treat others with honor and appreciation RESPECT We will demonstrate our esteem for the worth of all life and creation through our acceptance and appreciation for all believe in the inherent dignity of all people honor self and others through words and actions COMPASSION We will strive to help eliminate the suffering of those we employ, serve and collaborate with understand the circumstances and viewpoints of others develop the capacity to forgive others and ourselves promote a peaceful, caring and safe community INTEGRITY We will say what we believe and do what we say be honest with ourselves and others demonstrate fairness in our judgments and actions fulfill commitments and promises STEWARDSHIP We will be responsible for overseeing and protecting all our resources, human and natural take ownership of our behavior be reliable and trustworthy SUSTAINABILITY We will believe that true leadership begets leaders find positive ways to contribute to the broader community share time and talents with others

Coral Reef CPR Corporation

Coral Reef CPR was established to conserve, protect and restore the world's coral reefs through research, reef rehabilitation, education and outreach, and citizen involvement. Our aim is to create change in countries with coral reef environments. Our in-country programs involve: (i) habitat characterization, reef assessment and monitoring; (ii) reef clean-up activities and removal pest species (iii) ecological restoration; (iv) education and training of local communities, school children, resort and dive center staff and tourists; and (v) outreach and raising awareness. (vi) user group participation in conservation activities. Our goal is to enhance the capacity of local communities, tourists and various user groups so they can take ownership of their coral reefs better understand the problems facing reefs, and take simple steps to reduce the threats and enhance reef conservation. We achieve this through our education program and "citizen science" where we involve communities, students, local divers and dive operators, visitors, local marine biologists and resort staff in all our projects and initiatives. We engage various stakeholders, students and visitors in our coral reef workshops, and allow them to participate in our in-water monitoring and rehabilitation efforts. Our mission is to understand and reduce threats affecting coral reefs, promote sustainable management of reef resources and rehabilitate degraded reef ecosystems through scientific research, education, community involvement, and outreach.

PHA Pterocarpus Forest, Inc.

The Friends of the Pterocarpus Forest, also known as the Amigos del Bosque de Pterocarpus (incorporated as PHA Pterocarpus Forest, Inc.) are a group of citizens committed to the conservation and maintenance of the 50.18-acre Pterocarpus Officinalis* forest at Palmas del Mar. The mission of the Friends is to ensure that this rare Forest ecosystem remains accessible -- in perpetuity -- to the people of Puerto Rico and visitors to the island for passive recreation, environmental education and research. To this end, the Friends seek funds and other resources for educational and public benefit projects that promote awareness of and knowledge about this unique ecosystem, as well as funds with which to maintain and enhance for the benefit of the public, the Forest's website and presence on social media; its interpretative signage; and the 3/4-mile elevated boardwalk, rest areas, observation tower, visitors' center, and other facilities. The Friends, in collaboration with the Palmas Homeowners' Association, the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and other committed parties began the restoration of the forest in 2010. Our efforts made it possible, in less than 5 years, to turn a devastated and moribund environment that had suffered decades of neglect (particularly since Hurricane Georges in 1998) into a lush and vibrant ecosystem and a unique ecotourism destination. *The Pterocarpus Officinalis is known as the Swamp Bloodwood tree in English. In Puerto Rico it is known as Palo de Pollo, or Chicken tree, because of the shape of its large aerial roots, which resemble chicken feet.


Progeny provides diverse communities with an opportunity to engage with one another. A program of education draws parallels between community cohesion and the environment, by focusing on a large interactive sound installation touring throughout the United States and Europe. Artists, investors, educators and beneficiaries metaphorically become part of a hive community. Modeled after the interior of a Langstroth beehive, 10 partitions clad in acoustic panelling are lifted from the ground and supported by custom-built flooring. By walking through the maze like chambers, each person forms part of a complex sonic landscape, which despite the inherent visual barriers heightens participants' awareness that their own presence can be felt elsewhere. Concurrently, participants are acutely aware that they are not alone. As the numbers increase the space becomes alive. A community is born. Following each exhibition the installation is transported to the next destination. The children and adult arts education program combines academic study and practical workshops with performing and visual arts. The wax that binds this project together, making it truly unique and accessible is provided by another thriving community; honeybees. Core Values Building Communities A community is all about connections - connections between individuals and connections between people and the other species with which we share the planet. We aim to promote social and ecological awareness within these communities and to celebrate the relationships that make life meaningful. Caring for the environment A sustainable society utilizes natural resources in such a way that future generations will benefit. By environmental stewardship and positive action, we can all be part of a solution to maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. Inspiring innovation and creativity The arts have a unique position within our global community. They educate, inspire, challenge and enrich. We promote creativity as a method for education, academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity. After all, we're all part of the progeny.. Background Beekeepers engage in a systematic migratory procession carrying up to 200 hives on flatbed trucks in search of seasonal pollen. Inside each Langstroth Hive lives a colony of 20,000-80,000 European honeybees. When the colonies are placed by the beekeeper in the new ecosystem, the bees begin their procession with the unified goal of feeding and caring for the next generation of their colony. How does a community of bees survive this migratory process? How do these colonies adapt to new and temporary ecosystems? How do they function within the limits of a man-made architectural object? Bees live in extraordinarily complex and cohesive societies. They coordinate virtually all of their activities with other individuals to ensure colony survival. Much can be learned and transferred from bee society to human society, including maintaining public health; organizing efficient information, communication, economic and transport systems while maintaining harmony. Each bee has a specific role in constructing a healthy society - as does each human. Should any segment of the societal body suffer, the whole body suffers. Progeny is a human project exploring a microcosm of human community through interaction inside an architectural space similar to the hive. The artists have figuratively become beekeepers. The hive-based installation is man-made. The structure is disassembled, transported on a flatbed truck to another temporary location where it is reassembled. With each exhibition an opportunity is provided for a new community to evolve, learn, adapt and interact.

Community Food Initiatives

Community Food Initiatives (CFI) is a 25 year-old organization serving families and individuals in Appalachia Ohio. The mission of CFI is to ensure everyone has equal access to healthy, local food. CFI's vision is a resilient region in which everyone in our community has access to an equitable, inclusive, and thriving local food system. As a membership-based social benefit organization founded in 1992, Community Food Initiatives is deeply connected to the region. CFI is a long-serving team player within the local food system, as we believe that we benefit when others succeed, because that is how community works. CFI is the only organization in the area routinely donating thousands of pounds of local produce to food pantries, connecting regional seed savers to promote seed diversity and sustainability, managing low-cost community garden plots, supporting school gardens and teaching youth to grow food, and offering gardening and cooking workshops to adults. Community members, regional farmers and food producers, partnering non-profits, local government, and foundations support our work. All of these programs come together to build a stronger community where citizens are empowered to grow and cook their own healthy, whole foods, despite the barriers of poverty. CFI is building capacity to reach more communities across the region by increasing collaborative efforts to fight food insecurity. We value naming our assets-soil, seeds, and an Appalachian heritage of food production and preservation-so that everyone can see their place in strengthening our assets and our community. We believe that by sharing the knowledge to grow and prepare wholesome foods, people become empowered to feed their families, improve their health, and strengthen their community. We are rooted in the belief that equitable access to fresh and nutritious local food leads to a safe and clean environment, meaningful work with livable wages, and fulfills the needs and rights of all people. Finally, we believe in the strength of collaboration and in doing better together. Our work is driven by those we serve: the community members themselves. We currently work in seven program areas: The Donation Station Program collects fresh local food at the Athens Farmers Market, Chesterhill Produce Auction, and farms and distributes it to regional food pantries and social service agencies. Additionally, the Discovery Kitchen project teaches healthy cooking classes to food pantry patrons using seasonal produce. These programs are now serving five Southeastern Ohio Counties - Athens, Meigs, Morgan, Vinton, and Washington. The Community Garden Program manages five community gardens, coordinates gardening and food preservation workshops throughout the year. Currently, we manage 20,000 square feet of garden space at five locations throughout Athens County. The School Garden Program offers support for school and youth gardens, working with day care centers, and youth social service agencies such as Athens County Children Services and all five Athens County school districts. CFI provides resources, consultation, volunteer coordination and curriculum integration resources for teachers. YEAH! Kids (Youth Entrepreneurs at Hope) program is funded by the Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority, and engages low-income youth between the ages of 11 and 18 in production gardening, culinary skills, money management, and professionalism. The YEAH! Kids grow their own produce in a community garden located at Hope Drive apartments, subsidized housing in Athens. They have weekly kitchen workshops where they make products such as jam and kimchi using the produce they grow. The participants sell those products at the Athens Farmers Market, and they log their hours and get paid according to how much work they put into the garden and kitchen. Ridge & Hollow Seed Alliance is CFI's regional seed company, named for the hills and valleys of Appalachia. Ridge & Hollow supports the preservation of regionally adapted, open-pollinated seeds through partnerships with skilled seed savers in the Central Appalachian region. Additionally, Ridge & Hollow Seed Alliance hosts seed saving workshops and annual seed exchanges. SEO FOODLINK is an action research project that maps emergency food networks and compiles data from 10 Southeast Ohio counties into an online resource hub. This is a new initiative launched by CFI in 2017, in partnership with West Virginia University. FOODLINK is designed to alleviate food insecurity through the sharing of resources and facilitation of grassroots collaborations.

Fundacion Vicente Ferrer

MISSION To eradicate extreme poverty in rural areas of southern India. To improve the living conditions of India's most disadvantaged groups, enhance their dignity and self-esteem, and help them achieve the necessary means to combat poverty. To ensure sustainable development with the active involvement and leadership of the communities. To reach as many poor people as possible and help organize them both individually and as community-based organizations, affording them strength, confidence, and the ability to lead their own development. To transform the semi-desert land through a holistic approach involving land, water, vegetation, and livestock development and to ensure the people live in harmony with natural resources. To sensitize men and women to the inherent discrimination and violence against women in both family and society, and to develop appropriate support systems and networks to fight such discrimination. To help people with disabilities gain equal rights and opportunities in every area of development, as well as access to all resources and services related to health, education, livelihood, and rehabilitation, helping them live a dignified life. To build a dynamic and creative organization that strives to participate in all development efforts and is spiritual in its motivation, based on knowledge and skills, shares the aspirations and struggles of the poor, and, though permanent in time, adapts to the changing times and needs. To raise public awareness about the living conditions of the rural and urban poor and to promote a more caring society. VISION For everyone from poor and oppressed communities to live with justice, dignity, and socioeconomic equality, and for all people to live in peace and harmony with one another. For people to live in harmony with nature, on land capable of sustaining its population. VALUES Permanence: We are a long-term project. Respect: We respect the people's culture and customs. Participation: We encourage the active participation and leadership of our stakeholders. Action: We have an action-based work philosophy. Accountability: We believe in efficient and accountable program and financial management. Humanism: We are strong believers in people and their capacity to help others. OUR PRINCIPLES RDT-Vicente Ferrer believes that people are the main actors in their development process and ensures their active involvement and leadership in the programs. The organization endorses a multi-sectoral approach with a view to enhancing people's overall progress. As a result, RDT addresses all major areas of development, including access to quality education, improved livelihoods, ecologyand the environment, equal opportunities for people with disabilities, women's development and empowerment, and access to healthcare. We organize, at a grassroots level, women, men, andpeople with disabilities into groups to enhance their strength, confidence, and ability to resolve their own issues and problems. An important RDT-Vicente Ferrer approach is the continuous sharing of knowledge, skills, and awareness about all aspects of life. Collaboration with the government and other NGOs to draw maximum benefits from development. To raise people's awareness and support their use of government schemes and resources. Though the organization has a special program forwomen's development, it believes that women's progress should be a factor in every area of work and life, including education, where emphasis is placed on young girls, and healthcare, for the overall well-being of women and girls. We believe in continuous training and orientation for staff members and people. We also have an HR department that regularly organizes internal and external training sessions for staff members of all levels and people on leadership, group building, problem solving, and gender-related matters, among others. To create an efficient human organization capable of acting regardless of where the need arises, even in emergencies. We believe that we must have a strong organization focused on community development, yet flexible and able to accommodate the changing needs of the people. RDT-Vicente Ferrer also stresses continuous dialogue with people and seeks to ensure its programs are useful and practical. An empathetic approach to helping individuals in severe distress due to chronic or acute illness, abandonment, or abuse of any kind.