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Displaying 289–300 of 390

Reporters Without Borders-USA

Reporters Without Borders USA (RWB USA) is the U.S. office of the global organization, Reporters Sans Frontieres, a leading defender of freedom of information with almost 30 years of experience. A core belief of Reporters Without Borders is that only through freedom of information can one verify the existence of all the other freedoms. Without free circulation of information, it is impossible to strengthen human rights protection, advance government accountability, and improve the reach and the quality of social justice and civil liberties. At RWB, we are defending information, defending reporters and citizen reporters (netizens) whose work benefits ALL citizens.

South Africa Development Fund

The South Africa Development Fund is a tax-exempt public charity directed by South Africans who have a vast knowledge of the issues in their country and strong ties to the United States. Since 1985, the organization has facilitated cooperation between concerned Americans and South Africans to enhance social and economic justice in South Africa. SADF works in partnership with organizations that promote grassroots activism and provide services and resources to communities disadvantaged by decades of apartheid policies. The organization is particularly committed to projects that provide services and opportunities for the next generation of South Africans. Formerly known as Fund for a Free South Africa (FreeSA).

The Media Project

A free and democratic press willing to explore the role of religion as an essential part of public life is one of the founding principles of The Media Project. The mission of 501c(3) organization includes helping journalists develop the skills needed to engage in an intellectually honest and critical approach to subjects related to religion, ethics and values to enrich and deepen coverage of religion -- regardless of the reporter's personal faith. Since it's founding, The Media Project has developed a worldwide network of journalists who often submit ideas for conferences and workshops most needed in the countries in which they live and work. The programs are open to journalists of all faith traditions.

Micahs Place

Micah's Place is a Certified Domestic Violence Center and the only one serving Nassau County Florida. Our mission is to provide prevention and intervention services to victims of domestic violence; and to provide education within our community to effect change in behavior and attitudes relating to domestic violence. We offer a 24-hour helpline survivors can call or text, advocacy, individual counseling, help with basic needs, pro-bono legal assistance from on-staff attorney, financial literacy education and assistance, and support groups to victims of domestic violence. All of our services are provided without judgment and are free and confidential.


Freedom House, an independent nongovernmental organization, supports the expansion of freedom in the world. Freedom is possible only in democratic political systems in which the governments are accountable to their own people; the rule of law prevails; and freedoms of expression, association, and belief, as well as respect for the rights of minorities and women, are guaranteed. Freedom ultimately depends on the actions of committed and courageous men and women. We support nonviolent civic initiatives in societies where freedom is denied or under threat and we stand in opposition to ideas and forces that challenge the right of all people to be free. Freedom House functions as a catalyst for freedom, democracy and the rule of law through its analysis, advocacy and action.

San Diego Family Justice Center

The San Diego Family Justice Center, the first center of its kind in the United States, provides help and hope to women, men and children who are victims of family violence and sex trafficking. Every day victims find safety, protection from their abuser, legal help, counseling, food, clothing, spiritual support, medical assistance, and so many other free services from the Center's professionals and volunteers. Our mission is to stop family violence and sex trafficking, make victims safer, hold batterers and traffickers accountable, and provide long-term support for victims and children through collaboration and coordinated services.

Friendship Home Of Lincoln

Provide a continuum of safe, confidential shelter options—from emergency shelter through transitional shelter.Provide a rich array of crisis intervention services, case management and emotional support to those we shelter as well as those who are waiting for shelter; helping them to rebuild their lives, free from fear.Address the many complexities and barriers associated with domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence and stalking on an individual level as well as a community systems level.Continue to reach out to survivors through individual advocacy, emergency case management and support groups after they leave shelter, offering an environment where survivors feel welcome and are encouraged to share their stories and their wisdom with others.

Feed the World

Feed The World's mission is to empower poor smallholder farm families to feed themselves and provide for the future through sustainable farming. Guiding Principles - Seeds of Dignity and Hope are planted in the hearts of our smallholder farm families as they work together to provide for themselves and build a better future. Transparency & Accountability means that we will do exactly what we promise to do in the communities we serve and that we will be open and honest with our donors in communicating how funds are being used. Lasting Self Reliance is achieved as families obtain sufficient knowledge and education, manage resources wisely, and prepare for the future so that they will continue to thrive after our support ends. Sustainable Farming is practiced by smallholder farm families as they plan, plant, and harvest food for themselves and their livestock, while building human capacity to recognize and enhance the efficient use of their natural resources. Nutrition & Income are the core benefits to smallholder farm families as they grow and produce foodstuffs that provide for a nutritionally balanced diet on an economically sustainable basis. Scientifically Proven Methodology guides the implementation of agricultural best practices with our smallholder farm families and on our demonstration farms. We also support further scientific research through partnerships with universities, governments, and other non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Mutual Respect is the goal of our in-country agronomists, nutritionists, and animal scientists as they interact with smallholder farm families, seeking to understand the "why" behind traditional practices, and always exploring new possibilities. Training & Education in sustainable farming, nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene are key to ensuring that lasting self reliance is achieved by smallholder farm families. Honoring Culture means that our programs work within the local cultural framework to empower and educate smallholder farm families without imposing an outside culture on them. Family Focus involves both women and men in all aspects of decision making, training, and education; and keeps children and parents united and working together on their land. Feeding the Spirit means that while Feed the World does not identify itself with one particular religion or belief system, we honor the spirituality of all human beings and serve all program participants irrespective of their beliefs or social station. Pay It Forward means that we expect our smallholder farm families to pass on their seeds, stock, and knowledge to other families in need once they have successfully provided for themselves.

National Association Of The Deaf

The National Association of the Deaf was established in 1880 by deaf leaders who believed in the right of the American deaf community to use sign language, to congregate on issues important to them, and to have its interests represented at the national level. These beliefs remain true to this day, with American Sign Language as a core value. As a nonprofit federation, the mission of the NAD is to preserve, protect, and promote the civil, human, and linguistic rights of deaf Americans.The advocacy scope of the National Association of the Deaf is broad, covering the breadth of a lifetime and impacting future generations in the areas of early intervention, education, employment, health care, technology, telecommunications, youth development, and more.On the global front, the NAD represents the U.S.A. as an affiliate of the World Federation of the Deaf, an international human rights organization.


LifeWire's mission is to end domestic violence by changing individual, institutional and societal beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that perpetuate it. Domestic violence knows no boundaries; occurring in families from all racial and socio-economic backgrounds, domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men in their lifetimes. LifeWire envisions a world in which every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive. LifeWire is a nationally recognized leader and the largest comprehensive domestic violence service provider in Washington State. We offer a 24-Hour Helpline, survivor-based advocacy, mental health therapy, innovating homelessness and housing stability services, and ground-breaking social change work.

Jenesse Center

Established in 1980, Jenesse Center, Inc. is one of the oldest domestic violence intervention and prevention programs in Los Angeles. Jenesse’s mission is to restore families impacted by domestic/sexual violence through holistic, trauma informed, culturally responsive services and advance prevention initiatives that foster and sustain healthy, violence free communities. We seek to prevent and end the cycle of domestic violence through education, outreach initiatives, public policy and advocacy strategies and collaboration with key partners. Jenesse works towards systematic changes in how local, state and federal entities can more effectively address Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention. 60% of Jenesse's clients are children, who are the most vulnerable and voiceless victims

Arkansas Sheriff's Youth Ranches

The Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches' mission is to address, remedy, and prevent child abuse and neglect by creating safe, healthy, and permanent homes for children. Our philosophy has always been that it is better to build a child rather than repair an adult. Founded in 1976 by a group of sheriffs and concerned citizens, the Ranch began as a single cottage (mobile home) that served as shelter to three young boys. The Ranch now consists of three campuses across Arkansas with eight cottages for boys and girls. During its history, the Ranch has been "a place to call home" to more than 1,200 children and touched the lives of many more. Many of the children who come to the Ranch are often the product of a broken home of abuse and neglect, lacking the nurturing relationship of a loving family. The Ranch provides a healthy home environment filled with emotional support to help each child learn to trust those around them and cope with their emotions, all the while learning responsibility and building self-confidence. When children enter the Ranch, they are surrounded with individuals who care about their immediate needs and their future aspirations. It is the Ranch’s commitment to every child – a commitment that extends from the Board of Directors to management personnel, administrative staff, house parents, support staff and volunteers – to help them believe in themselves and lead fulfilling, meaningful lives. Residents may stay at the Ranch through post-secondary education until they are socially and financially prepared for independence and have stable employment. More than 900 children have experienced life at the Ranch, and for those and many in the future, the Ranch will always be a place to call home.