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Displaying 25–36 of 970

Western Environmental Law Center

The Western Environmental Law Center uses the power of the law to safeguard the public lands, wildlife, and communities of the western U.S. in the face of a changing climate.

Indian Creek Nature Center

It is the purpose of the Nature Center to foster an appreciation for nature and to promote a sustainable future by nurturing individuals through environmental education, providing leadership in land protection and restoration, and encouraging responsible interaction with nature.

Milwaukee Community Sailing Center

The Milwaukee Community Sailing Center, Inc. was founded in 1977 when a group of local sailors got together with county officials to form a unique, community organization to make sailing accessible to all in the Milwaukee area.

Audubon Community Nature Center

Audubon Community Nature Center builds and nurtures connections between people and nature by providing positive outdoor experiences, opportunities to learn about and understand the natural world, and knowledge to act in environmentally responsible ways.

Center for Watershed Protection

The Center for Watershed Protection works to protect, restore, and enhance our streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and bays. We create viable solutions and partnerships for responsible land and water management so that every community has clean water and healthy natural resources to sustain diverse life.

Center for Resilient Cities

The Center for Resilient Cities builds robust and thriving urban communities that are healthy, just, economically viable and environmentally sound. We envision a world of resilient cities filled with clean water, clear air, green landscapes, sustainable and just food systems, and healthy people in economically thriving neighborhoods.

Tenafly Nature Center Association

Tenafly Nature Center is a non-profit, independent, member-supported nature preserve located in Bergen County, New Jersey. Since 1961, TNC has nurtured an appreciation for nature, been a leader in open-space preservation and environmental education for our community and beyond. Our mission is the stewardship of nearly 400 wooded acres for the purposes of conservation, education, recreation, and community engagement. Our vision is to create a community that feels a strong connection to the natural world and actively partners with us to promote the highest level of biodiversity possible for our natural areas.

Center for Biological Diversity

At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.

Center for Neighborhood Technology

The Center for Neighborhood Technology was founded to develop and test new sustainable economic development strategies and act as resource for local organizations working to improve their neighborhoods. Over the years it has assumed a number of different roles: spearheading research, analysis, and mapping; convening, staffing, and managing consortia and partnerships; developing and demonstrating new economic development tools and strategies; organizing policy campaigns; and acting as a funding intermediary. All of these roles have addressed, in different ways , how to take better advantage of the urban environment and its many undervalued assets--transportation networks, social networks, density, and natural infrastructure--in ways that deliver tangible benefits to households and communities.

Southern Environmental Law Center

We are the Southern Environmental Law Center — the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan environmental legal advocacy organization rooted in and focused on the South.Our mission is to protect the basic right to clean air, clean water, and a livable climate; to preserve our region’s natural treasures and rich biodiversity; and to provide a healthy environment for all. Rooted in the South with over 200 attorneys and professional staff, we use strong legal and policy work, strategic vision, and pragmatic problem solving in all three branches and at all levels of government. With our commitment to place, SELC is building on nearly 40 years of success in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, and driving results that resonate across the nation.

Noah's Ark Rehabilitation Center

To provide a home for abused, unwanted, and orphaned children and animals. To provide an education for a culturally diverse group of children: school, improved social skills, and emotional stability are part of our plan to help break the cycle of poverty and destructive behavior. To provide an awareness through our rehab/education programs which emphasizes that all living things have value no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. When we as a society can recognize this fact we will begin to win the battles for conservation and preservation. To provide God's unconditional love and care for humans and animals who have special needs in their lives, whether mental, physical, or emotional.

Bluff Lake Nature Center

Our mission is to share our unique urban natural area and inspire environmental connectedness and stewardship through experiential education, environmental engagement, and natural area preservation and restoration.