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Displaying 13–24 of 467

Jeneba Project

They aim to transform the face of education for girls in Sierra Leone with a mission to foster intellectual growth, develop leadership and create ripples of social impact across communities.

Shadhika Project

Shadhika provides funding and support to women-led, locally controlled non-profits in India working to empower at-risk girls so that they — and India – can realize their aspirations for a better future. We seek to break the cycle of poverty and address gender inequality in India by investing in the education, empowerment and economic self-sufficiency of girls.

Impact Stories
Invisible Girl Project

Invisible Girl Project's mission is to END GENDERCIDE (the systematic killing of females) in India. Invisible Girl Project raises global awareness concerning the loss of female lives in India, pursues justice for lives lost, empowers women, and assists Indian partners in the rescue of and care for vulnerable Indian girls.

World Pediatric Project

World Pediatric Project is a nonprofit humanitarian organization linking worldwide pediatric surgical, diagnostic and preventative resources to heal critically ill children in developing countries. World Pediatric Project also helps build indigenous health care capacity - saving kid's lives now and transforming pediatric health outcomes for years to come.

Project Aid & Rescue

Project Aid & Rescue is a team of international volunteers that have come together to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people by providing aid and resources to those in need. Whether that is by providing hotel rooms for recent refugees; medicines, food, and supplies to those still inside Ukraine; evacuations of those who no longer have a safe place to live; or tactical first aid supplies, Project Aid & Rescue works with its partners, volunteers and donors to provide the needed humanitarian aid and support. Project Aid & Rescue emphasizes helping the most at-risk refugees and Ukrainians, namely women and children. Please visit our website at

Colorado Haiti Project

Mission Statement: The Colorado Haiti Project works in partnership with rural Haitian communities to support their rise out of extreme poverty. The Colorado Haiti Project (CHP) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 to extend aid to the poorest of the poor in a rural area called Petit Trou de Nippes, about 80 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. CHP is supported entirely by donations from private individuals, local and national foundations, faith communities, and service organizations.

The Pureland Project

The Pureland Project's purpose is to support and encourage sustainable living rooted in human-nature connection. We provide sustainability and wellness education and resources to communities, promoting indigenous wisdom of conscious, connected living around the world.

Project Love One

Our mission is to raise awareness and funds to promote the cause of the orphan and those in distress. Project: Love One hopes to partner with local organizations and families to meet our goals; all of which come directly from our theme verse, Mathew 25:37-40

Nepal Project Inc

The Nepal Project is a IRS 501(c)3 corporation that performs two tasks for Nepali citizens. 1.We educate Nepali leadership in American Educational and Construction Methods. We bring them to the US for schooling and training. 2.We provide funds to purchase materials used to build schools. Nepali citizens contribute their time to provide labor and time. The Nepal Project staff oversee the use of these funds, the budgets for the materials and training as well as all accountability of the money. Through this, we gain opportunities to express the love of Jesus Christ and share the Message with Nepali citizens. We visit Nepali quasi-regularly to review our past efforts and meet with local leadership to sort out what they would like us to do next.

Pediatric Orthopedic Project

Pediatric Orthopedic Project, Inc. (POP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to improving pediatric orthopedic care in the developing world through surgical mission trips, the education of local medical staff, and hospital facility improvements.Every year we travel to countries in the developing world with a team of medical experts (doctors, nurses, physician assistants and technologists) and provide free orthopedic surgery on impoverished children. Currently, we are focusing our efforts in Santiago, Dominican Republic where more than 250 children have received free surgical correction in 8 years. Our organization's priorities includes education of the local doctors and medical staff.

Project 1808, Inc

Project1808 promotes sustainable community development in Kabala, Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone by aiding young students in their efforts to identify and address the root causes of poverty, public and environmental health challenges, and other community-identified concerns. Among our project's specific aims are the following: Fostering academic excellence and nurturing a resilient knowledge base through student mentoring, tutoring, internships, and teacher training programs. Stimulating curiosity, creativity, and innovation through student generated projects that enhance knowledge and encourage students to implement their ideas in ways that benefit their communities. Facilitating local and global partnerships for knowledge exchange, training for students, teachers and community members, student mentoring, and resources to sustain the community knowledge base Our Model Project1808 Model for sustainable development At the core of our sustainable community model is an investment in disadvantaged youth, schools, and their communities to form the building blocks as LEGOs of healthy communities in Sierra Leone and Africa. Through specific GLocal (Global and Local) partnerships, we practice the concept of thinking globally and acting locally, enhancing the exchange of knowledge, increasing the cultural competency, and expanding the worldview of all of our participants. Project1808 is committed to optimizing partnerships between educational institutions locally, within Africa and overseas, particularly with the involvement of other African countries. We want to bring back hope to youths (and whole communities) whose lives, homes, families, schools, infrastructure, institutions were destroyed by 11 years of war in Sierra Leone.

Project Healthy Children

2 billion people suffer from malnutrition because their diets lack key vitamins and minerals. Sanku combats malnutrition and saves lives by giving small mills the tools they need to add vital nutrients to maize flour, a staple of the East African diet. Our innovative technology adds precise levels of nutrients into flour during processing and our business model offsets the cost of the nutrients added. Millers don't need to charge extra for their nutritious flour and families can afford to buy and eat healthy food everyday. Our mission: guarantee that every meal consumed by every mother and child contains live-saving nutrients, forever. To date, we have given 2.5 million East Africans access to the basic human right of nutritious food and we are on track to reach 25 million people by 2025.