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To connect music industry professionals and their families with a trusted network of mental health and wellness providers.

The Jed Foundation

The Jed Foundation works nationally to promote emotional health and prevent suicide in student populations. To achieve this end, the organization collaborates with the public and leaders in higher education, mental health, and research to produce and advance initiatives that: Decrease the stigma surrounding emotional disorders and increase help-seeking in college and other student populations Increase understanding of the warning signs of suicide and the symptoms of emotional disorders among students Build awareness of the prevalence of suicide and emotional disorders among students Strengthen campus mental health services, policies, and programs

New Directions For People With Disabilities

New Directions believes that people who have disabilities deserve the same opportunities in life that others expect and enjoy. Our profoundly enriching travel programs expand the self-esteem of every traveler. Whole new worlds of understanding open for both participants and the general population. Through these unique programs, people with disabilities are increasingly understood, appreciated and accepted as important and contributing members of our world. Changing the way the world views disability— one adventure at a time.


#HalftheStory's mission to empower the next generation’s relationship with social media, through advocacy, education, and providing access to resources for youth. We believe in digital wellbeing. In the digital age we have the freedom to filter out our lives however we choose. Hiding behind our social media identities, we mask the truth behind partial realities we post everyday. #HalftheStory is a global community that encourages individuals to share parts of their lives that exist outside of the standard social media story— Life unfiltered. #HalftheStory celebrates hidden human talents, passions, beliefs and struggles that connect us on a deeper level. By sharing a part of our identity that is not regularly revealed through social media, we restore human connection.

Aha! Attitude. Harmony. Achievement.

AHA! believes in a world where every teen can feel safe, seen, and emotionally connected. We equip teenagers and educators with social and emotional intelligence to dismantle apathy, prevent despair, and interrupt hate-based behavior. By inspiring teens and adults to joyfully lead with courage and kindness, AHA! transforms schools and communities into welcoming, nourishing, expressive, and inclusive spaces where youth and adults work together for the highest good.

Casting for Recovery

The mission of Casting for Recovery (CfR) is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. The retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life and experience healing connections with other women and nature. CfR’s retreats are open to breast cancer survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery, and are free to participants. On a physical level, the gentle, rhythmic motion of fly casting is similar to exercises often prescribed after surgery or radiation to promote soft tissue stretching. On an emotional level, women are given the opportunity to experience a new activity in a safe environment amongst a supportive group of peers. The retreats provide resources to help address quality of life issues after a breast cancer diagnosis, and a new outlet – fly fishing – as a reprieve from the everyday stresses and challenges of their cancer.