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Displaying 13–24 of 2,182

Tahirih Justice Center

The Tahirih Justice Center's mission is to protect immigrant women and girls from violence. Tahirih works to achieve its mission through the goal of providing high-quality pro bono legal services, and bridge-building advocacy, and public education.

Social Justice Matters

Social Justice Matters is committed to exploring the values and opportunities arising from our diverse communities, and to working together to foster equality and challenge racism, thereby achieving greater social justice.

Austin Justice Coalition

Austin Justice Coalition is a Racial Justice Group that educates and builds community power for people of color who live in Austin, Texas that need support, community, and liberation during a time of systemic injustice in America

Alliance For Justice

Alliance for Justice is a national association of over 130 organizations, representing a broad array of groups committed to progressive values and the creation of an equitable, just, and free society. Since 1979, AFJ has been the leader in advocating for a fair and independent justice system, preserving access to the courts, and empowering others to stand up and fight for their causes. The two pillars of Alliance for Justice are our Justice Program, focusing on ensuring our nation’s courts protect our critical constitutional rights and legal protections, and our Bolder Advocacy Program, focusing on building advocacy capacity for nonprofits and the foundations that fund them.

Public Justice Center

The Public Justice Center (PJC) is one of Maryland’s premiere nonprofit legal advocacy organizations. We work with people and communities to confront the laws, practices, and institutions that cause injustice, poverty, and discrimination. We advocate in the courts, legislatures, and government agencies, educate the public, and build coalitions, all to advance our mission of “pursuing systemic change to build a just society.”

Dc Justice Lab

DC Justice Lab is a team of law and policy experts engaged in researching, writing, organizing, and advocating for large-scale changes to the District’s criminal legal system. We develop strategies and solutions that are evidence-driven, community-rooted, and racially just. As the only DC-focused criminal justice reform organization, we offer affirmative solutions to justice responses that have their own harmful, criminogenic effects by initiating actionable reforms. We promote decarceration, compassion, and providing people with the tools and resources they need to thrive. We work with and transfer power to DC residents most impacted by criminal laws.

Northwest Justice Project

Northwest Justice Project (NJP) is a dynamic nonprofit law firm with an ambitious vision: justice for all low-income people in Washington.Our mission is Combating Injustice. Strengthening Communities. Protecting Human Dignity.Established in 1995, NJP is recognized as a national leader in the delivery of civil legal services. We provide legal education, advice and representation to our most vulnerable community members AT NO COST to our clients. Washington’s largest legal aid provider, more than 130 NJP attorneys staff 19 field offices across the state. We provide legal assistance on a toll-free hotline and through our field offices, maintain online self-help resources; and conduct outreach and clinics to inform and engage diverse communities.

Social Justice Fund

This fund supports BOLD, NAACP, Center for Policing Equity and Equal Justice Initiative and donations made will be split evenly among the four organizations equally. BOLD (Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity) is a national training intermediary focused on transforming the practice of Black organizers in the US to increase their alignment, impact and sustainability to win progressive change. BOLD carries out its mission through training programs, coaching, and technical assistance for BOLD alumni and partners. In light of COVID-19, they changed their training format for 2020 to a variety of online offerings. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) has a mission to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons. Center for Policing Equity produces analyses identifying and reducing the causes of racial disparities in law enforcement. Using evidence-based approaches to social justice, they use data to create levers for social, cultural, and policy change. Equal Justice Initiative litigates on behalf of death row prisoners, juveniles, people wrongly convicted or charged with violent crimes, poor people denied effective legal representation, and others whose trials are marked by racial bias or prosecutorial misconduct.

TGI Justice Project

We work in collaboration with others to forge a culture of resistance and resilience to strengthen us for the fight against human rights abuses, imprisonment, police violence, racism, poverty, and societal pressures. We seek to create a world rooted in self- determination, freedom of expression, and gender justice. The mission of TGIJP is to challenge and end the human rights abuses committed against TGI people in California prisons, jails, detention centers, and beyond.

Interfaith Worker Justice

Interfaith Worker Justice is a national network that calls upon religious values to improve wages, benefits and working conditions for workers by educating and organizing present and future religious leaders, interfaith coalitions and workers centers.

Hope for Justice

Hope for Justice exists to end modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives and reforming society. Hope for Justice operates in nineteen locations in the following countries: UK, US, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Norway. Our activities include: victims rescues, victims centered-support and advocacy, training frontline professionals to identify the signs of trafficking, community awareness training, short-term emergency accommodation provided to victims, community-reintegration initiatives, and communities economic strengthening through self-help groups.

Equal Justice America

The focus of Equal Justice America's mission has always been to protect children and families in need. EJA's program puts law students and lawyers to work across the country on the front lines assisting our most vulnerable fellow citizens: Abused and neglected children. Families threatened with foreclosure and homelessness. Returning soldiers facing housing, employment and health issues. Women assaulted by violent and abusive husbands and boyfriends. The elderly victimized by unscrupulous business practices. The disabled fighting to have needed benefits restored.