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Displaying 505–516 of 601

Little Miami Conservancy

To protect and restore the Little Miami National Wild and Scenic River for wildlife, scenic beauty, clean drinking water and quiet public recreation

Vaga Lume Association

Vaga Lume Association is a Brazilian non-profit organization founded in 2001 grounded in the belief that investing in people is the best way to transform a reality. Its mission is to create opportunities for cultural exchange by reading, writing and orality, valuing the empowerment of people and rural communities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon region. Vaga Lume works in 160 rural communities (indigenous, riverside, roadside, rural settlement people or quilombolas - Brazilian with African descent) of 23 municipalities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region, which encompasses nine federal states (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins), occupies 59% of the Brazilian territory and has 20 million people (12% of the Brazilian population). Despite the fact that education and culture are basic social rights, protected by the Brazilian Constitution and under human rights international treaties ratified by Brazil, its access and implementation in the Amazon region are very limited. It is one of the poverty zones in Brazil - with a GDP per capita 30% lower than the national value - where 42% of the population survives with less than US$ 5.00 a day. Due to the outstanding impact of Vaga Lume's work in the region, the organization is recognized by many international and national awards such as the Juscelino Kubitschek Award of Merit for Regional Development in Latin America and the Caribbean given by the Inter-American Development Bank (2009); the Millennium Development Goals Award, conferred by the United Nations and the Brazilian government (2005); the Vivaleitura Award, from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education (2008); and the Chico Mendes Environment Award, given by the Ministry of Environment (2006 and 2008). In 2011, Vaga Lume received its most important recognition: the 4th place at the Intercultural Innovation Award, conferred by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group. As an awardee, in 2012, Vaga Lume was welcomed to the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI), a network formed by the UNAOC, the BMW Group and the ten 2011 winners. Through this network, the UNAOC and the BMW Group challenged all winners to replicate and scale up their actions to promote intercultural dialogue and offered training, consultancy and institutional support to assist organizations to accomplish such results.

Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy

The mission of Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy is to restore, promote and maintain Dumbarton Oaks Park in partnership with Rock Creek Park of the National Park Service.

American Hiking Society

As the national voice for hikers, American Hiking Society helps preserve and protect the hiking trails and natural areas that hikers cherish and seek for exploration, exercise and education.

Grand Staircase Escalante Partners

The Grand Staircase Escalante Partners is committed to preserving and protecting the vast landscape of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy

At Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, we are building a nation connected by trails. We reimagine public spaces to create safe ways for everyone to walk, bike and be active outdoors.

Ecology Center

The Ecology Center is a Michigan-based nonprofit environmental organization that works at the local, state, and national levels for clean production, healthy communities, environmental justice, and a sustainable future.

Grand Canyon Conservancy

As the official philanthropic and collaborative partner of Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon Conservancy’s mission is to inspire generations of park champions to cherish and support the natural and cultural wonder of Grand Canyon.

Friends of Gold Butte

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 that strives to promote the responsible enjoyment of the Gold Butte National Monument through education, stewardship, advocacy, and preservation of natural and cultural resources.

San Bernadino Mountains Land Trust

IDENTIFY AND ACQUIRE TITLE for future protection of forest open space in the San Bernardino Mountains. PRACTICE LAND STEWARDSHIP by temporarily managing land prior to being transferred to permanent conservation ownership. PUBLIC OUTREACH by educating landowners and the general public about the benefits of community based conservation planning through encouraging greater public support for the San Bernardino Mountains Land Trust. DEVELOP AN EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION that attracts dedicated and talented volunteers, builds community support and adheres to the Land Trust Alliance Standards and Practices. GENERATE FUNDING from private and public sources.

Partnership For The Delaware Estuary

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, a National Estuary Program, leads science-based and collaborative efforts to improve the tidal Delaware River and Bay, which spans Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

All As One

Mission: Providing Sierra Leone's children and women with education, health care and other basic needs - empowering them to develop a healthy nation. Vision: A strong and self-reliant Sierra Leone.