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Displaying 133–144 of 1,781

Nurture The Next

NTN's mission is to prevent the abuse and neglect of children in Tennessee. Our vision is to see all children thriving in safe, nurturing families and communities.

The Fregenet Foundation

To provide early educational opportunities to needy children and to create conditions that will help them succeed in life. To promote early education as a means to overcome poverty, reduce AIDS, gender inequality and political oppression. To setup schools to be used not only as centers of education, but as community resources and health centers for the benefit of students, their families and the community in which they are located. To establish bonds between our students in Ethiopia and children all over the world by sponsoring music, travel, language and cultural education programs.

The Ama Foundation

The Ama Foundation is dedicated to providing the most underprivileged children of Nepal with a loving home, education and opportunities to live healthy and secure lives within their community.

Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote engages young people in our democracy and builds their political power by registering, educating and turning them out to vote, by forcing the candidates to campaign to them, and by making politicians pay attention to youth and the issues they care about once in office. We use music, popular culture, new technologies and old fashioned grassroots organizing to engage and mobilize young people to participate in every election, and provide the information and tools they need to do so.  And we amplify the actions of those young people who step up to claim their voice in the process in order to create political and social change.

The Sentencing Project

Established in 1986, The Sentencing Project works for a fair and effective U.S. criminal justice system by promoting reforms in sentencing policy, addressing unjust racial disparities and practices, and advocating for alternatives to incarceration. The Sentencing Project is dedicated to changing the way Americans think about crime and punishment.

The Women's Collective

Our mission is to empower women, girls, and their families by providing them with the skills and linkages to meet their self-defined needs, increase their access to care and support, and engage them so that they are best equipped to ‘own’ their health outcomes, improve their quality of life, and protect their rights.

The dZi Foundation

dZi Foundation partners with underserved communities in remote regions of the Himalaya to build sustainable, locally-driven programs that improve quality of life through advancing education and health, while reducing poverty.

The Shade Tree

Safety for women in crisis, shelter for women, women with children, and women with pets.

Free The People

Using technology, video storytelling, and social media, Free the People reaches new audiences upstream of politics. We are building a constituency for the values of entrepreneurship, choice, peaceful cooperation, and your right to pursue happiness however you see fit, as long as you don’t hurt people or take their stuff.

The Freedom Story

Our mission is to prevent child trafficking and exploitation through culturally relevant programs for vulnerable children and to share their stories to empower creative, compassionate people to act. Formerly known as The SOLD Project

The Rutherford Institute

The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization based in Charlottesville, VA, is deeply committed to protecting the constitutional freedoms of every American and the integral human rights of all people through its extensive legal and educational programs. The Institute provides its legal services at no charge to those whose constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated.

She's the First

She’s the First fights for a world where every girl chooses her own future. We team up with local organizations to make sure girls are educated, respected, and heard.