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Impact Metrics
United Services for Children

United Services for Children is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides pediatric therapy and early intervention services to children with developmental disabilities and delays, and offers support services for their families. We focus on children ages birth through 8 years old. United Services for Children delivers life-changing outcomes for children, no two children are alike. Some face challenges that are apparent to the untrained eye. But many children have diagnoses that are invisible to anyone who hasn't watched them struggle to hold a crayon, button their shirt, feed themselves, remain calm or focus on tasks. It is a tremendous victory when a child is able to put aside their walker and march down the hall unassisted. But it is equally tremendous when a child who could not grip a marker is able to draw their first picture, or when a child who was withdrawn from their world is finally able to recognize their mother or father. The teachers and therapists of United Services for Children celebrate daily victories of every kind. Every milestone is a step toward that child living a life of independence and fulfillment. Our center is located at 4140 Old Mill Parkway in St. Peters Missouri. We are located in the St. Louis Metro area. Since 1975 We have served tens of thousands of children and their families.

Impact Stories
Bethany House Of Northern Virginia

Bethany House of Northern Virginia is located in Fairfax County, Virginia, providing emergency shelter and support services to women and children escaping domestic violence. We help women and their children who have suffered from domestic violence regain health and dignity. We provide women with safe, restorative care while giving them the support and resources they need to transition into independent lives free from abuse. We are non-jurisdictional. We accept women and children from across Northern Virginia, from the entire Washington, DC metropolitan area, from other states and beyond. Once our families are stabilized, we help them get reestablished in their community by providing temporary housing and support. Realizing the vision of our founder Doris Ward, since 1979, BHNV has been a safe haven for women and children suffering the nightmare of domestic violence while also serving as a resource to our community at large. BHNV is funded by grants and donations from businesses, charitable foundations, churches, organizations, and individual community members.

Alliance Of Hope For Suicide Loss Survivors

Kindness matters – and to the more than five million people around the world who lose a loved one to suicide each year – it matters a lot. We provide healing and compassionate support during the lonely and tumultuous aftermath of suicide. We help people survive suicide loss, and go beyond “just surviving,” to lead productive lives filled with meaning and joy. It is our vision that no suicide loss survivor on the planet go without support. Since our founding, we have helped tens of thousands of suicide loss survivors from many cultures and faith traditions all over the world. The Alliance of Hope was founded as a labor of love in 2008 by Ronnie Susan Walker, a seasoned mental health counselor who lived through the traumatic loss of her stepson to suicide in 1995. During her own grief journey, Ronnie recognized there was a void in resources for people bereaved by suicide. She intuitively understood what researchers have validated in recent years: suicide loss survivors are a high-risk population for suicide themselves if they don’t receive healing support in the aftermath. She also knew firsthand that in-person support groups were few and far between, but that many suicide loss survivors needed support 24/7. When she took a class at a local high school to learn how to build a website, her goal was simply to extend friendship – and healing, compassionate support – to other survivors. At the time, she did not know there were more than 45 million others, just in the U.S., whose lives had been forever altered when their loved ones died by suicide. She launched not having any idea of what was to come. She added a community forum, where survivors could come to share their stories and connect with others who understood. Much like the movie “A Field of Dreams”, bereaved souls from across the globe made their way to this healing, online space. The first member joined, then the 40th, and then the 14,000th. In the first few years, Ronnie personally responded to each new survivor. Eventually other loss survivors began to volunteer under Ronnie’s guidance. They too reached out with compassion to others who were hurting. Today, more than 100 suicide loss survivors have volunteered as moderators and stewards of our online forum, which operates like a 24/7 group for thousands of people. They ensure it remains a healing culture for all who seek support. Many more talented, caring souls have provided pro bono support on our board of directors and advisory council. We would not be here without them. As the Alliance of Hope enters its second decade, our work is more important than ever. As suicide rates continue to rise, so do the number of loss survivors seeking support. According to a recent British Medical Journal study: individuals bereaved by suicide are 80% more likely to drop out of school or quit their jobs – and 64% more likely to attempt suicide – than individuals grieving sudden losses by natural causes. Indeed, suicide “postvention” is suicide prevention.

Asian Mental Health Collective

It is the mission of AMHC to normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community. With the rapid development of and focus on personal well-being in individualistic societies, people are now more aware of the detrimental effects of poor mental health and mental illnesses than ever before. However, as members of the Asian Diaspora, there are often strong cultural underpinnings related to our mental health experiences that go unaddressed. Mental health issues do not exist in individuals only, and this is especially true for those who come from cultures that value collectivism. Experiences shaped by cultural ideals that value face, achievement, and filial piety are interwoven in the fabric of our understanding of the world. Intertwined with generations of exposure to trauma, these ideals, while not inherently unhealthy, are often expressed in ways that create dissonance for the children of the diaspora who live in increasingly globalized societies. It is apparent that there is a generational and cultural rift in many Asian families, with mental health woven through both overt confrontations and unspoken grievances as a result. AMHC hopes to help bridge those divides. We do not need, or want, to do away with centuries of beloved culture and tradition for the sake of mental health. We at AMHC believe in integrating our shared backgrounds with the progressive ideals of emotional well-being and mental health - expressing collectivist ideals while respecting the agency of the individual. It all begins with understanding. Through projects such as our Facebook group, resource library, video web-series, and meetup groups, we hope to not only provide mental health support, but also facilitate the difficult conversations we need to have to move forward together.


CHADD's mission is to improve the lives of children and adults with ADHD. We represent the 15 million people in the United States who have been diagnosed with ADHD - 10 million adults and 5 million children. CHADD is the leading national nonprofit, tax-exempt, IRS Section 501 (c) (3) charitable organization in the ADHD field. We support, educate and provide services to people with ADHD and those impacted by it. CHADD reaches a large number of people concerned about ADHD each year: CHADD is the source of information on ADHD for many of the major media outlets - print, television and internet. In 2013 CHADD generated more than 5 million radio and television impressions and over 100,000 print impressions. Through our websites, CHADD reaches more than 1 million unique visitors each year. Weekly CHADD reaches 95,000 people with information about the management of ADHD in adults and in children. On a daily basis CHADD reaches more than 46,000 people through Face Book and Twitter. CHADD has approximately 200 free support groups and affiliates across the country, with more than 1,000 volunteers. CHADD's Leadership Blog has been recognized as one of the best ADHD blogs for three years in a row by CHADD has three overarching goals - to provide evidence based information on ADHD to the public, to provide support, information and services to people affected by ADHD, and to advocate for ADHD supportive policies in federal and state law. CHADD is also the home of the National Resource Center on ADHD funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Our mission is to change the way the world views Down syndromethrough national campaigns, educational programs,and by empowering individuals with Down syndrome,their families and the community.Our visions is to create a world where individuals with Downsyndrome are accepted and embraced in theirfamilies, schools and communities


To raise and distribute funds to perform research in the following areas: causes, identification, detection, prevention, treatment, and cure of/for Alcoholism. It is not to provide funds for rehabilitation, detoxification, counseling, or any personal aid to people with this disease.

The Helio Health Foundation


LifePath Foundation

LifePath Foundation is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for individuals and families impacted by behavioral health, intellectual or developmental challenges in Collin County, resulting in stronger communities. We raise funds for LifePath Systems‘ programs and services. LifePath Systems helps individuals to reach their full potential.

One Mind

One Mind's mission is to radically accelerate cures for brain illnesses and injuries by funding and fostering scientific collaborations and initiatives.

Liz S Legacy


Mallorys Army Charitable Foundation

Together we can END bullying and make the world a better place for everyone we meet. We do this by learning how to change our behavior. Be the KIND of person you want to meet, Empathize with all people even the ones we may not like or disagree with, Help defend someone being bullied, Advocate for change, Value yourself, Inspire others, Oppose conflict, Respect one another. This spells BEHAVIOR.