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Displaying 517–528 of 11,057

Hawaii Conservation Alliance Foundation

The Hawaiʻi Conservation Alliance Foundation (HCAF) was formed in September of 2006 by the members of the Hawai'i Conservation Alliance (HCA). The HCAF was established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to secure private support for the programs and activities of the HCA, actively promulgate information on Hawai'i's conservation values and needs, fund conservation grants, and promote conservation education and awareness. The HCA is a cooperative partnership of 25 member agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations that promote effective, long-term management of Hawai'i's native ecosystems through collaborative research, training, and outreach among land managers, scientists, educators, and the general public. The partners of the Alliance have a combined stewardship of more than 80% of Hawaiʻi's native terrestrial ecosystems and 100% of its marine reserves.

Springs Preserve Foundation

The Springs Preserve Foundation is dedicated to raising funds for the Springs Preserve. The mission of the Springs Preserve is "to inspire communities to sustain our land and embrace our culture." Upon opening on June 8, 2007, Springs Preserve immediately began broadening a new mind-set, one that's rooted in nature, embraces culture, and crosses all boundaries and generations. Sprung from the water-blessed grounds where Las Vegas first began, the 180-acre "eco-island" has emerged not only as a fun and functional monument to resourceful living, but a launching pad for a better way of life through sustainable living practices. In short, this "Central Park" atmosphere not only serves to enhance communities around the world, it will be a key gathering spot that brings us all together.

High Country Conservation Advocates

High Country Conservation Advocates was founded in 1977—as High Country Citizens’ Alliance—to protect Gunnison County, Colorado from a proposed molybdenum mine on Mt. Emmons. Known locally as “Red Lady,” Mt. Emmons rises directly above the Town of Crested Butte’s historic district. HCCA has successfully led campaigns to defeat two mining proposals and is currently challenging a third attempt. As an outgrowth of this work, we have become Gunnison County’s environmental leader, protecting public lands, water, and wildlife in an area that covers more than 3,500 square miles, which is larger than any National Park in the lower forty-eight. We are a grassroots organization that collaborates with local stakeholders and policymakers, applies sound science, educates, and upholds the environmental laws affecting our community. We recognize that environmental sustainability is the key to a healthy economy. We advocate for protection along the high alpine tundra of the Raggeds Wilderness and Collegiates, past the steep cliffs of the Black Canyon, from the North Fork of the Gunnison River’s rolling scrub oak hills and aspen groves, to the rushing waters of the Lake Fork. Our work ensures these iconic public lands and waters will be healthy for generations to come.

Self-Help International

Self-Help International (SHI) devotes its efforts to alleviating world hunger and poverty by providing opportunities to rural citizens that ultimately lead to self-reliance. Since its inception, Self-Help has served as a vessel; training, education, and opportunities are provided to rural citizens and whole communities in developing countries so that they can have better lives. MISSION STATEMENT: To alleviate hunger by helping people help themselves. SELF-HELP'S INITIATIVE Educate: We educate the people of the United States to understand the problems of life in developing countries particularly the awareness of the perpetual struggle by millions to produce and distribute food to battle persistent chronic hunger and poverty; we help tell their story Train: We train people in developing countries in the use of Quality Protein Maize (QPM). This increases crop yields and improves nutrition. We assist local farm families with planting, Improve: We improve infant and pre-school children's diets by administering an improved porridge feeding program. Made from QPM and pinches of barley malt, this combination has been proven to alleviate malnutrition, thwart sickness, and keep children in school so they can continue their education. Empower: We provide micro-credit loans for women to start small scale businesses. This availability of credit empowers women and increases their income - because they do not have access to traditional financing. Cooperate: We cooperate with other organizations and agencies in the introduction of appropriate farming practices or advancement in the battle against poverty and malnutrition.

Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance

The Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance (IPCA) is dedicated to the study and conservation of the native ecosystems of the tropical Indo-Pacific region and support for traditional peoples in their stewardship of these globally significant natural resources. Our current field projects are located in Indonesia and New Guinea. Our main program is with the Asmat community of southwestern Papua, Indonesia, in the lowlands of Lorentz National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the largest and most diverse protected area in the Asia-Pacific Region. Our conservation successes include halting destructive commercial logging and fishing operations. IPCA is based at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii. Rather than establish in-country offices, which is both expensive and unnecessary, we work with and through local partners to minimize overhead costs and put financial resources into the field where it is urgently needed. IPCA was formed in 1998 in collaborative association with scientists from the Smithsonian Institution, Bishop Museum, and other leading scientific and conservation organizations. Our projects are science-based and driven by our desire to work in authentic collaboration with indigenous communities, in-country scientists, local conservation groups, and other stakeholders. Our geographic focus is on the tropical Indo-Pacific region, a vast area that includes Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia -- by far the most biologically and culturally diverse area of the planet.

Tregaron Conservancy

The mission of the Tregaron Conservancy is to preserve, rehabilitate and maintain the Tregaron Estate’s nationally-landmarked landscape as a public woodland garden. As owner and steward of a 13-acre historic landscape in Washington DC, the Conservancy is working to recapture the original vision of Tregaron's renowned landscape architect, Ellen Biddle Shipman, guided by Shipman's original plans, adapting the designs for contemporary usage and current environmental conditions. The Conservancy consults with historic landscape experts in its design work and has adopted sustainable practices in managing the landscape.To date, the Conservancy has restored the original lily pond and trail system, stone stairways, bridges and footpaths and many woodland gardens. The Conservancy has planted hundreds of trees and shrubs, native meadows, and thousands of flowering plants.Tregaron is open to the public every day, free of charge. The Conservancy offers free community-building programs for adults and children, including bird walks, geology tours, tree walks, history tours and lectures, forest-bathing and yoga. Regular events include volunteer work days, Easter Egg hunts, tree planting, nature playgroups, and family hiking/story-time. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Tregaron Conservancy depends on charitable contributions from individuals and foundations for its restoration and maintenance work, as well as its many programs. Tregaron has thousands of visitors every year; it is a lively and vibrant historic landscape, a treasured woodland gem in the heart of Washington, DC.

We Conserve Pa

WeConservePA helps people care for, wisely use, and enjoy what nature offers. We advocate for pro-conservation, life-sustaining governmental policy and assist individuals and organizations in effectively and efficiently conserving land, advancing sustainable practices, and connecting people to the outdoors. WeConservePA is a community of conservation volunteers, professionals, and supporters. United around common interests and needs, we present a powerful force for conservation, and in sharing our knowledge and experiences, we are better equipped to make more and better conservation happen. WeConservePA started in 1991 as an informal gathering of land trust leaders seeking to advance common interests. These leaders incorporated the “Pennsylvania Land Trust Association” in 1995 to address and focus on the broad needs of land trusts—to take on initiatives and activities that no single organization could effectively handle or wish to handle on its own. Since the 1990s, the organization’s mission has expanded to help people protect, wisely use, and enjoy what nature offers, whether that is through land trusts, local government open space programs, environmental advisory councils, trail groups, or other organizations. Today, WeConservePA is made up of 70 dues-paying, voting conservation organizations as well as hundreds of individuals who contribute their time, energy, and money to the organization’s endeavors. The voting organizations elect the board and set WeConservePA’s purposes. (The organizations in turn count more than 100,000 Pennsylvanians as members and contributors.) WeConservePA is registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations and has held 501(c)3 tax status with the Internal Revenue Service since 1996. The organization adopted its present name with a vote of the member organizations and an amendment of its articles of incorporation in 2020.

Buffalo Bayou Partnership

Established in 1986, Buffalo Bayou Partnership (BBP) is the non-profit organization transforming and revitalizing Buffalo Bayou, Houston's most significant natural resource. BBP's geographic focus is the 10-square mile stretch of Buffalo Bayou from Shepherd Drive to the Port of Houston Turning Basin. Thanks to the generous support of foundations, corporations, individuals and government agencies, BBP has raised and leveraged more than $150 million for the redevelopment and stewardship of the waterfront - spearheading award-winning projects such as Sabine Promenade and Sesquicentennial Park, protecting land for future parks, constructing hike and bike trails, and operating comprehensive clean-up and maintenance programs. In 2015, BBP completed the $58 million Buffalo Bayou Park project that includes major destinations, natural landscaping, footpaths, trail lighting, water features and pedestrian bridges. Buffalo Bayou Partnership maintains and operates Buffalo Bayou Park, with annual funding provided by the Downtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #3. Buffalo Bayou Partnership also seeks ways to activate Buffalo Bayou through pedestrian, boating and biking amenities; volunteer activities; permanent and temporary art installations; and wide-ranging tours and events that attract thousands.

Koginka Sewaluna Foundation Inc

The foundation was created to fully endorse the philanthropic service and the impeccable conscientious behavior that Koginka Kamaru Xue has exemplified in America and worldwide for the last 35 years; a ministration solely dedicated to preserving, protecting, and nurturing our planet and all that lives within it. We are committed to promulgating his teachings and assisting in the dissemination, publication and distribution of any printed, recorded or filmed material that aids in educating all people throughout the world on the importance of returning to the simple non-destructive wise ways of living and behaving as was originally intended and that will re-establish the harmony in our environment and bring back the balance of the natural system that sustains us. These teachings are referred to as the "ANCESTRAL HOLISTIC WISE WAYS". We intend to support and assist in the development of his mission by facilitating the elements needed to fulfill his goal in every possible way, as is creating functional places and sanctuaries needed where people can holistically be educated about all that relates to the ecological, environmental and natural safekeeping and caretaking of themselves and the planet. At the same time we will aid in protecting his spiritual ancestors the Kogi of the Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, and the Muiscas of the Savannah of Bogota, Colombia and any other indigenous custodians that still hold the original commission of the Creator by raising funds to recover their sacred sites and ancestral wisdom.

Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue

The Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue (YUWR) and Education Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization located in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. We are dedicated to the rehabilitation of orphaned and injured wildlife living in urban city centers and education of the public about how to live harmoniously with our cities’ wildlife. We serve the San Francisco Bay Area in the State of California, USA. When an injured or orphaned wildlife mammal is found, we nurse these animals back to a healthy state where they are able to be released back into the wild. Through education to children and adults alike, we try to raise awareness of these wild residents of our cities in the hope that a better co-habitation will lead to less injuries/orphans and more enjoyment of the urban wildlife with which we share our cities. We are a grassroots organization and are 100% volunteer-run and donation-funded! Our Mission: To heal the sick and injured/orphaned animals brought to us and ready them for release back into our Urban Wilds. To educate people of all ages in the wonder and enjoyment of wildlife and nature and why it is so vital we protect it. To teach patience and compassion so that urban wildlife is viewed in a more positive light by everyone- not as pests, but as important co-habitators of our environment.

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection

Nebraska Game And Parks Foundation

Purpose The purpose of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is: To promote, provide, preserve and manage within the State of Nebraska parks, recreation areas, historical parks and structures, wildlife management areas, rest stops, open spaces, camping areas, agricultural lands, game and fish hatcheries, natural resources, scenic area, habitat areas, conservation and ecological areas, game farms, recreation grounds and waters and all things pertaining thereto; To preserve or aid in the preservation of all types of wild nature, including natural areas, features, objects, flora and fauna, and biotic communities; To establish nature reserves or other protected areas to be used for scientific, educational and aesthetic purposes; To promote the conservation and proper use of natural resources; To engage in or promote the study of plant and animal communities and of other phases of ecology, natural history, conservation, and fish and wildlife management; To promote education in the fields of nature preservation and conservation; To educate and act as a resource for governmental entities, public officials and the general public with respect to parks, recreation, open space, fish and wildlife management, conservation, and ecological, historical and natural resources; To contribute to and cooperate with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and other private and governmental organizations duly authorized to carry on activities which aid or benefit the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; To pre-acquire real and personal property earmarked for government purchase until public funds become available.