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Displaying 133–144 of 4,026

Latin American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.

Our mission is to defend the rights of the Latin American community, facilitate its access to health care and education, and advance cross-cultural understanding within the Mercer County region.

Youth Pride Association

The Youth Pride Association (YPA) is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to promote and foster the acceptance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people in educational institutions. We work to address the alarming and substantial hardships LGBTQ youth face in schools.

United Spinal Association

United Spinal Association is a national 501(c) (3) nonprofit membership organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of all people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), including veterans, and providing support and information to loved ones, care providers and professionals.

Nebraska Casa Association

Nebraska CASA Association partners with local CASA programs to recruit and train volunteers who speak in court for the safety and well-being of abused and neglected children.

Vaga Lume Association

Vaga Lume Association is a Brazilian non-profit organization founded in 2001 grounded in the belief that investing in people is the best way to transform a reality. Its mission is to create opportunities for cultural exchange by reading, writing and orality, valuing the empowerment of people and rural communities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon region. Vaga Lume works in 160 rural communities (indigenous, riverside, roadside, rural settlement people or quilombolas - Brazilian with African descent) of 23 municipalities in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region, which encompasses nine federal states (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocantins), occupies 59% of the Brazilian territory and has 20 million people (12% of the Brazilian population). Despite the fact that education and culture are basic social rights, protected by the Brazilian Constitution and under human rights international treaties ratified by Brazil, its access and implementation in the Amazon region are very limited. It is one of the poverty zones in Brazil - with a GDP per capita 30% lower than the national value - where 42% of the population survives with less than US$ 5.00 a day. Due to the outstanding impact of Vaga Lume's work in the region, the organization is recognized by many international and national awards such as the Juscelino Kubitschek Award of Merit for Regional Development in Latin America and the Caribbean given by the Inter-American Development Bank (2009); the Millennium Development Goals Award, conferred by the United Nations and the Brazilian government (2005); the Vivaleitura Award, from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education (2008); and the Chico Mendes Environment Award, given by the Ministry of Environment (2006 and 2008). In 2011, Vaga Lume received its most important recognition: the 4th place at the Intercultural Innovation Award, conferred by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group. As an awardee, in 2012, Vaga Lume was welcomed to the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI), a network formed by the UNAOC, the BMW Group and the ten 2011 winners. Through this network, the UNAOC and the BMW Group challenged all winners to replicate and scale up their actions to promote intercultural dialogue and offered training, consultancy and institutional support to assist organizations to accomplish such results.

Better Government Association

Founded in 1923, the Better Government Association is an independent, non-partisan government watchdog groufraud and corruption in government by conducting investigative research and litigation to expose problems; researching policy solutions promoting transparency and accountability in government; and using internship programs to train the next generation of investigators and public interest lawyers.

Association Cameleon France

Founded in 1998 by Laurence LIGIER, CAMELEON France is an association of international solidarity, with a mission of apolitical, non-denominational charity and assistance. For more than 20 years, CAMELEON has been working in the Philippines and around the world, taking a holistic approach to addressing the causes and effects of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Its mission revolves around programs aiming at: rebuilding victims, schooling, local development, awareness and advocacy. To date, more than 7600 children and families have been supported and more than 1200 are sponsors worldwide. The association works in the Philippines with its local partner, CAMELEON Association Philippines, but also in France and in Europe with the support of its partners, its country offices and its sponsors. Our Goals per year: To protect, rehabilitate and reintegrate 110 children, victims of sexual abuse, as well as social support and education to their families. To provide education, health, professional instruction, and independence to 310 disadvantaged youths and their families. To raise awareness among the general public and in the media on Children's Rights and prevent mistreatment and sexual abuse. To advocate and lobby decision-makers and politicians.

Courageous Women Association

Our mission is to provide a complete system of services designed to transition women and children out of poverty to full autonomy, through career development & placement, permanent housing, economic resources, and unlimited access to services that aid in complete healing and recovery. Courageous Women Association, is a nonprofit 501c3 organization providing supportive services, economic resources, and empowerment to Bay Area women and children impacted by domestic violence, homelessness, prostitution and human human trafficking, incarceration, and other crippling life experiences. Founded in 2008, CWA annually provides over 1,000 women and children with life coaching and necessities, career development, and economic resources that are vital to wellness, recovery, and self-sufficiency.

Ecuadorian Volunteers Association

EVA is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in the State of Illinois. It was created for the purpose of assisting Ecuadorian institutions devoted to educational, social, and health programs for the poor, neglected, and at-risk segments of the population. EVA is run by volunteers, and the various programs are implemented through network of viable, non-profit Ecuadorian institutions previously selected by a careful screening process. EVA requires that all the funds collected and distributed as yearly grants be only used for programmatic objectives of the organization it sponsors. EVA's Community Assistance Grant was instituted in 2008 to improve the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people living in the Chicago Metropolitan area where EVA is located. I Since its inception, we have been giving opportunities to advance educational, health, and human service programs in the local community.

Mavi Kalem Association

Mavi Kalem was formed at the aftermath of the 1999 earthquake, and founded in 2000, to respond the needs of the earthquake affected and migrated communities in particular of the disadvantageous groups of women and children in health and education. Since then, it has been implementing projects mainly assisting women and children since its establishment. Projects involving the empowerment, skill development, health services and information sharing have been implemented throughout 2000-2002 in Düzce area, mainly assisting women and children after the earthquake. Since 2002, Mavi Kalem has been implementing projects and activities concerning; educational support, awareness raising on health standards, awareness raising on domestic violence, psychological support, consultancy on health and legal issues for both local and migrated women and children in Fener/ Balat district in Fatih, Istanbul, addressing the needs of children, women and girls of the local community migrated from all regions of Turkey and since 2014 the Syrian children and women in Fener-Balat were included in its beneficiary group. Activities such as Turkish language courses, socialization activities with local population, help in admissions to schools and other official and administrative actions, and psychological support were provided to Syrian children and women. Mavi Kalem has worked toward the Syrian refugee influx related issues since 2011, by conducting needs assessments and gap analysis in Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa without-camp populations. Also on the national and international level; women' rights and health rights, children's rights, wide spreading of minimum standards in humanitarian aid, youth exchange programs are included in Mavi Kalem's actions. Dissemination and advocacy for humanitarian assistance standards and principles in disasters, emergencies and migration situations is one of Mavi Kalem's work areas. Since 2001 it has been part of Sphere Project, since 2009 INEE Workgroups and for 2 years now part of CHS Alliance. MAVİ KALEM has held the adaptation of Sphere handbook in Turkish successfully and been in cooperation with Ministry of Health, TRC, municipality health departments for its wide spreading, and implementing training programs. Similarly INEE and CHS basic humanitarian aid principal books have been adapted to Turkish and disseminated at national level by Mavi Kalem. It is one of the founding members of SITAP (Civil Society Disaster Platform, national). Mavi Kalem has organized Women in Disasters and Emergencies Workshop hosting women experts, academics, experienced NGO field workers from humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and women right based organizations in 2016. Gender specific issues, needs, and rights in emergency settings were discussed; field experiences and suggestions for improvement were exchanged toward strengthening and mainstreaming the gender perspective in disaster and emergency response. Mavi Kalem, has also delivered its services and expertise to disaster and emergency or poverty affected locations other than its primary implementation area through partnership with other local organizations, in other districts of Istanbul and other provinces such as during the Van earthquake response. Overall organizational strength and capacity lies within the Mavi Kalem's 17 years of implementation experience with focus on public health and education, disaster, emergency and migration specialization, advocacy of women and girls health rights, mainstreaming gender equality perspective in its implementation, developing and designing projects and programs based on the needs and participation and feedback mechanisms of its beneficiaries, volunteers, and supporters, measuring quality and monitoring and evaluation of impact in action rather than quantity focus, integrity and commitment of Mavi Kalem, at all levels to organization's policies in regards to work ethics, preceding women and girls, and children protection, non-discriminatory approach, preservation of confidentiality and respect for dignity, transparency and accountability, anti-fraud and corruption. Since its foundation Mavi Kalem has been working with international donors and experienced in project budget management, and reporting accordingly. Mavi Kalem's administrative and financial system and its management are executed as per Turkey's finance law and associations' law and regulations. Grant agreements, contracts and partnership agreements are also reflected in its implementation and management. Annually Mavi Kalem goes through financial and administrative auditing of relevant governmental body and also independent financial auditing. Mavi Kalem prioritizes gender equality in the implementation and decision making steps of projects and decides and acts with accountability, transparency, participation and approaches differences equal as principal. Mavi Kalem, being a non-profit civil society organization for which 97% of employees are women, applies positive discrimination to women when recruiting, selecting and determining beneficiaries and target groups to promote gender equality. To eliminate social discrimination during stages of project content, project design and project implementation, working with women is prioritized in determination of the project team and selection of financial experts procured from the affiliated participant organization. In addition to being sensitive to gender discrimination in works and studies, Mavi Kalem acts responsibly and is in favor of vulnerable groups avoiding discirimination based on ethnicity, political views, religious beliefs, sexual identity and race in terms of target groups, beneficiaries and employees. Mavi Kalem does not define itself in politic, religious or ethnical personalities. Freedom, human rights, democratic rights, health rights, public gender equality, women rights, LGBT rights, children's rights and prevention of discrimination are supported. ) In addition to all, Mavi Kalem has started a process of institutionalization at 2015 to improve on its experience in project development and implementation it has built last 18 years and aims to develop and improve its policies based on its long experience.

Girlz with Goals

The Girlz with Goals Leadership Center is a grassroots movement and community-based organization working to help girls of all backgrounds develop the qualities needed to become future leaders. At Girlz with Goals we believe in the development and growth of every girl. Our program strives to inspire girls to be strong, beautiful and brilliant with programming that focuses on academic achievement, a healthy lifestyle, and life-skills. Our programs teach girls to develop a love of learning, manage money, develop healthy relationships, deal with peer pressure, critically examine global events, and be physically active. All programs are designed to drive positive outcomes for girls and reinforce necessary life skills.