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Displaying 49–60 of 778

Santa Monica Mountains Fund

Santa Monica Mountains Fund (SAMO Fund) is dedicated to the mission of preserving, protecting, and enhancing the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA). Our mission encompasses a commitment to safeguarding the unique ecosystem of the area, fostering a deep connection between people and nature, and supporting the National Park Service in its endeavors. This includes a focus on youth education, scientific research, improvement of park facilities, community stewardship, and the preservation of indigenous cultural resources. This vision is rooted in the belief that sustainable practices and community engagement are key to preserving the ecological and cultural richness of the Santa Monica Mountains for future generations.

Solar Electric Light Fund

The Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) uses the power of the sun to fight poverty and climate change. Energy access is at the root of some of our biggest global inequities—from education to food security to public health. SELF works with communities around the world to establish solar projects, with a focus on environmental justice, community ownership, and scalable outcomes.

Washington's National Park Fund

The mission of Washington's National Park Fund is to raise private support to deepen everyone's love for, understanding of, and experiences in Mount Rainier, North Cascades and Olympic National Parks. Our vision is that our parks remain strong and vibrant, youthful and everlasting.

Cherry Grove Dune Fund

Conserving our dunes through outreach, restoration and continued research.

District of Columbia Environmental Education Consortium

To bolster a network of environmental and conservation educators, increasing their capacity to provide meaningful environmental education for the residents of the District of Columbia.

Organization for Environmental Education and Protection

OpEPA USA, founded in 2006, is a sister organization of OpEPA Colombia founded in 1998. The organizations were created as a means to reconnect children and adults with nature and promote positive environmental actions in Colombia and Latin America. Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. It has an incredible wealth of ecosystems, flora, fauna and cultural diversity. However, Colombia suffers from serious environmental degradation. Deforestation, high levels of urban waste, polluted water and reduced air quality are just four of a litany of similar issues. The environmental movement in Colombia has employed the range of conventional tactics to address these issues. Public awareness campaigns have dotted the airwaves, and legislative changes have improved the legal basis for pursuing polluters. But young people, "the next generation of consumers and decision makers," cannot be scolded or legislated into caring about the environment. To truly change the way they approach environmental issues, they must feel personally compelled to transform the status quo. This is what OpEPA targets to do.