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Rethink Breast Cancer Canada

Our mission is to continuously pioneer cutting-edge breast cancer education, support and research that speak fearlessly to the unique needs of young (or youngish) women. We do this by: •Putting young women’s issues on the breast cancer agenda in a bold, upbeat way •Motivating young women to focus on breast health through risk reduction and early detection •Finding and forging new platforms to reach young people and creating high-impact, fear-free messaging •Filling gaps in support for young women with breast cancer •Funding timely research programs that foster young talent and reflect the unique issues associated with breast cancer in young women •Inspiring new generations of breast cancer supporters through dynamic special events and fundraising initiatives •Partnering with like-minded organizations to bring more awareness and resources to the cause

Impact Metrics

CHRIS 180 was founded in 1981 to provide a brighter future for children in the Georgia foster care system with significant mental health needs. Over the years, we expanded services to provide trauma-informed care to children, adults, and families through counseling at twelve counseling sites and in 83 Title I schools; foster homes for abused and neglected children; adoption services; drop-in centers for teens and young adults; a supportive housing program for youth who are experiencing homelessness or aged out of the foster care system; and in-home programs. We offer physical health care, re-entry, essential support services, and emergency assistance. Our mission is to heal children, strengthen families and build community. Our vision is that high-quality, trauma-informed behavioral health services and support systems are available to all children, adults, and families. Since our founding, we have served over 200,000 children, youth, and families.


The Pacific Post Partum Support Society (PPPSS) offers support to women and their families who are experiencing postpartum depression and/or anxiety (PPD/A), as well as to women who are pregnant and experiencing emotional distress. The Society's support program is based on a self-help/mutual aid model. Trained group facilitators and telephone volunteers support mothers attending PPPSS groups throughout the Lower Mainland of BC, and during public phone hours staff provide helpful information and understanding support to callers (Tel. 604-255-7999). PPPSS also offers information nights for partners; interactive talks at mother and baby groups; workshops, lectures and training programs for interested groups and professionals; and free information in print. Publications for sale dealing with PPD/A include "A Self-Help Guide for Mothers", "Un guide pratique pour les méres", "A Reference Manual for Group Facilitators", and "A Reference Manual for Telephone Support Volunteers".


The Eldercare Foundation directly supports Aberdeen, Mt. Tolmie, Glengarry, Priory, Heritage Woods and Oak Bay Lodge. There are over 700 residents who call one of these care facilities 'home'. The Foundation also supports community programs for seniors such as Adult Day Programs, Community Bathing Programs, the Piercy Respite Hotel and the Yakimovich Wellness Centre which provides free education to seniors and their families to help them navigate the journey of aging. Through our Education Endowment Program, we provide funding to help professional caregivers upgrade their skills and knowledge to better care for our valued elders. Through our Embrace Aging initiative, we are reaching further into the community to promote and inspire positive aging and raise awareness about the many resources, educational opportunities and activities available to seniors and their family caregivers to help them Be Well; Be Secure; Be Connected and Be Enriched ~ our four pillars of positive aging.


At Wellspring, people living with cancer tell us what helps them the most - having access to information, receiving support, and learning new ways to cope. They also tell us the cancer journey has two roads: medical and emotional. Individuals and their loved ones often have difficulty finding the emotional, psychological and practical support they so urgently require. The support provided by Wellspring becomes a vital complement to medical treatment. In Calgary, only Wellspring devotes itself exclusively to the unique non-medical needs that cancer presents. People with cancer, their families and friends can exchange information, develop a support system and create a sense of hope, in a warm, caring and welcoming atmosphere. Wellspring charges no fees. Its programs are available free to anyone living with any type of cancer at any stage. Programs include individual and group classes, coping skills, expressive therapies, energy work, educational workshops and a discussion series.

House Of Blue Hope Foundation

The overall mission of Blue Hope is to raise funds, resources, social awareness, and provide other support for a variety of self-sustaining social development projects and programs, both domestically and abroad, in order to effectively fight social injustice at a grass roots level. As of its founding, Blue Hope is primarily focusing on working with education, poverty, and children’s issues in Tanzania, East Africa and has done so by constructing and supporting a residential and educational facility and its outreach program. House of Blue Hope pulls kids off the streets and puts them into a safe living and learning environment. With such access to one of the top schools in the country, the current and future residents of the House of Blue Hope will be provided with top-notch educational opportunities in a country in which only about 12% of the population receives a secondary education. Furthermore, the facility has become a large part of the local high school’s community service program, as well as a catalyst to keep alumni involved and connected after graduation.

Tivoli Fund

The Tivoli Fund supports organizations with a focus on improving lives. This fund will split donations evenly between No Dogs Left Behind, One Mission, World Central Kitchen, GLAD, and One Tree Planted. No Dogs Left Behind is a leader in global animal rescue. Through international alliances and local resources, we engage in every step of rescue. From emergency response to dog adoption, No Dogs Left Behind stands by our survivors every step of the way. One Mission programs make living in the hospital less lonely and stressful, bring back joy in a time of fear and uncertainty, and give kids and their loved ones the support they need to get through the emotional and financial challenges of treatment. World Central Kitchen uses the power of food to nourish communities and strengthen economies through times of crisis and beyond. Through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation. ONE TREE PLANTED A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION FOCUSED ON GLOBAL REFORESTATION

Aniridia Foundation International

1) To provide the LATEST MEDICAL / RESEARCH information and EDUCATION so that they may make wise medical decisions and continue their independence despite their vision. Provide information and research data to the medical and research community so that they may join in our fight against blindness. The AFI International Aniridia Medical Registry and Gene Bank is the main project of our research. 2) To SUPPORT the low vision / blind people born with aniridia and their families who struggle emotionally and financially due to having aniridia. To assist them in accomplishing their dreams and remain independent, self sufficient and a productive member of society. 3) To help fund RESEARCH especially the AFI created program which collects DNA samples, comphrehensive medical questionaires, and clinical photographs to add knowledge to physicians and advance research. Our international faculty of AFI Medical Advisory and Scientific Boards assist us with this program. We also help fund research and patient care services as funds allow and look forward to raising funds to expand our efforts to stop this genetic condition from continuing into future generations.. 4) To further PUBLIC AWARENESS about all the conditions that make up aniridia, and the misconceptions of people who are blind or low vision,

Charlotte & Gwenyth Gray Foundation

Charlotte Gray was born December 5, 2010, filling the hearts of her parents, Kristen and Gordon, with the same joy all parents feel. She developed at the pace of a typical baby and toddler – walking and talking, with an early passion for gymnastics, dancing and swimming. However, after Charlotte’s first full year of preschool, her parents noticed she had hit a plateau developmentally. After countless questions, and seemingly as many tests, Charlotte was diagnosed in March 2015 with Late Infantile NCL Batten Disease CLN6. The diagnosing geneticist explained that this neurodegenerative brain disease was extremely rare and would leave Charlotte blind, immobile, cognitively impaired, and, ultimately, gone…somewhere between the age of 6 and 12. Their world shattered, Kristen and Gordon immediately had their younger daughter Gwenyth tested and she was given the same grim diagnosis. While Charlotte is showing early symptoms of the disease, she remains strong, with her happiness and smile still constant. However, due to the pace at which Batten disease advances, action must be taken immediately to prevent Charlotte’s progression down Batten’s debilitating path and shield Gwen, and all future children impacted by Batten disease, from its painful effects. 

Renal Support Network

Lori Hartwell founded Renal Support Network (RSN) in 1993 to empower people who have kidney disease to become knowledgeable about their illness, proactive in their care, hopeful about their future and make friendships that last a lifetime. Lori was diagnosed in 1968 with kidney failure and knows how important hope, peer connection and knowledge is to survive and thrive with an illness. RSN’s hopeful and life-enriching, non-medical programs help people who have kidney disease and their families, whether they are in the early stages of the disease, are on dialysis, or have received a transplant. People we connect with come to see kidney disease in a totally different light – that although it’s difficult, it is manageable. We help them recognize the need to take control of the course and management of their illness through storytelling. Learning from another patient’s experience and point of wisdom to live successfully and navigate care is vital for success. An Illness is too demanding when you do not have hope. RSN strives to make a lasting and positive difference in the lives of people with kidney disease and ensure that healthcare professionals and regulatory agencies legislative leaders that serve us hear what our needs are to have the best care and health possible.

Sacramento Children's Home

The mission of Sacramento Children's Home is to open doors to the future by maximizing the potential of children and families.

Delta Gamma Foundation

Delta Gamma Foundation fosters lifetime enrichment for members, promotes Service for Sight, and partners with the Fraternity to ensure the future of our sisterhood.