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Displaying 85–96 of 159

Triangle Land Conservancy

Triangle Land Conservancy strives to create a healthier and more vibrant Triangle region by safeguarding clean water, protecting natural habitats, supporting local farms and food, and connecting people with nature through land protection and stewardship, catalyzing community action, and collaboration.

Los Angeles River Revitalization Corporation

Our mission is to transform the LA River in order to improve people’s lives by carrying out sustainable land use projects, advocacy for river-friendly policy, and programs for community benefit. Our vision is to make Los Angeles a cleaner, greener, and more connected community.

Adirondack Council

The mission of the Adirondack Council is to ensure the ecological integrity and wild character of the Adirondack Park. We envision an Adirondack Park composed of large core wilderness areas, connected to working farms and forests, and augmented by vibrant communities, all within a diverse mosaic of biologically intact landscapes.

Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors

Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors (ECO) inspires elementary school students to connect to our natural world through hands-on ecology enrichment programs. Our programs include a series of nature lessons + activities in students' classrooms and schoolyards, and culminate in service-learning projects in the students' community.

Golden Gate Audubon Society

Golden Gate Audubon is dedicated to protecting Bay Area birds, other wildlife and their natural habitats. We conserve and restore wildlife habitat, connect people of all ages and backgrounds with the natural world, and educate and engage Bay Area residents in the protection of our shared, local environment.

Conservation through Poverty Alleviation, Int

Conservation through Poverty Alleviation, International (CPALI) is a US-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization that connects people and nature in a mutually beneficial way. Our mission is to advance local innovations that strengthen the resilience of communities and ecosystems bordering Madagascar’s largest remaining rainforest.


To connect volunteers from different nationalities to work together on responsible volunteer placements that support both the development of the local communities and the personal development of the volunteers. Moreover, by creating positive volunteering experiences we aim to popularise volunteering in Romanian society and thus support the growth of an active and civil society.

Monadnock Conservancy

As a land trust for southwestern New Hampshire, our mission is to work with communities and landowners to conserve the natural resources, wild and working lands, rural character, and scenic beauty of the Monadnock region. We care for our conservation lands, and we engage people in ways that strengthen their communities and their connections to the land.

Alianza Arkana

The Arkana Alliance is committed to raising awareness about the current environmental and social crises in the Amazon; supporting the creation, connection and strengthening of strategic networks and regional and community-based alliances; and inspiring positive change at local, national and international levels to protect and preserve the people, environment, and ancient traditions of the Amazon Rainforest.

Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology for the Environment (CREATE!)

The Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology for the Environment (CREATE!) was established in 2008 to help rural populations in the developing world prepare for water, food, and fuel shortages resulting from the impact of climate change on their communities. CREATE! operates on the principle that all people have a right to water, food, shelter, energy, and the means to earn a living. We work with village populations to meet these needs through a culturally respectful, participatory process grounded in our belief that people must have a stake in their development and contribute towards solving their own problems. The cooperative groups in our beneficiary villages have already demonstrated the validity of this approach. CREATE! currently operates in Senegal. Senegal is representative of many Sub-Saharan African countries that are hardest hit by the increasingly disastrous effects of global climate change. CREATE! responds to the inter-connected crises generated by climate change with strategies that decrease dependence on fossil fuels, conserve natural resources, and increase the use of appropriate technologies. Our programs produce sustainable, human needs-based development at the village level while forging resilient and vibrant communities across rural Senegal. CREATE! seeks to face these challenges and assist rural Senegalese residents with small-scale, accessible, and "appropriate" technologies - technologies that are adapted to, and fit, their local conditions - and with human needs-based strategies that can both better their lives and build their capacity to meet these inter-connected challenges. CREATE! works in six villages in two regions of Senegal. One region is in the rural north of Senegal, centered around Linguere in the Louga Region, where CREATE! implements programs in the village of Ouarkhokh. The other region is in the central-west of Senegal, centered around Gossas in the Fatick Region. CREATE! implements program activities in five villages in this region. The total beneficiary population of the six villages is approximately 12,000 people, comprised of both agricultural and pastoral peoples. The average per capita annual income of the population in these villages is approximately $350 a year. In each of these villages, CREATE! staff work closely with local and traditional authorities, including village chiefs and imams, in addition to other community leaders, families, and public schools. CREATE! values the expertise and input of community members and strives to incorporate their knowledge and participation into each stage of our programs. As a registered NGO in Senegal, CREATE! works with government officials from the regional office of the Department of Water and Forestry. CREATE! also respects the Senegalese government's strategic development goals for rural communities. Although CREATE!'s administrative office is located in the United States, CREATE! relies on local Senegalese staff and volunteers to plan and implement successful development interventions. Barry Wheeler, CREATE! Founder and Executive Director, has spent the past 27 years working to alleviate suffering and to provide basic human needs for rural villagers, displaced persons, and refugees in several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. After serving in the Peace Corps for six years as an Improved Cook Stove and Appropriate Technology volunteer, trainer, and technical advisor in Togo, Barry earned a Master's degree in International Agriculture and Rural Development from Cornell University. Barry has served as Country Director for the American Refugee Committee's programs in Uganda, Sudan, and Rwanda; as a consultant for UNICEF and UNHCR; and as a team leader and training coordinator in local capacity building, renewable and appropriate technology, and sustainable rural development. CREATE! Chief Operations Officer Louise Ruhr has more than 30 years of private sector and nonprofit management experience and has spent the past eight years working with international NGOs, including the American Refugee Committee, to support women's cooperative groups in Rwanda and Senegal. CREATE! Country Director Omar Ndiaye Seck oversees program activities and conducts site visits in CREATE! communities. He also manages CREATE!'s finances and staff in Senegal. Omar closely collaborates with local and traditional authorities, community volunteers, and CREATE! staff to achieve both organizational and village goals.

Community Warehouse

The mission of Community Warehouse is to help vulnerable populations improve the quality of their lives and become self-sufficient by providing them with basic household furnishings. We collect gently used donated furniture and household items and work in partnership with over 200 local social services agencies to distribute these basic necessities for creating a home and stabilizing lives to individuals and families in need. We value sustainability, transparency, preserving the dignity of everyone we work with, and providing services in a timely and cost effective manner. We serve over 7,500 families every year.

Biosphere Foundation

Our goal is to inspire intelligent use of the earth's natural resources and empower individuals to become leaders in biosphere stewardship. The problem - The health of our biosphere – our life support system – is decreasing due to climate change and the needs associated with a growing human population. Our efforts are strategic - We address this global challenge by working locally with island peoples whose livelihood is most affected by sweeping ecological changes. Our projects are collaborative - We learn from individuals about their environment while empowering them to become active advocates, practitioners, and leaders in their communities.