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Displaying 265–276 of 6,816

Brain Research Foundation

Brain Research Foundation supports neuroscience research that leads to advanced understanding of brain function in children and adults. This Foundation is committed to advance discoveries that will lead to novel treatments and prevention of all neurological diseases. We deliver this commitment through both research grant programs, which provide initial funding for innovative research projects, as well as educational programs for researchers and the general public.

Association Of Black Women Physicians

The Association of Black Women Physicians is an organized network of Black women physicians committed to the improvement of public health and welfare, through the advancement of knowledge concerning women and the community health. We serve as a philanthropic source of funds to individuals and projects related to the health concerns of the Black community. We endeavor to enhance the personal and professional quality of life of present and future Black women physicians.

Beast Rob

Our mission is simple. We are strong. We are powerful. We are BEASTS! We are prepared to do whatever it takes to beat Rectal Cancer. BeastRob, Inc. is a non-profit organization that aims to create awareness, provide resources, and empower those impacted by this devastating disease. We aim to ignite a sense of strength, hope, courage, and perseverance among the community at large, and those directly impacted by Rectal Cancer by coordinating fun, social, and fitness-focused fundraising events. We desire to manifest a herd of beasts, individuals who are ready to go to battle and fight relentlessly against Rectal Cancer. We currently serve and host events in the Southeast but provide resources nationally.

Raising A Reader

Raising A Reader is a national nonprofit organization that has successfully helped families build, practice, and maintain literacy routines in their homes since 1999, with special attention to children at the highest risk for educational failure; over 70% are low-income and nearly half speak another language. We stand firm in our unwavering commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusivity and improving the lives of children in all communities. RAR is an evidence-based, scalable and affordable program with 39 independent evaluations demonstrating our impact over time and across settings. More than 1.7 million children have participated in RAR's proven and award-winning programs with the support of over 285 Affiliates working in 3,000+ local sites across 36 states.

Keep Memory Alive

Keep Memory Alive and Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health at Cleveland Clinic Nevada, aims to find, fund, and facilitate the most effective and innovative research and caregiver programming for patients and their families.Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health offers a unique integrated care model, social services, and research. With more than 30 clinical trials in its portfolio, the center is among the country's largest Alzheimer's clinical research programs

Deafhood Foundation

Has a mission that is dedicated to achieving economic and social justice for all deaf people by providing financial, educational and social opportunities to end the economic exploitation of deaf people. The foundation envisions a world free of audism where everyone experiences full humanity and celebrates sign language. To achieve the mission and vision, the foundation focuses on four goals: consulting, outreach, networking and grants. Grants are the primary goal and the heart of the foundation and funding is provided for those areas: arts, activism, education, media, and research.

Living Well Foundation

The Living Well Foundation is a nonprofit youth/family health and development organization established in 2006 in the state of Missouri. The mission of the Living Well Foundation is to create healthier individuals/families through experiential learning. Our current focus deals with obesity. Camp Jump Start, an award winning and nationally recognized ?best practice? in the treatment of childhood obesity assisted in developing the strategies at the Living Well Village to prevent obesity using a holistic approach. Our philosophy is ?fair does not mean that everyone gets the same treatment---fair is that a person gets what they need?. This opens the doors for education to those with limited means. The Living Well Village wishes to have room for anyone seeking knowledge so that they may take personal responsibility for their own health. Because when ?we know better, we can do better? and then we teach our family. This is how we change the course of health issues in the world today.

Aneurysm Foundation (TAAF - The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation)

TAAF is dedicated to bettering the lives, support networks, and medical care of those affected by aneurysm and other types of vascular malformation of the brain. In support of that mission, we have three primary goals that guide foundation activities: Provide support, including information, resources and motivation, for people with aneurysm and other types of vascular malformation of the brain, their families, caregivers and friends. Promote education and awareness in the community regarding aneurysm and other types of vascular malformation of the brain. Provide encouragement and funding for research on aneurysm and other types of vascular malformation of the brain in an effort to advance patient treatment and care.

International Eye Foundation

International Eye Foundation is dedicated to helping people see! Since 1961 IEF has taken up the challenge in poor countries around the world, helping to restore sight and prevent blindness. IEF offers strong new strategic directions that focus on making eye clinics financially self sufficient. IEFs achievements include developing eye health services, training ophthalmologists and para-medicals, and fighting vitamin A deficiency, trachoma and river blindness. IEF is now strengthening the management, quality of service, and income generating activities so that eye clinics are less dependent on outside donors and government funds.

Dementia Spotlight Foundation

Dementia Spotlight Foundation is dedicated to supporting lives through advocacy, the arts, & dementia education. We're committed to educating both family and professional caregivers about dementia-related diseases and enhancing the supports and standards of care needed. Due to the complexity of dementia and the stigma associated with it, there's an extreme lack of funding, education, & resources available for individuals and caregivers who need them right now. While research is thriving, and we all hope for a cure, the fact remains that 5.4 million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. With a focus on LIFE before LOSS, RIGHTS before research, and CARE before cure, we realize that life doesn't end after a dementia diagnosis, there's HOPE & a way forward.

Grains Of Good Foundation

Grains of Good Foundation is a 501(c)(3) based in California, USA. Grains of Good was created with the goal of helping a vulnerable group of children: special-needs children with neurodevelopmental disorders from low-income families or orphanages in Russia and former Soviet republics. The funds mostly go towards palliative care, rehabilitation programs, and adaptive technology products and equipment. There are children with neurological disorders in every country of the world. All they need to flourish and to have a normal childhood is a bit of extra support - medical, educational, moral, financial. In Russia and the former Soviet republics, such kids often lack such support. They live in a society that is largely unable or unwilling to accept - let alone help - them, in a system that does not have the resources to support them. Some extra services or treatments might be available, but the parents don't have the money to pay for them - they can't earn it while their children are at home, with no childcare centers or schools available for them.

Viet Blind Children Foundation

Founded in 2000 by Fr. Thuan and two friends based in San Francisco, CA, the Blind Vietnamese Children Foundation assisted The Lover of the Holy Cross Sisters who had just established Nhat Hong Thi Nghe Home for the Blind in Ho Chi Minh City (1995). Up to the present time with the Foundation’s support the Sisters expanded to nine homes and schools with a total of almost 400 students. The Foundation has also provided funding to maintain the homes, schools, and healthcare centers for visually impaired children administered by other lay or religious groups. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors and supported by hundreds of friends who give much of their time and wealth throughout the year to assist in BVCF fundraising efforts. Every year the Foundation organized the benefit luncheons or dinners with silent and live auctions, and raffles. A lively family atmosphere blends different cultures and faiths in a single effort to help our very special children live promising lives in Vietnam.