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Oxfam is a global movement of people who share the belief that, in a world rich in resources, poverty isn't inevitable. It's an injustice which can, and must, be overcome. We're dedicated to building a just and safer world focusing on people's rights. We're passionate about ending poverty and helping to rebuild the lives affected by it. It's an enormous undertaking but we also have people on our side - talented and committed partners, volunteers, supporters and staff who share the same values. We aim to save lives by responding quickly with aid and protection during emergencies, empower people to work their own way out of poverty and campaign for lasting change. We have been saving and changing lives for seventy years now and know that tackling poverty is only possible when we are helping people to secure their fundamental human rights - the right to life and security, the right to a sustainable livelihood, the right to essential services, the right to be heard and the right to equity (in particular, the rights of women). We work at all levels - global and local, with international governments and global institutions, local communities and individuals - to make sure that these rights are protected and that the best solutions to people's suffering are implemented. Our values as an organisation are founded upon our experiences. We know that poverty can only be overcome once the fundamental human rights of impoverished others are secured and our three main values as an organisation - empowerment, accountability, inclusiveness - reflect this. Empowerment - our approach means that everyone involved with Oxfam, from our staff and supporters to people living in poverty, should feel they can make change happen. Accountability - our purpose driven, results-focused approach means we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable; we believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions. Inclusiveness - we are open to everyone and embrace diversity; we believe everyone has a contribution to make, regardless of visible and invisible differences.
Gawad Kalinga Building communities to end poverty. OUR VISION. Gawad Kalinga is building a nation empowered by people with faith and patriotism; a nation made up of caring and sharing communities, dedicated to eradicate poverty and restore human dignity. OUR MISSION. Ending poverty for 5 million poor families by 2024: Land for the Landless. Homes for the Homeless. Food for the Hungry. OUR ROADMAP to 2024: The road to a First World Philippines by 2024 is guided by a development roadmap composed of three stages: Social Justice: 2003 to 2010 We begin to challenge and inspire everyone to go beyond charity and become their brother's keeper in order to heal the wounds of injustice in our country. This has opened the door to major streams of generosity through donations of land and resources to build homes for the homeless, a dream realized through the heroic response of volunteers from all sectors of society. Social Artistry: 2011 to 2017 We move forward to the designer phase we call "Social Artistry" where we invite greater expertise, science and technology to grow our holistic model for development. Through stronger collaboration with credible and distinguished institutions and individuals and by engaging them to use our GK communities as convergence points and social laboratories, we hope to pursue major innovations that will concretely and permanently improve the quality of life for the poorest of the poor, allowing them to attain their fullest potentials. Social Progress: 2018 to 2024 We envision a new standard of living to take a permanent foothold in the life of a nation. This will only be achieved by working on scale and sustainability of what have been established earlier - the spirit, the science and the structure. By this time, a new generation of empowered, productive citizens would have emerged, who lived through an exciting time of change -- moving from poverty to prosperity, from shame to honor, from third-world to first-world and from second-class to first-class citizen of the world. 7 Point Vision Each GK village aspires to become a model community that is: A Faith Community where residents are free to practice their religious belief in an atmosphere of mutual respect and reverence. A Peace Zone where neighbors live in harmony with each other and where conflicts are justly settled based on the higher principles of neighborly love and the common good. A Tourist Spot where the sense of beauty and order is regarded as an indispensable part of dignified human dwelling. A Productivity Center where the potential of human and natural resources are utilized to sustain the growth and development of the community. An Environmentally Healthy Community where residents practice the principles of proper utilization and preservation of the environment. An Empowered Community where individuals participate actively part in governing the daily life and activities of their village. A Secured Community where residents are prepared to respond accordingly in the event of a natural or man-made calamity in order to preserve lives and property. Culture of Caring and Sharing "Poverty is not a lack of resources, but a lack of caring and sharing." Poverty happens when people forget to care for their fellowmen. It is a consequence of our collective failure to be our brother and sister's keeper. Content with our own lives and our circle of family and friends, we overlook the needs of our neighbor, failing to recognize that we are part of one big family. To love ourselves is to also care for other people's needs, to be afforded the same opportunities that have been given us. The GK solution to end poverty is deeply anchored on the values of caring and sharing. Love must overflow from our homes into the world. As a concrete expression of faith in action, founded on love for God and neighbor, GK seeks to restore the dignity of the poor through a culture of caring and generosity. GK believes that by being a hero to others in need, we can bring our countries out of poverty. Seeking to give care to communities in need, GK adheres to the Filipino saying: "Walang Iwanan" or no one should be left behind. As our brother's keeper, we will help one another by giving the Best for the Least, in a spirit of service and friendship. With a lifestyle of heroism founded on caring and sharing, GK inspires and engages its workers, partners and volunteers to give the best of themselves in talents, skills, time and resources to help the poor reach their fullest potentials. At the end of the day, GK is all about caring for the world's marginalized and restoring their human dignity by providing them with a beautiful, healthy, green and productive GK communities.
The Rosie May Foundation is an international charity with a strategy to help children in crisis, especially girls. Our work at grassroots level is a practical hands on approach which allows children to have a voice and importantly, a choice, in their own future. The Rosie May Foundation is a little charity with a big vision which aims to: Re-unite and reintegrate children by strengthening families to become self-sustainable and prevent abandonment of babies and children. Maintain truly innovative and meaningful projects for children and young adults in crisis that are fundamentally sustainable and ethical, by developing effective community relations to understand the need for such projects. Focus on gender equality by empowering girls and young women in under privileged circumstances, to break the cycle of poverty and unlock potential through a quality education, in consonance with human rights and human dignity, for a brighter and more equitable future.