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Displaying 241–252 of 268

Holy Woman Foundation

The Holy Woman Foundation was founded to raise funds for needy Jewish children in Jerusalem. Currently, our foundation provides hot lunches and enrichment programming for little girls, aged 6-14, enrolled in Ohr Batya in the Vucharian section of Jerusalem. All of our girls come from dysfunctional and impoverished homes. The school is for "throw-away" girls who would not be accepted elsewhere because of their unstable family backgrounds (mother mentally ill, father in jail, father has abandoned family, etc.). The school day ends at 1 pm, and then the girls go home to. . . . . nothing. Rebbetzin Esther Ben Chaim (see chapter 13 of the bestseller, Holy Woman), the principal of the school, has been able to start an afternoon program since receiving funds from the Holy Woman Foundation. This program gives the girls a hot lunch (their only protein meal of the day‚ and for many their only meal of the day), plus art, music, computer science, field trips, big sisters, tutoring and psychotherapy when needed. None of these things are provided by the government curriculum. Rebbetzin Chaya Sara Kramer, the Holy Woman, blessed this school. The Holy Woman Foundation, created in her memory, seeks to perpetuate the devoted caring for needy Jewish children to which she dedicated her life.

Brendah's Hope

Brendah’s Hope will be an excellent provider of spiritual/moral, social, health, education, economic, and basic needs in support of orphans and other vulnerable children in 3rd world countries, and to provide them a stable living arrangement that fosters autonomy. We are currently working closely with SPCF Children's Home, located in Uganda. There are little resources, little funding to sustain it, and very limited man-power to run it. Because of the challenges that SPCF and other "orphanages" like it are facing, and what the challenges entail - starving children with no education, poor health, and no basic needs being met, Brendah's Hope was created in 2016.

Asian Aid Usa Ltd

Child Impact is a Christian, non-profit organization that is committed to making a difference in the lives of children and people in poverty. Child Impact provides needy children an education in Adventist mission schools through its sponsorship program in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Papua New Guinea. As well as sponsorship, Child Impact funds 4 orphanages, a blind school & a deaf school in India. Its Operation Child Rescue program rescues trafficked girls, slum children & abandoned babies in India. Child Impact is a child focused ministry making a real difference.

Dominica American Relief & Development Association

DARDA is an acronym for the Dominica-American Relief and Development Association, Inc. The association was organized on June 28, 1981 by a group of concerned Dominicans living in and around the New York area. After the destruction wrought by Hurricane David various individuals and groups were involved in raising funds to assist in the rebuilding of Dominica. It was from this effort, and at the request of Bam and Wilfred Shillingford, that the idea of a new organization originated. This group, originally known as "Friends of Dominica," then went about the business of attaining official status. On September 25, 1981 it was duly established and registered as a not-for-profit corporation, officially known as the Dominica-American Relief and Development Association, Inc. (DARDA).

Haiti Healthcare Partners

HHP is a California-registered 501(c)(3) charity founded in 2005 to fund primary care services through a medical clinic in the rural area of Grande Colline. Our clinic in Cherident is staffed by an all Haitian medically-trained team that treats 4.000 patients each year, mostly women and young children. Many patients walk as long as four hours to receive vaccines, antibiotics, other medicines and a peanut-based supplement for infant malnutrition (medika mamba). In the United States, we are a 100% volunteer organization so that all of our donations can be maximized where they matter most: in Haiti.  Over 90% of our current donations go directly to the clinic's expenses. 

Episcopal Relief & Development

Episcopal Relief and; Development is a compassionate response of The Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world. Hearing God's call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world. Episcopal Relief & Development faithfully administers the funds that are received from the Church and raised from other sources. It provides relief in times of disaster and promotes sustainable development by identifying and addressing the root causes of suffering. Episcopal Relief & Development cherishes its partnerships within the Anglican Communion, with ecumenical bodies and with others who share a common vision for justice and peace among all people.

Mercy In Action Vineyard, INC

Mercy in Action is a non-profit organization that focuses on the crisis in Maternal/Newborn/Child health care worldwide. We have been establishing and funding free birth centers for poor families in the Philippines since 1992, and to date more than 12,000 babies have been delivered free of charge for the poorest of the poor in Mercy In Action's Birth Centers, and literally tens of thousands of lives have been helped and healed in the medical outreaches. Mercy In Acton also teaches clinical internships, seminars and training retreats to prepare midwives, medics and nurses to meet the global shortage of skilled birth attendants, and to help primary health care workers prevent unnecessary child deaths.

Operation USA

Operation USA is an international relief agency that helps communities at home and abroad overcome the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid. Working with grass-roots partners on the ground, Operation USA provides material and financial assistance necessary in the face of a disaster, as well as to combat the effects of systemic poverty. Dedicated to rebuilding with commitment and listening to communities’ voices to determine the best way to assist them, Operation USA stays in the field long after many others leave. Long-term projects are supported that promote education and health services, sustainable development, leadership building, income generating activities and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people worldwide.

Kenya Help

Our vision is an educated society. Our mission is to educate and train Kenyan women, children and youth by providing resources and support. A primary focus is scholarships for students at the secondary and post-secondary levels who need financial support. Many scholarship students attend St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls in Naivasha, Kenya, the school built with Kenya Help funds. Kenya Help also provides scholarships for boys at Ndingi Secondary School, students attending other Kenyan secondary schools, and high school graduates who need financial help to pursue post-secondary education. In addition, Kenya Help supports social services, youth programs, and other projects benefiting children, youth, and women in Kenya.

Freedom From Fistula Foundation Inc. - US

The Freedom from Fistula Foundation (FFFF) manages and funds projects that deliver maternal health care to vulnerable girls and women across Africa. The foundation treats and cares for those suffering from obstetric fistula by offering free surgeries, free maternity care, safe childbirth and provides programs aimed at prevention, social and psychological support and economic empowerment to those affected. The overall goal of the organization is to completely eradicate obstetric fistulas for women and girls in Africa. The key objectives of the FFFF are: To expand or develop fistula services in Africa, particularly in Kenya, Malawi, Sierra Leone and Madagascar. To finance access to healthcare during pregnancy and labor and to help prevent obstetric fistulas from occurring. To provide education and empowerment to fistula patients. To partner with other organizations and local facilities to improve fistula and maternity care.

Ecuadorian Volunteers Association

EVA is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in the State of Illinois. It was created for the purpose of assisting Ecuadorian institutions devoted to educational, social, and health programs for the poor, neglected, and at-risk segments of the population. EVA is run by volunteers, and the various programs are implemented through network of viable, non-profit Ecuadorian institutions previously selected by a careful screening process. EVA requires that all the funds collected and distributed as yearly grants be only used for programmatic objectives of the organization it sponsors. EVA's Community Assistance Grant was instituted in 2008 to improve the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people living in the Chicago Metropolitan area where EVA is located. I Since its inception, we have been giving opportunities to advance educational, health, and human service programs in the local community.

The Paul Chester Children's Hope Foundation

The Paul Chester Children's Hope Foundation (PCCHF) is a registered 501(c)(3) charity that provides medical assistance to children and families in developing countries, giving them a chance to live productive lives through well-conceived medical interventions. We perform reconstructive surgery (i.e. club foot and cleft palate repair, burn scar revision, ear tubes, eye surgery, etc.) and work to arrest preventable, curable diseases (e.g. trachoma, glaucoma). The foundation provides highly specialized medical assistance to individuals and families in developing countries where such services are unavailable due to logistics or economic circumstances. The foundation harnesses the expertise of medical professionals and local agencies to identify opportunities for maximum social impact, and then funds and completes the medical or surgical interventions deemed most viable. The PCCHF core base is made up of volunteers - both medical and administrative, which vary from 50-200 in any given year. On the organizational side, the small group is made up of 5-7 dedicated individuals who meet regularly to discuss, plan and pilot missions. Our medical volunteers coordinate, and execute the missions with the assistance of logistics volunteers and in-country counterparts who have requested our assistance. A typical mission takes place over ten days with a team of medical professionals and organizers in collaboration with officials from the host country. The number of surgeries performed is directly linked to funding, number of volunteers and the capacity of the local hospital. For example, a 2003 mission to Ecuador resulted in 110 successful surgeries, with a team of 20 foreign medical volunteers. Safe passage for supplies and staff was provided by the consul general and the first lady of Ecuador. The medical procedures provided largely addressed disfiguring conditions that have a tremendously negative impact on the livelihood of the afflicted individual.