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Displaying 229–240 of 290

Hospice Of West Alabama

Hospice of West Alabama provides support and care for persons in the last phases of incurable disease so they may live as fully and as comfortably as possible. Hospice recognizes dying as part of the normal process of living and focuses on maintaining the quality of life. Hospice affirms life and neither hastens nor postpones death. Hospice is a coordinated program of palliative and supportive services provided in both home and inpatient settings. Hospice provides physical, psychological, social, and spiritual care for dying persons and their families.

Hospice Of The Piedmont

Hospice of the Piedmont is an organized, not for profit program that, upon informed choice, provides palliative care, health care, and supportive services to patients, their families, and significant others in both home and facility-based settings. Physical, social, spiritual, and emotional care is provided during the last stages of illness, during the dying process, and during bereavement by a medically directed interdisciplinary team. Hospice of the Piedmont serves patients from four North Carolina counties: Guilford, Forsyth, Randolph and Davidson.

Hudson Pride Connections Center

Hudson Pride Connections Center (HPCC) is a home and voice for the diverse LGBTQ community and our allies that advocates for our physical, mental, social and political well-being. We create safe and vibrant spaces to gather and celebrate our lives. HPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental, community organization situated in the Journal Square neighborhood in Jersey City, one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in this country and home to the largest LGBTQ community in New Jersey. Hudson Pride was established in 1993 to serve as an advocate for both the LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS communities in Hudson County and more than 20 years later, we are still delivering a wide array of services, programs and events to meet their on-going needs. Our programs and services include LGBTQ support groups for youth, young adults, middle adults and seniors, specialized groups for HIV+ gay men, transgender individuals and women of color, community training and education focused on helping provider agencies to deliver LGBT and HIV competent services, LGBTQ health education, HIV outreach services, social service linkages and advocacy.

Alliance for Aging Research

The Alliance for Aging Research advances scientific and medical discoveries to maximize healthy aging, independence and quality of life for older Americans. America's science, innovation and public spirit have the potential to avert the social and fiscal chaos that might otherwise accompany a "silver tsunami" of age-related diseases and lost productivity. The Alliance for Aging Research seeks to realize this potential and establish "healthy aging research" as a priority for our country as a whole. The advances we seek will make 85 years for most people look and feel like 65 today.

Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières Canada (MSF)

MSF is the world’s leading independent humanitarian medical relief organization, providing crucial medical care to people affected by war, civil strife, epidemics, natural disasters and social marginalization. MSF strives to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies with complete independence from political, economic or religious powers. In 1999, MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its pioneering humanitarian work: rapid interventions, calling public attention to humanitarian catastrophies, respecting fellow humans’ dignity and acting as a source of hope for peace and reconciliation.

Angel's Life Foundation Inc

Our main focus is Cystic Fibrosis (CF) awareness and to raise funds through the selling of our global crafts which include handmade Soy Candles, Jewelry, Crocheting, Pottery and much, much more. Our Story: Our daughter Hannah was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic life-threatening disease. Our family’s and friends mission in life has been to make a difference by raising awareness through volunteering and fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis. Our lives drastically changed on July 22nd, 2012 when our only other child, our son, SPC Brenden N. Salazar-Nelson was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan, decorated with the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. I created Angel’s Life in 2003, I chose this name because it is the symbol of peace and salvation. Now this name means that more than ever. Together with my friends and family, we create soy-based candles and sell them to help draw awareness for Cystic Fibrosis.


At the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation, every day is an inspiring reminder of what we can achieve by providing HIV treatment and other supports for people whose lives are impacted by HIV/AIDS and the additional challenges of addiction, mental illness, poverty and discrimination. The Day Health Program and 24-hour specialized care Residence at the Dr. Peter Centre improve people's health and make a significant contribution to Vancouver's complex health care system. The Centre's progressive model of HIV/AIDS care is a source of inspiration for local, national, and international health care organizations and policy makers in responding to the new challenges in HIV/AIDS care. Our community of care is built on acceptance and support, helping people find strength in the face of an illness which does not have a cure. We offer respect, dignity and a sense of belonging to people who are most in need. Together, we can change the world of HIV/AIDS care. Please give generously today. Thank you!

Feed Nova Scotia

Each month 40,000 Nova Scotians face the harsh realities of hunger - children, adults, seniors. FEED NOVA SCOTIA helps feed hungry people by collecting and distributing food to 153 member agency food banks and meal programs in Nova Scotia, and strives to eliminate hunger and poverty through research, awareness and support programs. Rather than allocating funds to individual agencies donations are used as follows: Feeding hungry people: We distribute food to our member agencies using a fair share system so people across the province have access to food in times of need. Each year we sort and distribute almost 2 million kilograms of food that comes to us from a variety of sources. Eliminating hunger and poverty: Through statistics and stories, we provide a clear picture of hunger and poverty in Nova Scotia and encourage others to join the call for change. We offer programs that support people experiencing food insecurity and help provide a chance for a new start.

Alzheimers Family Caregivers Support Center

Created by caregivers for caregivers, the Alzheimer’s Family Support Center provides free personalized services to the 10,000 families, individuals, and caregivers on Cape Cod currently living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases. Free services include outreach, supportive family and individual counseling, care consultation, connection to other available service organizations, education, support groups, community events and activities, and a dementia-trained Volunteer Corps. Our goal is to help families navigate the complexities and challenges they face across the span of these diseases, within a research-based, service driven social model.

Village Family Services

Protect children from abuse, preserve families and build a stronger, safer community for all. The Village Family Services is Southern California’s leading bilingual family wellness agency providing permanency and safety for neglected and abused children and youth. Our unique research-based approach centers on family wellness amid client-centered, strength-focused, trauma-informed and culturally competent care delivered by a compassionate, bilingual staff. The Village Family Services envisions a day when all children and youth are free of social, emotional, verbal and physical harm.

Alzheimer's Support Network

The Alzheimer’s Support Network exists to assist familiesdealing with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurocognitive disorders. Providing a compassionate and loving supportsystem for families is our prime purpose. As a network, we connect families with each other, localresources, and wider coalitions aimed at caring for caregivers and establishingthe best possible treatment for patients.  As navigators we guide families through allaspect of the disease process, including providing educational programs tofamilies and the community at large. Asadvocates, we strive to ease the burden of caregivers, enrich the lives ofpatients, and foster broader social awareness, respect and understanding ofthose with Alzheimer’s and their families.

Utah Youth Village

The mission of Utah Youth Village is to change and improve the lives of troubled, neglected and abused children and youth, without regard to race, color, national origin or religious preference and to establish and aid all those who would join in this endeavor.To this end, Utah Youth Village will: Provide education to children and youth Teach youth to respect themselves and others Build self-worth Teach youth to understand consequences and make wise decisions Teach youth life-enabling skills Aid and assist in the prevention of juvenile delinquency Serve as advocates for children's needs and concerns Protect children and youth from abuse, neglect and negative influences in their lives Actively support reunification of the child with the family whenever possible. The cornerstone of the Village's treatment philosophy is the profound value of the family in the emotional well-being of a child. The primary goal of treatment is to restore healthy parent-child relationships whenever feasible.Youth who have religious inclinations will be encouraged to be active in the faith of their choice. Youth will be taught about nutrition, exercise and hygiene.We will actively advocate for children and not allow society to ignore or diminish the legitimate needs of children and youth.