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Displaying 493–504 of 12,781

National Veterans Foundation

The National Veterans Foundation (NVF) was founded in 1985 to help veterans streamline the process of accessing help for the myriad of needs they face, and to help broaden public understanding of these needs--including crisis/PTSD counseling, medical treatment, legal aid, VA benefits assistance, food, shelter, education, employment training, homelessness services, and substance abuse treatment. The NVF operates the Nation's only live, toll-free crisis management, information, and referral helpline (1-888-777-4443; for all veterans and their families; coordinates Public Awareness Programs designed to increase awareness and understanding about the effects of war and human needs of Americas veterans; and conducts ongoing outreach programs that provide veterans and families in need with food, clothing, transportation, employment, and other essential resources.

African Orphans Foundation

In 1953 Louise Dana helped establish La Piccola Casa di San Antonio in Rome, Italy, to provide care and education for girls orphaned by World War II. Fifty years later, Italy is a wealthy country, and there is no longer a need for the orphanage. Rather than abandon this important mission, our focus was redirected to Africa and our name was changed to the African Orphans Foundation. The African Orphans Foundation became officially incorporated into Africa in 2003 and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Since 2004 we have provided education, food, clothing, and shelter for orphaned girls in Africa. Over the years we have continued to grow and expand and are currently operating in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. The need for support in Africa continues to be great, but corruption is also quite prevalent. AOF has taken extensive steps toward securing the funds that we allocate to our orphans. In most cases our program begins with a local 'sponsor' who already lives in Africa and personally knows of honest and devoted guardians within the community who are already caring for orphaned girls, but who are in need of financial assistance. We can offer such support. We have defined a guardian as an organization, such as an established orphanage, or an individual, such as a relative, but not the child’s biological parents. Through our sponsors, we are able to verify that the orphan is receiving adequate care and that the guardian will use the money for the child's direct welfare. Additionally, because the sponsors are local, we are able to fund opportunities that might not ordinarily receive charity because of their small size, geographic location, or grassroots origins. AOF does not promote political or religious activities of any kind and therefore abstains from funding religiously affiliated institutions or organizations, regardless of their level of care. Additionally, we have also taken precautions to ensure that our sponsors do not have any financial ties to the guardian or the orphan.

American Legacy Foundation

Despite significant reductions across the nation, tobacco use is still the number one cause of preventable death in the United States, killing more than 400,000 people every year. Since being established in 1999, the American Legacy Foundation (Legacy) has developed a comprehensive understanding of the tobacco crisis and the many issues that surround it. Legacy is the nation's largest and most effective independent public health charity dedicated to tobacco use prevention and smoking cessation. Our mission is to build a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit. By giving young people the facts and information they need to reject tobacco and adult smokers the tools they need to quit and stay quit, Legacy is helping people live longer, healthier lives. Legacy employs community intervention and population-based public education strategies to reach current and potential tobacco users, customizing our approach to recognize, respect and address cultural differences.

Children's Radio Foundation

The Children's Radio Foundation (CRF) uses radio training and broadcast to create opportunities for youth dialogue, participation, leadership, and active citizenship. Through giving youth the tools and skills to produce radio, young people are mobilized to engage in productive dialogue about the issues they face, and work together to improve their lives and communities. With 74 youth radio projects across six African countries, CRF works with radio stations and CBOs to create local platforms for discussion, information sharing, social engagement, and action. Our reporters take on issues that resonate with youth in their community, including but not limited to children's rights, sexual reproductive health and rights, power dynamics in teenage relationships, gender norms and stereotypes, HIV and AIDS-related issues, climate change, and the environment. Speaking in local languages and in a youth-friendly style, they interview community members, host debates, and bring out local perspectives. Their reporting projects, broadcasts, and outreach activities are geared to generate discussion about issues facing youth.

Northside Hospital Foundation

The H.E.A.R.T.strings Perinatal Bereavement Office at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia provides support to families experiencing the death of a baby and the loss of a pregnancy due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, premature delivery, neonatal death, or termination due to problems with the baby or the mother. We also work with families who are expecting the birth of a baby with a life-limiting diagnosis. We provide support and assistance during the decision-making process, the remainder of the pregnancy, labor, delivery or surgery, developing a Birth Plan, creating memories with the baby before and after birth, taking the baby home (if applicable), setting up hospice care (if applicable), facing the death of the baby, and follow-up support for as long as families desire it. Our team consists of nurses, physicians, chaplains, bereaved parent volunteers, and other hospital staff who have a special interest and training in dealing with the unique and often complicated emotional, physical, social, cultural, religious, and spiritual issues with these types of losses. The primary hospital website is The Foundation is

Chelsea Hutchison Foundation

The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation grants comfort and hope to those affected by epilepsy through providing monitoring resources, vital information, and a safe haven for conversation and community. Our main goal is to raise awareness of SUDEP and to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families living with epilepsy. We raise funds to provide education about SUDEP and to provide seizure response dog grants and movement monitors that help to protect against SUDEP. We stay up-to-date on current trends in medical technology in order to be able to provide the most effective devices as they become available. We provide financial assistance for what we believe to be life-saving movement monitors, grants for seizure-response service dogs and Chelsea's Wish Trips to Epilepsy Expos across the US each year. We respect the value and quality of life of every person living with epilepsy. We are dedicated to providing opportunities that allow individuals and families greater independence, increased confidence, ability to enjoy social environments, and community understanding.

Medical Benevolence Foundation

The Medical Benevolence Foundation helps people in developing countries get the medical care they need. Our mission is to provide physical and spiritual healing to the poor through the local church. We help the church’s medical ministries so they, in turn, can help their communities. These ministries include medical services, hospitals, clinics and nursing schools. Medical ministries create jobs. They make medical care available to some of the least- resourced places in the world. They strengthen the position of the local church as a pillar of support in the community. Donations to MBF help offset medical costs for the poor, modernize facilities and equipment, and provide supplies and medicines. Funds also help train local doctors and nurses. Spiritual ministry training is provided free for medical staff. MBF is currently working with ministries in Haiti, Kenya, Malawi and DR Congo. Our vision is to see a country-wide Christian Medical Network in each country. The network will reduce costs while improving the quality of care for patients.

Josh Powell Foundation

The Josh Powell Foundation was founded in honor of 1LT William Joshua Powell by his loving wife, Fabi. At 25 years old, Josh was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Synovial Sarcoma in his lower abdomen/pelvis. This cancer took his life two years and 25 days later, just one month after marrying the love of his life. Fabi has made it her mission to create a legacy in honor of her late husband. This legacy was built around the Keep Going/Never Die Easy wristbands Josh designed while battling cancer as well as the Keep Going statement he wrote explaining the meaning behind them. Josh’s wristbands and statement are sent out weekly to sarcoma patients, loved ones, caretakers, and surviving family members needing, hope, strength, and encouragement to Keep Going. When you encourage people battling adversity to Keep Going and fight their fight despite the odds stacked against them, you create a ripple effect. This ripple effect allows these individuals to encourage even more people, and the mission lives on.

The Rape Foundation

The Rape Foundation was founded in 1989.  Our mission is to support: Expert, comprehensive services for victims of rape, sexual assault, and child sexual abuse, including specialized medical care, forensic services, crisis counseling and longer-term psychotherapy, advocacy, and other forms of support. Prevention/education programs for middle school, high school, and college students designed to decrease the prevalence of sexual violence and abuse and encourage young people to become “helpful allies” and safely intervene when they are witnesses in situations in which they could help prevent a peer from being victimized. Professional training for police, prosecutors, medical and mental health practitioners, school personnel, and other victim services providers to enhance the treatment victims receive wherever they turn for help. Public education to increase understanding about rape and child sexual abuse, change discriminatory attitudes and practices, and foster support for victim services and prevention efforts. Public/private partnerships and innovative service delivery models that encourage victims to report sexual abuse, enhance their access to services, and support justice and healing. Advocacy for needed policy reforms and implementation of research-based “best practices” in the agencies and institutions that serve victims.

Community Hospice Foundation

The Community Hospice is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing high quality end-of-life care to residents of eight counties covering over 4,000 square miles in Upstate New York State. Some of the most vulnerable people in our community are those who are struggling with advanced illness, facing the end of life, and recovering from the loss of a loved one. The Community Hospice is committed to serving these people. While insurance reimbursements cover most costs, they do not fund the programs and services that reach out to care for Hospice patients and families in a comprehensive way. No one is turned away due to financial need. That is where your active support comes in. You can join the caregiving team by considering a donation to The Community Hospice. Contributions provide funds for community bereavement services, community awareness, educational programs, and special services so that Hospice care is readily available, fully understood, and appropriately utilized by those in need. We, St. Peter's Health Partners And Trinity Health, Serve Together In The Spirit Of The Gospel As A Compassionate And Transforming Healing Presence Within Our Communities. Founded In Community-Based Legacies Of Compassionate Healing, We Provide The Highest Quality Comprehensive Continuum Of Integrated Health Care, Supportive Housing And Community Services, Especially For The Needy And Vulnerable. The Community Hospice Foundation is a member of St. Peter's Health Partners and Trinity Health.

Oral Cancer Foundation

The foundation is an IRS registered non-profit 501(c) 3, public service charity designed for advocacy and service, created to promote change, through proactive means, in both the public and medical/dental professional sectors. At the forefront of our agenda is the firm establishment in the minds of the American public for the need to undergo an annual oral cancer screening, combined with an outreach to the dental and medical communities to provide this service as a matter of routine practice. Oral cancer takes more lives than cancers we routinely hear about, such as cervical, Hodgkin's lymphoma, skin (malignant melanoma), testicular, and many others. In the efforts to reduce the death rate from cancers in the US, the most significant progress has been made through early detection. Cervical, skin, prostate, and others that lend themselves to simple, opportunistic screenings and exams have all had their death rates reduced through programs promoting early discovery. Early discovery and diagnosis, yields better long-term outcomes, and lower morbidity to those who undergo treatments. Oral cancer is not hidden within the body in some hard to find location requiring an invasive examination, the majority of the time it is literally in plain view, right under your nose, and can be seen with the naked eye or felt with the fingers. In most cases, its early, highly survivable stages are easily detected in a 3 to 5 minute painless visual and tactile examination. Even the precancerous lesions, which can progress into malignancy, can be seen with the naked eye. An annual oral examination conducted by members of the dental and medical communities will have a definite impact on reducing the death rate associated with oral cancer. It is our mission to bring this about.

Global One Foundation

Global One Foundation (Global One) is a non-governmental, international aid organization. Global One is recognized for its unique focus on holistic education, sustainable farming for increased food supply and food security for residents and orphans of Kibera Kenya in Africa's largest urban settlement/slum. Oneness is a term used that depicts both the basis and the goal for human beings living in one community sharing a world system. Oneness includes all living beings and is based on universal transpersonal principles and insights undergirding all the worlds Wisdom traditions. Overcoming ignorance through meditative reflection, study, and the development of compassion and virtue, for the benefit of all beings. Global One aims to provide a developmental support system for those living in extreme poverty, esp. orphans and at risk populations unable to self-direct a future. Global One Schools are fully approved by the Kenyan National Exam Council as examination sites, providing chartered Global One's work contributes to co-create generational change. Global One Schools aim to reduce mental and emotional suffering, through mindfulness and TM Meditation training and PTSD relief to help victims of political and social violence, tribal conflict, and trauma of extreme poverty. Global One Schools work with the Global Oneness Farm as recipients of its own food supply through farming crops for breakfast and lunches to all students. The Global Oneness Farm provides 1,400 meals per day. The Global One Food program is in partnership with Start Somewhere Organization, who provide resources for the food program and cooking materials. Global One advocates for threatened wildlife species such as Elephants and Gorillas. Global One advocates for preserving land in Earth's Biosphere Reserves. Holistic | Sustainability | Integral vision | Altruist Interdependence |