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Displaying 193–204 of 1,818

The Out Center

OutCenter Southwest Michigan mission is to provide support and advocacy for respect, understanding and nondiscrimination to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied persons and their families in Southwest Michigan (Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren Counties). OutCenter is helping to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive Southwest Michigan where LGBTQ+ people and their families thrive. Programs provide support & guidance, and strategic initiatives help move key systems toward equity, and community organizing builds diverse, inclusive and equitable communities – for everyone. In 2021 OutCenter continued to make great progress, and set new precedents, helping to make Southwest Michigan an inclusive area with great impacts for youth, families, employers, and employees. Here are some highlights: • 418 policies and practices promoted, enacted and/or modified. • 353 families and school staff members received assistance. • Working with 25+ area school communities and in partnership with Berrien RESA. • Reaching more than 11,000 elementary, middle, high school, and college students. • 22 partners organizations organized to provide more robust and appropriate services to LGBTQ+ people and their families. OutCenter is a member of Michigan Community Centers Network. Bi-monthly calls coordinate efforts, share news and ideas, and leverage important news and resources into our area. Monthly advocacy calls with ACLU of Michigan and similar organizations coordinate state-wide efforts to increase equity in Michigan for LGBTQ+ people. OutCenter is also a member of CenterLink, the national network of LGBTQ+ community centers. Monthly calls and members provide opportunities to educate about the needs of LGBTQ+ people in rural areas and small-town communities.

Free The People

Using technology, video storytelling, and social media, Free the People reaches new audiences upstream of politics. We are building a constituency for the values of entrepreneurship, choice, peaceful cooperation, and your right to pursue happiness however you see fit, as long as you don’t hurt people or take their stuff.

The Shade Tree

Safety for women in crisis, shelter for women, women with children, and women with pets.

The Arrow Fund

Our mission is to provide veterinary care and support to the victims of extreme torture, abuse and neglect; increase public awareness of all forms of animal cruelty; Encourage vigorous criminal prosecution of animal abusers; and Endorse and support other animal protection efforts that encourage a more humane world for animals.

The dZi Foundation

dZi Foundation partners with underserved communities in remote regions of the Himalaya to build sustainable, locally-driven programs that improve quality of life through advancing education and health, while reducing poverty.

The Women's Collective

Our mission is to empower women, girls, and their families by providing them with the skills and linkages to meet their self-defined needs, increase their access to care and support, and engage them so that they are best equipped to ‘own’ their health outcomes, improve their quality of life, and protect their rights.

The SAFE Alliance

Our Mission: To lead in ending sexual assault and exploitation, child abuse, and domestic violence through prevention, intervention, and advocacy for change. Our Vision: A just and safe community free from violence and abuse.

Free The Girls

We exist to help women exiting sex trafficking reintegrate into their communities!

Educate the Children

Educate the Children works with women and children in Nepal to improve health, welfare, and self-sufficiency by building skills that families can pass down to later generations. Focusing on the poorest of the poor by working strategically through women's groups, schools, and agriculture groups, Educate the Children develops a comprehensive community presence, gaining an extraordinary level of local participation and trust.

The Supply Hive

Supply Hive's mandate to help marginalized communities is not unique, but the deep intersectionality between groups and sustainability are. "Our focus is on promoting overall well-being, which includes taking care of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. At the same time, we place great importance on sustainability in terms of caring for our planet, as well as ourselves, and we strive to incorporate this value into our efforts towards achieving social justice."

The Translatin Coalition

The mission of TransLatin@ Coalition is to advocate for the specific needs of the Trans Latin@ community that resides in the U.S.A. and to plan strategies that improve our quality of life.

The Registered Trustees of the Cece Yara Foundation

Preventing child sexual abuse through community empowerment and support. The Cece Yara Foundation is a child-centred non-profit organisation established in 2016 to prevent child sexual abuse and provide access to care, information, protection and emergency intervention for children who are sexually abused or at risk, and their family. The Foundation provides the ideal response to children through a 24-hour free child telephone helpline and its child-friendly Child Advocacy Centre based in Lagos, which provides professional counselling, medical, legal and psycho-social support, as well as referral services. The Foundation also conducts prevention programs for children and adults to raise awareness on child sexual abuse, and educate adults on how to protect children from sexual abuse.