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Girl Determined

Girl Determined is a leadership project designed to assist girls ages 12-17 to avoid the pitfalls of trafficking, dangerous labor and other forms of violence, by facilitating girls' recognition of their personal and group potential. Because of our belief in girls as potential change-agents in their households, communities and nations, our program aims to increase girls' ability to make strategic life-decisions, generate choices and exercise bargaining power. This real empowerment creates opportunities for girls to better cope with their difficulties, envision alternatives and take leadership into their own hands. The underlying premise of Girl Determined work is that educating, connecting, supporting and fostering the development of personal and group voice amongst marginalized adolescent girls will derail cycles of abuse, poverty and neglect. Not only is adolescence a period when girls are gaining abstract thinking skills and sexual awareness, it is a time when they are all too quickly being pressured to take on adult responsibility and this is particularly for girls, resulting in lost growth and development opportunities. The rights of girls in Burma is often regarded as being equal to that of boys and girls rights, in general, is not thought of as a serious issue in the country, despite the fact that the sexual exploitation and the trafficking of young girls to China for forced marriage, for example, continues to increase, or that the so-called "un-wrapping" of girls (selling young, virgin girls into prostitution) continues to take place on the outskirts of Burma's most prosperous cities-Rangoon and Mandalay. This apathy, social acceptance and tolerance of rights violations against girls smacks of an underlying gender discrimination: a discrimination which forces more girls to drop out of school so their male siblings can continue; compels girls to engage in child labour, to support their families income or, more accurately, the short, often paltry economic interests of their parents/household at the expense of the best interest of the child. Girl Determined's work empowers girls to achieve that which is in their own best interest while working structurally to establish mechanisms for greater awareness of the specific needs of adolescent girls, their protection and increasing their life-opportunities. Girl Determined employs a three-pronged strategic approach: 1. Individual transformation - Adolescent girls will go through some form of personal transformation lending to a change in a girl's understanding of personal power and rights. Shifts will include reduction of shame and fear regarding violence, ability to identify and express situations of discrimination, value of self and education, motivation and skill to actively make decisions about ones future. 2. Network mobilization - Girls will develop a sense of connectedness with girls from across the country through their shared experiences and complex differences. By bringing girls together across space, through 'by-girls, for-girls' media projects, Girls' Forum and our Girls Advisory Board, girls will mobilize as defenders and actors. This wide network also creates a structure through which other programs could potentially be realized. 3. Research and Advocacy - Evidence-based research will assist Girl Determined in bringing increased attention to the plight and power of the girl child in Burma. We will focus research and related advocacy domestically, pushing governmental and non-governmental agencies to recognize the specific needs of girls in their programming.


Non-profit social entrepreneurial venture harnessing the power of technology for social benefit. Benetech has adopted a core set of principles to guide our vision and decision making. We refer to these concepts daily in evaluating our work and our plans for the future. 1. Social Change Through Technology—Benetech is about creating positive social change at scale, and we use technology as the vehicle to drive it. Technology is a great way to get to scale and to reinvent the way people are doing business throughout the social sector. We’re not about profit; we’re about impact. 2. We Get Stuff Done—Benetechies are intensely results focused. We aim high, and then try to exceed our commitments. This means that we fully commit to the fields where we operate, learning as much as we can and following through on our promises. And we measure what we do so that we know we’re getting stuff done. 3. Right Stuff Right—Just three words that convey so much. We ensure that our work is up to world-class standards, focus on doing the right thing where we can make the maximum impact, and conduct business in an ethical way. When we’re trying to make a decision about something, the way forward is just so much clearer when someone asks, “Yes, but are we doing the right thing right?” 4. Open Over Proprietary—We’re an open-source organization. Not only our software but also the content we create is almost always available under Creative Commons licenses. And we value transparency. What’s really important is the mission, and we trust that being clear and open will lead to the best possible outcomes. There is information that we do consider highly proprietary: the information shared with us by our users and partners. We’re pragmatic enough to adopt a proprietary approach when we think it’s the best way to accomplish our mission goals, but we always lean toward being open. 5. Partnership Over Going Alone—Benetech’s strength is in developing technology responsive to real-world needs, but we can’t do it alone. In so many areas, we have chosen the partners who have deep knowledge and deep trust networks. Benetech provides what they are missing—the technology development expertise and the connections with top tech communities and companies. Our partnerships result in better ultimate social impact when we’ve built trust with the people with whom we’re working. 6. Value Flexibility—We respect our team and their commitment to do what it takes for social change. As part of that commitment, we prioritize flexibility both for and from our team members. This allows us to do more with less, without sacrificing teamwork and spirit. Our entrepreneurial approach also requires flexibility. When you’re creating something new, it never goes according to plan. We are always alert to better ways to accomplish the social objectives. 7. Personal and Professional Development—We care about the professional development of our staff and foster personal learning, growth and service—whether that’s helping a team member pursue graduate studies, become a better public speaker or deeply understand the challenges our users face. Benetech builds the careers of our team members while we benefit from their service to our mission. Ultimately, we’re helping to lead a movement to have technology fully serve humanity. We speak regularly to students and to professionals, sharing our love for our work and hoping to inspire a fresh crop of social entrepreneurs and innovators.

Coastal Family Partners

COASTAL FAMILY PARTNERS Connecting traditionally disadvantaged populations to avenues for family strengthening and economic success

Fundacion Oir es Vivir

The Fundacion Oir es Vivir was founded in 2008 to serve as a bridge for the hearing impaired population who are seeking a solution for their disability and lack the knowledge, resources, and financial means. The Foundation has done strong advocacy for early hearing detection and intervention program in the newborn and hearing screening test in preschool and school children. In the older population the Foundation also educates the importance of quality of life through the ability to hear and understand the sounds of life, and the importance to remain connected socially and environmentally.

Project Scientist

Our mission is to expose a diverse population of young girls to a high-quality STEM academy that inspires confidence in their pursuit of learning throughout the year.

Asociacion Centro de Rehabilitacion para Ciegos

To prevent blindness caused by ophthalmological diseases, as well as, preserve visual health and promote social integration of visually impaired people that are part of the vulnerable population on Morelos, Mexico.

New Hampshire World Fellowship Center

The World Fellowship Center promotes social justice and connections between people, communities, and nature through education, recreation, and creative expression.

Immigrant Welcome Center

The Immigrant Welcome Center empowers immigrants by connecting them to the people, places, and resources that enable them to build successful lives and enrich our community.

DCWC Nepal - Development of Children and Women Center

DCWC NEPAL is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making organization registered under the charity act of the government of Nepal in the year 2000. Their mission is to bring education and healthcare to the rural poor of Nepal who have no access to government services available to the urban population.

Global Change Project Inc.

Mission Statement Global Change Project is an innovative advocacy organization dedicated to implementing high-impact campaigns that catalyze positive change on multiple fronts to turn the tide on the global epidemic of sexual violence. As a strategically-focused organization, Global Change Project pursues pin-pointed, eloquently-designed project solutions that have a compounding influence -- just as a stone dropped into a pond triggers ripples in all directions. Our timely and trackable campaigns, programs, and philanthropic products are based in strategic partnerships and local/international coalition building. We harness the power of cutting-edge multi-media communication, design, and technology, along with the viral potential of global social media networks, to confront the pandemic crisis of sexual violence in formidable ways. Key Objectives Developing Networks Strengthening existing networks and catalyzing and incubating new sexual abuse and assault prevention, support, and recovery networks in communities and for populations where need exists worldwide. Helping at-risk and victimized populations across the globe to find and access local, culturally-appropriate prevention, support, and recovery services and resources. Creating an international "best practices" forum which can serve as an open-source centralized professional development hub for professionals around the world working in the fields of sexual abuse and assault prevention, support, and recovery. Facilitating the connection of philanthropically-motivated individuals and organization with the local organizations around the world that are doing good work in this arena. Building Capacity Raising the global public awareness and comprehension of the worldwide epidemic of sexual violence and the ubiquitous issues surrounding this problem. Empowering victims of sexual violence with educational information and resources. Providing victims of sexual violence a chance to share their personal stories and have their stories count for change. Spearheading Leading-Edge Research Garnering data from effected populations, service organizations, and local municipalities around the globe to cultivate new understanding, make publicly visible what has previously been undocumented and unseen, encourage further multi-disciplinary study, better serve at-risk and effected populations, and provide valuable information for policy makers. Influencing Culture and Policy Bringing communities together, united behind the common cause of exposing, confronting, and stemming the sexual violence embedded within every culture. Encouraging policy makers to take notice and pursue positive action as a result of highly-impactful global grassroots campaigns.

Borderland Rainbow Center

The Borderland Rainbow Center's mission is to create a community space in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex (LGBTQI) people and their allies can heal, grow, and empower themselves and others. This substance-free space will connect LGBTQI people to resources for improved physical and mental health, economic stability, legal rights, education, spiritual and cultural enrichment.

Center for Judicial Excellence

The Center for Judicial Excellence is committed to improving the Judiciary's public accountability and strengthening and maintaining the integrity of the courts. CJE is dedicated to public education and community outreach about individual rights in the court system. Since it's founding, CJE has filled a critical void, shining a light on a vital branch of government that wields tremendous power over the lives of average people. CJE has empowered citizen leadership, inspired government action, and become a major catalyst in building a national movement for family court reform. In 2008, CJE made a special commitment to protecting the rights of children and vulnerable populations in the courts, which continues to this day.