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Displaying 349–360 of 907

Sozo Children International

Sozo Children is organized to provide food, shelter, clothing, education and Christian discipleship to children in need. Sozo Children is founded on faith in Jesus Christ and intends to operate from the basis of providing basic physical, medical, educational and emotional needs to children. Sozo means "to save" both physically and spiritually, which encapsulates the sozo children vision. Sozo Children International, through the power and love of christ, intends to provide for children in need by establishing children homes which raise children to be future leaders of their communities. Sozo children's mission statement is "to glorify god by interceding on christ behalf to save children in need, build community, and connect individuals to all experience the love of jesus christ.  

Alliance for Children Everywhere

We demonstrate the love our Lord Jesus Christ by feeding hungry children, bringing orphans and outcast children into families and educating out-of-school children.

Focus On Children Now

Focus on Children Now (FCN) is:Driven by the motto, “Breaking the poverty cycle, ONE CHILD at a time” and the mission of helping impoverished children access basic necessities of life; FCN striving to bring health, education, nutrition and hope to disadvantage children by collaborating with national and international organization with similar objectives.

Children To Love International

To provide hope for suffering children in the name of Jesus. Children to Love International is focused on meeting the needs of the suffering children of the world, providing help and assistance to empower 'the least of these' (Matthew 25:40). Our efforts are focused on education, spiritual teaching, economic support, physical assistance, and social intervention. We seek to equip all children to become independent, contributing members of their communities, and fully committed followers of Jesus. Children to Love is committed to partnering with local Christians to assist in developing sustainable strategy to help bring change within their own cultures. Each of our ministry partners is led by committed Christians serving within their own cultures and communities.

Pura Vida For Children

Welcome to Pura Vida for Children. From orphans in Haiti to sex-trafficking survivors from Costa Rica, S.E. Asia and indeed all over the world,our partners view the children as individuals, not statistics. Each child is a daughter or a son, a sister or a brother. By starting with the one, their projects grow to restore and protect many more of these children, giving each hope of a full life and a bright future. Please consider making a financial donation to children in dire need through Pura Vida. Thank you.

Bless The Children Ministries

To be the love of Christ to Uganda's orphaned and vulnerable children, equipping them to become authentic Godly leaders that transform generations.

Aid For Starving Children

Food, immunizatons, Christian education, water purification and self help programs for children and their families in Africa and Christian orphange support, as well as providing aid for single, black working mothers in the U.S.

Hope For The Children Of Haiti

Our co-founder Marion Austin strongly believed in empowering our Haitian children with the tools that they need to succeed, knowing they could one day become Christian leaders and role models in the Haitian society.

Giving Children Hope

Giving Children Hope is a faith-based partner providing sustainable hope through wellness programs and disaster response in collaboration with local and global communities. We do this through the gathering and giving of Basic Needs, Nutritional Foods and Medical Resources.

Children & Charity International

Children & Charity International mission is to "embrace humanity" by utilizing God given talents and resources to promote educational advancement and development; provide charitable and humanitarian aid, and 'Make a Difference' in the lives of poor and underrepresented people. As a mentoring organization we utilize charity and education to teach and empower people to take responsibility for their lives. We accomplish our mission partnering with churches, leaders, groups and organizations.

Project Healthy Children

2 billion people suffer from malnutrition because their diets lack key vitamins and minerals. Sanku combats malnutrition and saves lives by giving small mills the tools they need to add vital nutrients to maize flour, a staple of the East African diet. Our innovative technology adds precise levels of nutrients into flour during processing and our business model offsets the cost of the nutrients added. Millers don't need to charge extra for their nutritious flour and families can afford to buy and eat healthy food everyday. Our mission: guarantee that every meal consumed by every mother and child contains live-saving nutrients, forever. To date, we have given 2.5 million East Africans access to the basic human right of nutritious food and we are on track to reach 25 million people by 2025.

New Hope Children

Serving God by helping to restore the lives of abused, homeless and disadvantaged youth by empowering them with life skills and education.