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Displaying 13–24 of 1,243

Free Black Therapy

Free Black Therapy is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing remote mental health services with Black mental health professionals for Black and African American individuals who lack adequate funds or health insurance. Absolutely free.

Gennesaret Free Clinics

Since 1988, Gennesaret Free Clinics (GFC) has annually served thousands of the most vulnerable individuals in the Indianapolis community, including those experiencing homelessness and living in poverty. The GFC team provides quality, accessible healthcare regardless of one’s insurance coverage or ability to pay. Through 8 medical clinic sites, 3 health recovery homes, 1 dental clinic, 1 mobile medical clinic, and telehealth services in English and Spanish, GFC brings compassionate and patient-centered healthcare directly to those who need it the most at no cost.

Free The Kids

Our mission is to help Haiti’s abandoned and vulnerable children by nurturing them so they will live more productive lives.

Clearwater Free Clinic

To deliver comprehensive medical care to uninsured families through volunteerism and community partnerships... Building Healthy Communities

Cancer Free Kids

To eradicate cancer as a life-threatening disease in children by funding promising and innovative childhood cancer research that might otherwise go unfunded.

Seeds for a Future

Perched atop the buried pre-classic Maya city of Chocola, the village of Chocola on the back slopes of the volcanoes that form Lake Atitlan, is poverty stricken yet poised to become a model of cultural celebration and self-sufficiency. What it needs most is leadership training and technical support to develop its potential for diversified agriculture, archeological-tourism, health care for its families and education for its children. In its simplest terms, the mission of Seeds for a Future is to help this impoverished community plan and achieve prosperity based on balanced development principles that protect cultural tradition, the natural environment and preserve the Mayan and post-colonial history of the town. Seeds for a Future traces its roots to the period from 2003 through 2006 when many Earthwatch Institute volunteers came to Chocola to work on the archaeological site, which was then being excavated under license from the Guatemalan government. The volunteers embraced being associated with an important archaeological endeavor and learned about the vast pre-Classic Maya city that may hold keys to the early development of Mayan language, system of time and other fundamental cultural practices. At the same time, many of us fell in love with the community, its families and children and the fabulous, healthy mountain environment. As a result, groups of volunteers organized to help a community struggling with terrible poverty and deprivation to find a way to prosperity without destroying their way of life or the delicate balance of their natural environment. A vision emerged among a core of volunteers, Guatemalan visionaries and local leaders in which Chocola is seen as lifting itself into a more healthy and prosperous community based on its historic farming skills, adding value to its coffee, vegetable and cacao producers and through community cooperative action. In the future, there is great promise for the development of Chocola as a tourist destination based on archaeo-tourism; conservation of the natural resources in which the community is embedded and conservation of one of the first and greatest coffee processing plants (beneficios) established during the 1890s. But we also discovered in the early years that before Chocola could begin to realize its potential, the people needed training in identifying their own vision for the future, learning to work together and acquiring the technical skills needed for success. Overcoming 500 years of economic and social servitude is not easily done, but real progress is being made and our program has been recognized as ground-breaking, by the Guatemalan Ministry of Culture and others. Four operating principles guide the work we do: We provide information and technical assistance to the people of Chocola to help them evaluate new opportunities and to plan. We provide direct funding and other forms of support for community requests for assistance on specific projects. These requests must come through Chocola leadership and must demonstrate sustainability and a willingness and capability of the community to provide part of the needed resources. All programs must aim at achieving self-sufficiency. We will help with programs that governmental agencies believe may be of value, provided that they too meet the same test as is noted for the community above. All such requests must be consistent with our mission to help the people and do no harm to either the Maya archaeological site or to the 1890 Coffee Finca site. In all of our programs we try to ensure that the participants become more engaged in the social and civil fabric, that they gain self confidence in their ability to change their own future for the better, and that we provide knowledge and coaching for a sufficient period of time that their activities and new ideas become self-sustaining in the community.

Jewish Community Free Clinic

Drawing on Jewish traditions of Tzedakah (charity) and tikkun olam (repairing the world) we offer free health care services to anyone in need, without regard to religion. We offer an atmosphere of respect, empowerment and partnership with our patients, and strive to assist them in attaining full health and well-being.

Dance To Be Free

Dance To Be Free (DTBF) is a 501(c)3 that is changing the lives of incarcerated women through the healing power of collective dance. Through our DVD and Teacher-Training program, DTBF uses cathartic choreography and emotional music as the healing vehicles for addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms. During our teacher training inmates gain confidence as they experience leadership skills for perhaps the first time in their lives. As the training progresses their self-awareness increases through emotionally expressive movement. Our students also respond to journal prompts throughout the training that deepen their experience.

Open Arms Free Clinic

To better understand and serve with compassion the health and wellness needs of the uninsured, low income, and under-served residents of Walworth County

Community Health Free Clinic

To alleviate human pain and suffering by providing access to and delivery of compassionate healthcare.

Orange Free Clinic, Inc.

Our mission is to provide primary medical care to the uninsured residents of Orange County.