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Displaying 169–180 of 521

Chai Lifeline

Chai Lifeline’s guiding principles are: That seriously ill children need and deserve as happy and normal a childhood as possible; That illness affects each member of the family; That the well-being of an ill child is impacted by the well-being of his or her family; That pediatric illness can have a devastating financial effect on families. With this in mind, Chai Lifeline strives to: Find ways to bring joy to the lives of our young patients and their families through creative, innovative, and effective family-focused programs, activities, and services; Engender hope and optimism in children, families, and communities; Educate and involve communities in caring for ill children and their families; Provide unparalleled support throughout the child’s illness, recovery and beyond; Build communities among children and families living with illness or loss that allow them to engage, strengthen, and encourage one another; Offer all services free of charge to ensure that every family has access to the programs it needs.

Casting for Recovery

The mission of Casting for Recovery (CfR) is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. The retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature. CfR’s retreats are open to breast cancer survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery, and are free to participants. On a physical level, the gentle, rhythmic motion of fly casting is similar to exercises often prescribed after surgery or radiation to promote soft tissue stretching. On an emotional level, women are given the opportunity to experience a new activity in a safe environment amongst a supportive group of peers. The retreats provide resources to help address quality of life issues after a breast cancer diagnosis, and a new outlet – fly fishing – as a reprieve from the everyday stresses and challenges of their cancer.

LUNGevity Foundation

OUR MISSION LUNGevity Foundation is firmly committed to making an immediate impact on increasing quality of life and survivorship of people with lung cancer by accelerating research into early detection and more effective treatments, as well as providing community, support, and education for all those affected by the disease. OUR VISION A world where no one dies of lung cancer. OUR VALUES We believe it's important for our board, our staff, and our constituents to know the values that drive all our actions. We are: FOCUSED ON SURVIVORSHIP 100% dedicated to increasing and improving lung cancer survivorship RESULTS-ORIENTED Always challenging the status quo and seeking a more efficient and effective way Rigorously measuring our performance to ensure maximum impact COMPASSIONATE AND RESPECTFUL Building and sustaining a community for all those affected by lung cancer Respectful of all people with lung cancer, caregivers, loved ones, medical professionals, donors, board members, and employees COLLABORATIVE Committed to being good partners and strategic collaborators to enable us to reach our goal more quickly and efficiently, including through our scientific endeavors TRANSPARENT Fiscally responsible and holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards

Fight Colorectal Cancer

It was 2005. Founder (and Chairman of the Board) Nancy Roach had already made immense progress in the colon and rectal cancer climate. A group of survivors, caregivers and friends and family members touched by colorectal cancer bonded together to form the first colorectal cancer non-profit — Colon Cancer Alliance. But Nancy still felt a great need. After spending time with scientists and researchers in Washington, D.C. she knew that to change colorectal cancer – she needed to change policy. And that required a group solely focused on research advocacy. She set out to form another nonprofit dedicated to getting patients’ voices to the tables where decisions are made. After making a few phone calls, she secured sponsorships and proceeded to form C3 – Colorectal Cancer Coalition (renamed to Fight Colorectal Cancer in 2011.) The group focused efforts on having patient and caregiver voices in research and policy meetings so that decision makers could hear and see those impacted by their vote. Today, Fight Colorectal Cancer is the leading patient advocacy group in colorectal cancer and an active participant in cancer research and advocacy on the Hill. We’ve grown to become an organization known for our colorectal cancer awareness, advocacy, patient education and research programs.

American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities

From the website: "American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC) was founded by Danny Thomas in 1957 to be the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and its sole mission is to raise the funds and awareness necessary to operate and maintain the hospital. In the years ahead, an estimated 89% of the funds necessary to sustain and grow St. Jude must be raised by ALSAC from generous donors."