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Displaying 325–336 of 13,907

Association Of Black Women Physicians

The Association of Black Women Physicians is an organized network of Black women physicians committed to the improvement of public health and welfare, through the advancement of knowledge concerning women and the community health. We serve as a philanthropic source of funds to individuals and projects related to the health concerns of the Black community. We endeavor to enhance the personal and professional quality of life of present and future Black women physicians.

Beast Rob

Our mission is simple. We are strong. We are powerful. We are BEASTS! We are prepared to do whatever it takes to beat Rectal Cancer. BeastRob, Inc. is a non-profit organization that aims to create awareness, provide resources, and empower those impacted by this devastating disease. We aim to ignite a sense of strength, hope, courage, and perseverance among the community at large, and those directly impacted by Rectal Cancer by coordinating fun, social, and fitness-focused fundraising events. We desire to manifest a herd of beasts, individuals who are ready to go to battle and fight relentlessly against Rectal Cancer. We currently serve and host events in the Southeast but provide resources nationally.

Raising A Reader

Raising A Reader is a national nonprofit organization that has successfully helped families build, practice, and maintain literacy routines in their homes since 1999, with special attention to children at the highest risk for educational failure; over 70% are low-income and nearly half speak another language. We stand firm in our unwavering commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusivity and improving the lives of children in all communities. RAR is an evidence-based, scalable and affordable program with 39 independent evaluations demonstrating our impact over time and across settings. More than 1.7 million children have participated in RAR's proven and award-winning programs with the support of over 285 Affiliates working in 3,000+ local sites across 36 states.

Little Friends

It is the mission of Little Friends to empower children and adults with special challenges to live, learn, work and participate in the community. Since 1965, Little Friends has been dedicated to serving people with disabilities in our community. We are a local organization--based in Naperville, Illinois and serving families from throughout six counties in the western suburbs. But our influence extends far beyond the Chicago area. More than 50 school districts turn to us for assistance with some of their most challenging students. Families from all over Illinois attend our training for parents of children with autism. National conferences feature our staff as speakers. It is an honor for us to be able to share what we've learned with other professionals and families.

Pay It Forward Ministries

By funding entry into long-term sober living homes with well structured recovery programs, PIFM seeks to break the cycle of homelessness by placing every destitute alcoholic/addict - who desires freedom from their disease - into a safe, positive and nurturing living environment in which to practice early recovery from addiction. Our corporate Vision is to glorify Jesus Christ and advance His Kingdom by eradicating homelessness – one recovered alcoholic/addict at a time.

Stories Foundation

We believe every person has a story and every story has value. We exist to empower communities to end the cycle of human trafficking by starting and supporting social enterprises that raise awareness, offer opportunities for economic independence for survivors and fund the fight against human trafficking. Currently Stories Foundation operates the Freedom Food Truck and Storyteller Catering. In the future we hope to operate a Cafe and sell food products. All with the goal of spreading awareness about human trafficking and empowering people to make a difference through purposeful purchasing as a first step

Living Well Foundation

The Living Well Foundation is a nonprofit youth/family health and development organization established in 2006 in the state of Missouri. The mission of the Living Well Foundation is to create healthier individuals/families through experiential learning. Our current focus deals with obesity. Camp Jump Start, an award winning and nationally recognized ?best practice? in the treatment of childhood obesity assisted in developing the strategies at the Living Well Village to prevent obesity using a holistic approach. Our philosophy is ?fair does not mean that everyone gets the same treatment---fair is that a person gets what they need?. This opens the doors for education to those with limited means. The Living Well Village wishes to have room for anyone seeking knowledge so that they may take personal responsibility for their own health. Because when ?we know better, we can do better? and then we teach our family. This is how we change the course of health issues in the world today.

Impact Metrics
Soles 4 Souls

Soles4Souls is a global not-for-profit institution dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty. Soles4Souls advances its anti-poverty mission by collecting new and used shoes and clothes from individuals, schools, faith-based institutions, civic organizations and corporate partners, then distributing those shoes and clothes both via direct donations to people in need and by provisioning qualified micro-enterprise programs designed to create jobs in poor and disadvantaged communities. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Soles4Souls is committed to the highest standards of operating and governance, and holds a four-star rating with Charity Navigator.Soles4Souls distributes shoes and clothing in two ways. Most new items collected primarily from corporations and retailers are given directly to people in need, both in the U.S. and overseas. The organization has relationships with several of the world's leading apparel brands, which provides Soles4Souls with new but non-marketable overstocks, returns, discontinued models and other shoes or clothing items.At the same time, Soles4Souls receives millions of articles of used shoes and clothing that have been collected by individuals, schools, faith-based institutions, civic organizations and corporate partners. After sorting items in its national warehouse system, Soles4Souls typically sells the used shoes and clothing, as well as some new items allocated by manufacturers, to carefully selected micro-enterprise organizations. These both private and non-profit companies are contracted to provide shipping, financing, inventory, training and other support to ultra-small businesses in countries like Haiti where there are virtually no jobs to generate personal income.Through the collection and sale of used (and new) clothing and shoes, Soles4Souls helps create self-sustaining jobs that generate desperately needed revenues throughout those communities. The sale of footwear and apparel to support micro-jobs also provides the majority of funding to sustain Soles4Souls operations and further expand its donations of new shoes and clothing.

International Eye Foundation

International Eye Foundation is dedicated to helping people see! Since 1961 IEF has taken up the challenge in poor countries around the world, helping to restore sight and prevent blindness. IEF offers strong new strategic directions that focus on making eye clinics financially self sufficient. IEFs achievements include developing eye health services, training ophthalmologists and para-medicals, and fighting vitamin A deficiency, trachoma and river blindness. IEF is now strengthening the management, quality of service, and income generating activities so that eye clinics are less dependent on outside donors and government funds.

Broken Wings Ministry

Broken Wings Ministry is dedicated to Tammy's (founder of Broken Wings) brother Jimbo who died on Christmas Eve 2014 from a heroin overdose. He suffered from Opiod / mental health issues. He was a victim of the national opioid crisis in America and did not receive the help he needed. Broken Wings want to restore lives to people who are broken by addiction and mental health / trauma. We offer services in the Orlando area with emphasis on women and children suffering from opiod addiction/ substance abuse and other mental health challenges. Curently we provide services including outpatient office based therapy, animal and garden therapy. Once our residential home is purchased, clients can come and heal in a safe holistic environment (body, mind and spirit). Therapeutic interventions will aim to get at the root cause of addiction/ mental health and seek healing from triggers with effective interventions to avoid relapse. Interventions include: animal therapy, garden therapy, EMDR, talk therapy, group therapy, therapeutic massage, spirituality, develooping life skills, nutrition education and a twelve step program with family involvement. Then, after a client graduates from our program we want to follow them for life. We believe that recovery is a life long process and want to stand by our alumni. Therefore, Broken Wings will offer lifelong alumni outpatient counseling services to clients for support to prevent relapse.

Center for Community Alternatives

The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA), founded in 1981, is a leader in community-based alternatives to incarceration and policy advocacy to reduce reliance on incarceration. We provide direct services to communities in New York City, Syracuse and Rochester, engaging approximately 2,500 youth and adults annually who would otherwise be incarcerated. The great majority of our participants are African-American or Latino/a and come from poor or low-income communities. In addition to direct services, CCA works to bring about a more just and humane criminal justice system. We have achieved success in persuading the State Legislature to adopt "reintegration" as a goal of sentencing; in reforming New York's drug laws; and in realigning New York's juvenile justice system so that more youth are placed in programs in their home communities, rather than detention or incarceration. We are currently leading a national campaign to reduce barriers to college admission for people with criminal records. In an average year, CCA successfully diverts 100 adults and as many juveniles from costly incarceration, saving New York State millions of dollars. Our work reduces the collateral consequences of incarceration, strengthens families and builds safer communities. CCA serves people in trouble: youth at risk; families in crisis; people struggling to address drug and alcohol problems and HIV and AIDS; and people who have been involved in the criminal justice system who are seeking community reintegration and productive, law-abiding lives. CCA endeavors to address these issues by emphasizing personal empowerment, self-respect and concern for one's community.

Tegan and Sara Foundation

The Tegan and Sara Foundation fights for health, economic justice and representation for LGBTQ girls and women. This mission is founded on a commitment to feminism and racial, social and gender justice. In partnership and solidarity with other organizations fighting for LGBTQ and women's rights, the Foundation raises awareness and funds to address the inequalities currently preventing LGBTQ girls and women from reaching their full potential. This work is critically important because… LGBTQ women have higher rates of gynecological cancer, depression, obesity, suicide and tobacco/alcohol abuse. Discriminatory laws, provider bias, insurance exclusions and inadequate reproductive health coverage leave 29% of LGBTQ women struggling to pay for health insurance. A quarter of lesbian women live in poverty. LGB women of color are three times more likely to live in poverty than their white peers. Transgender women are four times more likely to have a household income under $10,000 and twice as likely to be unemployed. One in five transgender women has reported being homeless at some point. Less than 1% of TV characters are lesbians. In 2016, 25 queer female characters were killed on-screen – continuing a decades-long trend.