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Displaying 121–132 of 3,788

Ipswich River Watershed Association

The Ipswich River has been named one of the most endangered in the nation due to extreme low-flow conditions. The Ipswich River Watershed Association (IRWA) serves as the voice of the Ipswich River and its watershed. We work to ensure ecological integrity, healthy fisheries, adequate stream flows, clean water, reliable drinking water supplies, and outstanding recreational opportunities for the region. IRWA is dedicated to using sound science and management tools to balance human uses of the river with ecosystem needs.

Red Lily Pond Project Association

The mission of the Red Lily Pond Project Association is to engage in and support efforts to restore and preserve the Craigville ponds, Centerville River System and Watershed area to a more healthy state, to educate the community regarding environmental practices that do not contribute to weed growth and also foster reliable ecosystem management, to share information pertaining to the innovative Craigville Community Cluster Septic System, and to extend the connection with the larger network of organizations that share the goal of responsible environmental stewardship through care and respect for the planet, for the benefit of the Town of Barnstable and beyond.

Conservation Law Foundation

CLF protects New England’s environment for the benefit of all people. We use the law, science, and the market to create solutions that preserve our natural resources, build healthy communities, and sustain a vibrant economy.

Salt Ponds Coalition

“To protect and enhance the health of the salt ponds for the benefit of wildlife and people.” Our mission includes educating the residents of the salt ponds region about the salt ponds' value to the economy, and how residents can contribute to the well-being of the resource. SPC also acts as a conduit between the residents of the coastal communities and state and local governments for the flow of information vital to the survival of the salt ponds and their environs. SPC works to implement programs which enhance the environment of the salt ponds and contribute to their protection, preservation, and economic well-being. Finally, we network with other organizations to make our ecological experience available to residents of other New England coastal areas with similar needs.

Coalition To Save Hempstead Harbor


Atlantic Salmon Federation

The Atlantic Salmon Federation is dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of wild Atlantic salmon and the ecosystems on which their well-being and survival depend.

Global Coral Reef Alliance

GCRA is a coalition of volunteer scientists, divers, environmentalists and other individuals and organizations, committed to coral reef preservation. We primarily focus on coral reef restoration, marine diseases and other issues caused by global climate change, environmental stress and pollution.

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust

HHLT's Mission: To preserve and protect Harpswell’s natural resources, cultural heritage, and access to the outdoors now and forever through conservation, stewardship, and education.

Association Of New Jersey Environmental Commissions

The mission of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions is to achieve responsible and sustainable use of New Jersey's natural resources and the protection of environmental health. They are a statewide organization that provides leadership, education, and support for environmental commissions and other local boards and public officials, and partners with other organizations to advocate for strong state and regional environmental policy.

Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust

Our mission is to care for the lands and waters of the Damariscotta-Pemaquid Region by conserving special places, protecting water quality, creating trails and public access, and deepening connections to nature.

Missouri Coalition For The Environment Foundation

We work to preserve, protect and enhance an environment that is livable, healthful and sustainable through a comprehensive program of education, citizen action and legal defense.

Friends Of Radnor Lake

The mission of Friends of Radnor Lake is to protect, preserve, and promote the natural integrity of the Radnor Lake State Natural Area through land acquisition, environmental information, and park support.