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Displaying 145–156 of 75,845

Hudson David Mcneel Memorial Fund

The Hudson David McNeel Foundation's mission is to raise awareness and funds that will help support premature lives and assist families navigating through the NICU journey. Did you know that 1,400 babies are born prematurely in the United States every single day? That is one out of every eight births. Preterm birth is the leading cause of infant death and over 15 million babies globally are born prematurely each year. In over 40% of these cases, the cause is unknown. Preterm birth is defined as a live birth before 37 weeks of gestation. Late preterm relates to 34-36 weeks gestation, moderately preterm is between 32-36 weeks, and severely preterm are those born under 32 weeks. How We Help.Every cent raised for our foundation is gifted to the University of Washington Medical Center's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where Hudson was cared for until his passing. Hudson was born at 25 weeks and his odds of survival were 50/50. Our mission is to contribute funds for further research and development, to prevent or aid in the treatment of premature complications and deliveries. The NICU can use these funds for continuing education, fellowship programs, unit expansion, increased technology and infant transport programs. Due to Hudson's severe prematurity, he needed to cared for in a level IV NICU, which can handle the most complex level of neonatal care. We feel fortunate to be living in an area with these resources available, and were nothing but amazed at the profound care that he received. Giving back to support this cause has provided us comfort and solace as we grieve over the loss of our son. Making a difference in his honor is a remarkable way to celebrate his life and help others in need. Thank you for supporting such a fragile and delicate cause…a newborn's life.

Buoniconti Fund To Cure Paralysis

The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, Inc., is a non-profit organization established in 1991 whose purpose is to raise funds on a national basis for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis of the University of Miami School of Medicine to conduct research to find more effective treatments for and, ultimately, the cure for spinal cord injury induced paralysis, and to provide information, education, and referral services to the spinal cord injured, their families, and friends. The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis has been in operation since 1985 under the non-profit aegis of the University of Miami. A 1-800-STAND-UP telephone line service is provided for the purpose of information, education and referral services to the spinal cord injured, their families, and friends.

Joyful Life Cochlear Implant Fund

"At Joyful Life Cochlear Implant Fund, we believe a person’s ability to hear should not depend on their ability to pay."

Memphis Dental Society Charitable Fund

The Memphis Dental Society Charitable Fund was created to meet the charitable needs of the greater Memphis community on behalf of the Memphis Dental Society.

Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer

Since 1953, The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer, has supported families whose children are undergoing cancer treatments at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven. The Tommy Fund provides direct payment for rent, mortgage and utility bills so parents can take time off from work to tend to their child. The clinic sees several hundred newly-diagnosed children each year and treats more children with cancer than any other hospital in Connecticut.

Greg Dollgener Memorial Aids Fund

The mission of The Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund is to enhance the lives of people with HIV/AIDS in the North Texas area by providing financial assistance for critical needs when resources are exhausted through other local organizations.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Children's Fund

Rock-Paper-Scissors Children's Fund is a U.S.-based non-profit dedicated to helping Vietnamese children and families in need. Our goal is to provide learning opportunities for young students through our art and music programs, as well as providing support for them and their families.